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★ Problem

He was always on the lookout for problems.  ‘He was very much aware of unsolved problems,’ said Milnor.  ‘He really cross-examined people on what were the important problems.’  Sylvia Nasar, A Beautiful Mind



We are entering the age of consequence: a rapacious financial system, escalating organised violence, abject poverty for millions and the looming environmental fallout are converging.  The Four Horsemen, 2012


It’s a film that questions the systems we’ve created and suggests ways to reform them.  ibid. 


Six ages define the lifespan of an empire: the age of pioneers, the age of conquests, the age of commerce, the age of affluence, the age of intellect ending with bread and circuses in the age of decadence.  ibid.


All made celebrities of their chefs.  ibid.  


Why have we not had the will to change a vicious social structure?  ibid.


Only the government has the power to issue Fiat money but banks can create it through lending … The supply of money has grown exponentially.  ibid.


So far, they’ve [Goldman Sachs] got away scot-free with this massive heist.  ibid.    


The more we grow, the more poverty we create.  ibid.



I’m supposed to be fixing problems not making them.  Ray Donovan s5e1: Abby, Ray, Showtime 2017



Everyone becomes a problem eventually.  House of Cards US s5e9: Chapter 61, Frank to Stamper, Netflix 2017



Everyone has problems, Seth.  Especially the ones who think they don’t.  House of Cards US s6e1: Chapter 66, Stamper in loony-bin



Face your problems head on.  Do what you have to do to take care of it.  Develop a good work ethic.  George Chuvalo, boxer



No amount of law enforcement can solve a problem that goes back to the family.  J Edgar Hoover



The flesh endures the storms of the present alone; the mind those of the past and future as well as the present.  Epicurus



There is a great difference between worry and concern.  A worried person sees a problem, and a concerned person solves a problem.  Harold Stephens