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Prison & Prisoner (I)
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★ Prison & Prisoner (I)

Being under sedation seemed the only way the prison system could deal with such a man.  ibid.  director



The violence.  Boilings two a penny now.  Prison really is going downhill.  Face 1997 starring Ray Winstone & Robert Carlisle & Steven Waddington & Philip Davis & Damon Albarn & Lena Headey & Andrew Tiernan & Peter Vaughan & Sue Johnston et al, director Antonia Bird, Sonny in pub



Notice Visitors You May Kiss Or Shake Hands With The Inmate Here In Front Of The Desk Upon Entering Only.  State of Grace 1990 starring Sean Penn & Ed Harris & Gary Oldman & Robin Wright & John Turturro & R D Call & John C Reilly & Joe Viterelli & Burgess Meredith & Marco St John & Mo Gaffney & Deirdre O'Connell & Thomas G Waites et al, director Phil Joanou,  prison notice  



My name’s Charles Bronson.  In all my life I’ve wanted to be famous.  I knew I was made for better things.  I had a calling.  I didn’t know why.  Wasn’t singing.  Can’t fucking act.  Kind of running out of choices really, aren’t we.  Bronson 2009 starring Tom Hardy & Matt King & James Lance & Amanda Burton & Kelly Adams & Jonathan Phillips & Mark Powley & Joe Tuckeret al, director Nicolas Winding Refn


There was nothing wrong with my upbringing.  My parents were decent, respectable and upstanding members of society.  ibid.


But I wasn’t bad.  Wasn’t bad bad.  And I still had my principles.  ibid.


Before I forget I did come into this world as Michael Peterson.  But I go out with my fighting name.  Charlie Bronson.  Which is my alter ego.  ibid.


I’ve always fancied myself as being a comedian.  ibid.  


To me it was a hotel room.  ibid.


Soon everybody was going to know my name.  ibid.


I deserve to go to prison for what I did.  I want my hotel room back!  ibid.  Broadmoor for the Criminally Insane


Twenty-six years!  Twenty-six years of solitary Ive done and I aint killed no-one.  Im not joking.  Not a soul.  Ever.  ibid.


Well time stops for no man, ladies and gentlemen, and my time was coming up.  Parole?  And just when I was about to make a name to be reckoned with.  As what?  You dont want to be trapped inside with me, sunshine.  Inside Im someone nobody wants to fuck with, do you understand?  I am Charlie Bronson.  I am Britains most violent prisoner.  Prison was ... honestly?  Brilliant!  I liked it personally.  Fuck that – loved it!  It was exciting.  It was on the edge.  It was madness at its very best.  ibid.



What do you think you would do if released?  Ocean’s 11 2001 starring George Clooney & Matt Damon & Brad Pitt & Bernie Mac & Elliott Gould & Casey Affleck & Scott Caan & Eddie Jamison & Don Cheadle & Shaobo Qin & Andy Garcia & Julia Roberts & Angie Dickinson et al, parole board to Ocean



Cherry Hill: and there they built a prison modeled on the lines of a medieval fortress: its grim walls have stood since 1821, and within them many men have paid the price of crime.  Outside the Wall 1950 starring Richard Basehart & Marilyn Maxwell & Signe Hasso & Dorothy Hart & Joseph Pevney & Lloyd Gough & Harry Morgan & John Hoyt et al, director Crane Wilbur, opening remarks


You don’t know what’s it’s like inside: I used to be afraid of freedom; now I can’t do without it.  ibid.  



Name and number.  Scum 1979 starring Ray Winstone & Phil Daniels & Mick Ford & Julian Firth & John Blundell & Ray Burdis & John Judd & Philip Jackson & Peter Howell & John Grillo & John Fowler et al, director Alan Clarke, Screw


I’m the daddy here and I run this wing.  ibid.  Carlin


They’ll be no more talk of Mecca in this establishment.  ibid.  governor


I’m the daddy now.  Next time I’ll fucking kill ya.  ibid.  Carlin


The punitive system does not work.  ibid.  Archer



I don’t think she could admit to herself that you were really locked away.  Answering your letters would have seemed like an acceptance of what you did.  The Heavy 2009 starring Christopher Lee & Vinnie Jones & Gary Stretch & Stephen Rea & Shannyn Sossamon & Lee Ryan & Adrian Paul & Jean Marsh & Sadie Frost et al, director Marcus Warren, father to son



We’ve all been inside.  Including me.  Crooks Anonymous 1962 starring Leslie Phillips & Julie Christie & Stanley Baker & Wilfrid Hyde-White & Michael Medwin & Raymond Huntley & Norman Rossington et al, director Ken Annakin, woman on reception desk



How much time have you done?  The St Louis Bank Robbery 1959 starring Steve McQueen & Crahan Denton & David Clarke & James Dukas & Molly McCarthy & Martha Gable & Larry Gerst et al, directors Charles Guggenheim & John Stix, gangsta to McQueen


I’m never going back, no matter what.  ibid.  



Three years you’ve been in here now and never once have you even tried to escape.  Two Way Stretch 1960 starring Peter Sellers & Wilfrid Hyde-White & Maurice Denham & Irene Handl & Lionel Jeffries & Liz Fraser & David Lodge & Beryl Reid & Bernard Cribbins et al, director Robert Day, Handl



I’ve just got out of jail.  I am innocent.  Buffalo 66 1998 starring Vincent Gallo & Christina Ricci & Anjelica Huston & Ben Gazzara & Kevin Corrigan & Mickey Rourke & Rosanna Arquette & Kevin Pollak & Alex Karras et al, director Vincent Gallor



They’re never ever going to get me in there again.  Ned Kelly 1970 starring Mick Jagger & Geoff Gilmour & Mark McManus & Serge Lazareff & Peter Sumner & Ken Shorter & Aaron Sherritt & Clarissa Kaye et al, director Tony Richardson, Ned to sister



You’re going to jail, Jack.  And do you know what happens to a cop in jail?  Hum, dead meat, pal, dead meat.  Murphy's Law 1986 starring Charles Bronson & Carrie Snodgress & Robert F Lyons & Kathleen Wilhoite & Angel Tompkins & Janet MacLachlan & Lawrence Tierney & Richard Romanus et al, director J Lee Thompson



They’re prisoners too like us.  We’re No Angels 1954 starring Aldo Ray & Humphrey Bogart & Peter Ustinov & Joan Bennett & Basil Rathbone & Leo G Carroll & John Baer & Gloria Talbott & Lea Penman & John Smith et al, director Michael Curtiz, Bogart


I’ll say one thing for prison – you meet a better class of person.  ibid.



Air Force Security Man: I’m going to lock you up for two-hundred years.


Kirk: That would be about right.  Star Trek s1e19: Tomorrow is Yesterday



You are now prisoners of the Klingon Empire against which you have committed a wanton act of war.  Star Trek s3e7: Day of the Dove, Klingon hits Kirk



The prisoners will not be harmed.  Until they’re found guilty.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e1: Encounter at Farpoint I, Q as judge


Before this gracious court now appear these prisoners to answer for the multiple and grievous savageries of the species.  ibid.  clerk of court



A place can be safe and still be a prison.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e17: The Birthright II, Worf’s lady



Lieutenant Thomas Eugene Paris, I hereby reduce you to the rank of Ensign and I sentence you to thirty days solitary confinement.  Star Trek: Voyager s5e9: Thirty Days, Janeway to Tom



The fates which befell the prisoners of different armies varied widely.  World War II: The Complete History: Six Months to Run Wild, Discovery 2000



US prison population exploded ... many of them meaningless drugs crime.  Oliver Stones Untold History of the United States IX: Bush and Clinton  American Triumphalism  New World Order, Showtime 2012



While the individuals are here – here in Guantanamo – they are off the battlefield.  So that has helped.  That has contributed to making us safer, yes.  Rear Admiral Jeffrey Harbeson, commander Guantanamo Bay



That’s for the best.  Otherwise they might realize they’re in prison.  It can’t be helped.  You women are used to harems and prisons.  A person can spend his whole life between four walls.  If he doesn’t think or feel that he’s a prisoner, then he’s not a prisoner.  But then there are people for whom the whole planet is a prison, who see the infinite expanse of the universe, the millions of stars and galaxies that remain forever inaccessible to them.  And that awareness makes them the greatest prisoners of time and space.  Vladimir Bartol, Alamut 



Even a palace can be a prison.  The Young Victoria 2009 starring Emily Blunt & Rupert Friend & Miranda Richardson & Jim Broadbent & Paul Bettany & Mark Strong & Harriet Walter & Paul Bettany & Thomas Kretschmann & Jesper Christensen et al, director Jean-Marc Vallee, Victoria



The Gray Zone: How a secret Pentagon program came to Abu Ghraib:  The roots of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal lie not in the criminal inclinations of a few Army reservists but in a decision approved last year by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.  Annals of National Security article Seymour M Hersh 24th March 2004