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Ponzi Schemes
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★ Ponzi Schemes

Stanford like most con artists realised you needed to dress up the fraud.  You needed to really make it big and sound established.  ibid.  Gregg Costa, prosecutor US vs Robert Allen Stanford


The realisation really dawned on them that this was ugly.  Because you’ve sold your soul, lads.  ibid.  Jonathan Agnew



But as the game approaches, a criminal investigation into his financial empire is coming to a head.  The Man Who Bought Cricket III: Is It Fun Being a Billionaire? caption      


As the world faced financial meltdown, Allen Stanford was about the spend $20 million on one game of cricket.  ibid.  


Shortly after Madoff was arrested, the SEC issued court orders requesting interviews with Standford executives.  ibid.  


Everyone knew but me that there was trouble on the horizon.  ibid.  chief investment officer Laura  


Following Jim Davis’ testimony, the FBI had enough evidence to file criminal charges.  Allen Stanford was finally arrested on 18 June 2009.  ibid.  caption       


For billionaire Allen Stanford has been sentenced to  listen to this  110 years in prison; it follows his conviction on 13 charges including fraud and conspiracy.  ibid.  news 



Hoffenberg [Ponzi scheme] has since said that Jeffrey was the mastermind behind the crime … Hoffenberg says Jeffrey stole money from his company.  Chasing Ghislaine s1e2: Power Geisha, Quest Red 2022  



Heathrow, 10 April 2019, Arif Naqvi: Landed from Islamabad, Pakistan … He said, Sir, I’m placing you under arrest under an extradition warrant from the United States.  Billion Dollar Downfall: The Dealmaker, BBC 2023


The biggest private equity group in the Middle East … CEO Arif Naqvi.  ibid.


Arif Naqvi sold a dream to the super-rich.  And then it all went wrong.  So was he driven by good?  Or by greed?  ibid.


Abraaj is the largest private equity collapse.  The company denies any wrongdoing.  ibid.  



Is investing in a US government bond simply one small part in a giant Ponzi scheme?  End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless, Nixon, Youtube 55.44, Endevr 2012



Boston, Massachusetts, 1920: A brash and colourful Italian immigrant, Charles Ponzi, promises investors that he can give them a 50% profit on their money in 45 days, or double their money in 90 days.  He explains his idea  an arbitrage in the foreign exchange markets which seems low risk and highly profitable.  Unlike most conmen it appears that he may well have believed in his own scheme.  Over a period of slightly less than a year he will cause financial calamity in Boston, cause multiple banks to fail, and his name will go down in history as the most famous conman to ever exist.  Charles Ponzi the documentary 2019



Something horrifying: washed up on the shore was a human foot still in its running shoe.  It belonged to one of Australia’s most notorious fugitives, Melissa Caddick, the Bernie Madoff of Australia.  She stole more than $30 million from clients who were mostly family and friends … She vanished in November 2020 … Was her disappearing act just one more con?  True Crime Recaps: From Middle-Class Girl to Notorious Fugitive: The Life of Melissa Caddick, Youtube 14.21, 2023       


A Ponzi scheme that would have made Bernie Madoff proud.  ibid.


She was the victim of a scam when she was younger.  ibid.


Her scam really started to unravel in 2019.  ibid.


The rest of her body has never been found.  ibid.



He was the god of finance ... This god was a demon, a devil.  Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street I: A Liar, Not a Failure, woman, Netflix 2023


Bernie Madoff ran the biggest criminal enterprise in the history of Wall Steet.  He was a financial sociopath.  ibid.   


He had earned a reputation of being almost all-knowing.  ibid.


They were fictitious trades.  It was a Ponzi.  ibid.  dude          



If you invest with any large brokerage firm nobody gets a statement on dot-matrix paper.  Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street II: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell     


It was a paper mill.  ibid.    



A reduced level of scrutiny at the security level.  Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street III: See No Evil, woman    


Deposition: At what point in time did you become insolvent?  


Madoff: I would say probably in the early 2000s … somewhere between ’98 and 2002.  ibid.  


There were a number of complaints of different people that were brought to the SCC.  ibid.  


He is down to his last $13 million in his account, JP Morgan bank account.  ibid.  


There are too many red flags to ignore.  ibid.  SCC        



2021: Bernie Madoff, the architect of the largest Ponzi scheme in American history, died today in prison.  Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street IV: The Price of Trust   


We are faced with the prospect of a global meltdown.  ibid.  George W Bush  


Bernie Madoff is facing about $1.5 billion of withdrawal requests.  ibid.  woman


Is the SCC too cosy with the industry?  ibid.  Finance dude  


The feeder funds abrogated their responsibilities.  ibid.  


He sentenced him to 150 years.  This was a purely symbolic sentence.  ibid.