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Politics & Politicians (I)
  P2 Lodge  ·  Pacifism & Pacifist  ·  Paedophile & Paedophilia (I)  ·  Paedophile & Paedophilia (II)  ·  Paedophile & Paedophilia (III)  ·  Pagans & Paganism  ·  Pain  ·  Paint & Painting  ·  Pakistan & Pakistanis  ·  Palace  ·  Palestine & Palestinians  ·  Panama & Panamanians  ·  Pandemic  ·  Panspermia  ·  Paper  ·  Papua New Guinea & New Guinea  ·  Parables  ·  Paradise  ·  Paraguay & Paraguayans  ·  Parallel Universe  ·  Paranoia & Paranoid  ·  Parents  ·  Paris  ·  Parkinson's Disease  ·  Parks & Parklands  ·  Parliament  ·  Parrot  ·  Particle Accelerator  ·  Particles  ·  Partner  ·  Party (Celebration)  ·  Passion  ·  Past  ·  Patience & Patient  ·  Patriot & Patriotism  ·  Paul & Thecla (Bible)  ·  Pay & Payment  ·  PCP  ·  Peace  ·  Pearl Harbor  ·  Pen  ·  Penguin  ·  Penis  ·  Pennsylvania  ·  Pension  ·  Pentagon  ·  Pentecostal  ·  People  ·  Perfect & Perfection  ·  Perfume  ·  Persecute & Persecution  ·  Persia & Persians  ·  Persistence & Perseverance  ·  Personality  ·  Persuade & Persuasion  ·  Peru & Moche  ·  Pervert & Peversion  ·  Pessimism & Pessimist  ·  Pesticides  ·  Peter (Bible)  ·  Petrol & Gasoline  ·  Pets  ·  Pharmaceuticals & Big Pharma  ·  Philadelphia  ·  Philanthropy  ·  Philippines  ·  Philistines  ·  Philosopher's Stone  ·  Philosophy  ·  Phobos  ·  Phoenix  ·  Photograph & Photography  ·  Photons  ·  Physics  ·  Piano  ·  Picture  ·  Pig  ·  Pilate, Pontius (Bible)  ·  Pilgrim & Pilgrimage  ·  Pills  ·  Pirate & Piracy  ·  Pittsburgh  ·  Place  ·  Plagiarism  ·  Plagues  ·  Plan & Planning  ·  Planet  ·  Plants  ·  Plasma  ·  Plastic  ·  Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery  ·  Play (Fun)  ·  Plays (Theatre) I  ·  Plays (Theatre) II  ·  Pleasure  ·  Pluto  ·  Poet & Poetry  ·  Poison  ·  Poker  ·  Poland & Polish  ·  Polar Bear  ·  Police (I)  ·  Police (II)  ·  Policy  ·  Polite & Politeness  ·  Political Parties  ·  Politics & Politicians (I)  ·  Politics & Politicians (II)  ·  Politics & Politicians (III)  ·  Poll Tax  ·  Pollution  ·  Poltergeist  ·  Polygamy  ·  Pompeii  ·  Ponzi Schemes  ·  Pool  ·  Poor  ·  Pop Music (I)  ·  Pop Music (II)  ·  Pope  ·  Population  ·  Porcelain  ·  Pornography  ·  Portugal & Portuguese  ·  Possession  ·  Possible & Possibility  ·  Post & Mail  ·  Postcard  ·  Poster  ·  Pottery  ·  Poverty (I)  ·  Poverty (II)  ·  Power (I)  ·  Power (II)  ·  Practice & Practise  ·  Praise  ·  Prayer  ·  Preach & Preacher  ·  Pregnancy & Pregnant  ·  Prejudice  ·  Premonition  ·  Present  ·  President  ·  Presley, Elvis  ·  Press  ·  Price  ·  Pride  ·  Priest  ·  Primates  ·  Prime Minister  ·  Prince & Princess  ·  Principles  ·  Print & Printing & Publish  ·  Prison & Prisoner (I)  ·  Prison & Prisoner (II)  ·  Private & Privacy  ·  Privatisation  ·  Privilege  ·  Privy Council  ·  Probable & Probability  ·  Problem  ·  Producer & Production  ·  Professional  ·  Profit  ·  Progress  ·  Prohibition  ·  Promise  ·  Proof  ·  Propaganda  ·  Property  ·  Prophet & Prophecy  ·  Prosperity  ·  Prostitute & Prostitution  ·  Protection  ·  Protest (I)  ·  Protest (II)  ·  Protestant & Protestantism  ·  Protons  ·  Proverbs  ·  Psalms  ·  Psychedelia & Psychedelics  ·  Psychiatry  ·  Psychic  ·  Psychology  ·  Pub & Bar & Tavern  ·  Public  ·  Public Relations  ·  Public Sector  ·  Puerto Rico  ·  Pulsars  ·  Punctuation  ·  Punishment  ·  Punk  ·  Pupil  ·  Puritan & Puritanism  ·  Purpose  ·  Putin, Vladimir  ·  Pyramids  

★ Politics & Politicians (I)

There is a holy mistaken zeal in politics as well as in religion.  By persuading others, we convince ourselves.  Junius, cited Public Advertiser 19th December 1769



In politics, what begins in fear usually ends in folly.  Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1772-1834, Table Talk



It has been the great fault of our politicians that they have all wanted to do something.  Anthony Trollope, Phineas Finn 1869



A man who entertains in his mind any political doctrine, except as a means of improving the condition of his fellows, I regard as a political intriguer, a charlatan, and a conjurer.  Anthony Trollope, Autobiography, 1883



Alcohol is a very necessary article ... It enables Parliament to do things at eleven at night that no sane person would do at eleven in the morning.  George Bernard Shaw, Major Barbara


He knows nothing; and he thinks he knows everything.  That points clearly to a political career.  ibid.



The Chancellor of the Exchequer is a man whose duties make him more or less of a taxing machine.  He is entrusted with a certain amount of misery which it is his duty to distribute as fairly as he can.  Robert Lowe, speech House of Commons 11th April 1870



The secret of politics?  Make a good treaty with Russia.  Otto von Bismark, 1863



Politics is the art of the possible.  Otto von Bismark, attributions & variations



A wise politician will never grudge a genuflection or a rapture if it is expected of him by prevalent opinion.  Frederick Scott Oliver, The Endless Adventure, 1930    



The greatest art of a politician is to render vice serviceable to the cause of virtue.  Henry St John, Lord Bolingbroke



Politics are usually the executive expression of human immaturity.  Vera Britain  



Old politicians chew on wisdom past,

And totter on in business to the last.  Alexander Pope, Epistles to Several Persons, 1735



Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary.  Robert Louis Stevenson, Familiar Studies of Men and Books, 1882



These are my politics: to change what we can; to better what we can; but still to bear in mind that man is but a devil weakly fettered by some generous beliefs and impositions; and for no word however sounding, and no cause however just and pious, to relax the stricture of these bonds.  Robert Louis Stevenson



Politics is the art of preventing people from taking part in affairs which properly concern them.  Paul Valery, Tel Quel II



It is impossible that the whisper of a faction should prevail against the voice of a nation.  Lord John Russell, reply to address at Birmingham meeting of 150,000 on defeat of second Reform Bill October 1831



Among the defects of the Bill, which were numerous, one provision was conspicuous by its presence and another by its absence.  Lord John Russell, speech to electors of City of London April 1859



The seductive border region where politics grease the wheels of business and polite society smiles hopefully on both.  R H Tawney, Business and Politics under James, 1958



In politics, there is no use looking beyond the next fortnight.  John Chamberlain



Politics is war without bloodshed, while war is politics with bloodshed.  Mao Zedong



Every communist must grasp the truth – political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.  Mao Zedong



All political lives, unless they are cut off in midstream at a happy juncture, end in failure, because that is the nature of politics and of human affairs.  Enoch Powell



A politician was a person with those politics you did not agree.  When you did agree, he was a statesman.  David Lloyd George



What do you want to be a sailor for?  There are greater storms in politics than you will ever find at sea.  Piracy, broadsides, blood on the decks.  You will find them all in politics.  David Lloyd George



In politics you must always keep running with the pack.  The moment that you falter and they sense that you are injured, the rest will turn on you like wolves.  Rab Butler



Politics is the Art of the Possible.  That is what these pages show I have tried to achieve  not more  and that is what I have called my book.  Rab Butler



You never reach the promised land.  You can march towards it.  James Callaghan



I knew it was going to be a winter of discontent.  James Callaghan



There are times, perhaps once every thirty years, when there is a sea-change in politics.  It then does not matter what you say or what you do.  There is a shift in what the public wants and what it approves of.  I suspect there is now such a sea-change  and it is for Mrs Thatcher.  James Callaghan



There are no true friends in politics.  We are all sharks circling, and waiting, for traces of blood to appear in the water.  Alan Clark, British Conservative politician



If you have bright plumage, people will take pot shots at you.  Alan Clark



Safe is spelled D-U-L-L.  Politics has got to be a fun activity, otherwise people turn their back on it.  Alan Clark



I have a young family and for the next few years I should like to devote more time to them.  Norman Fowler



Politics can only be a small part of what we are.  It’s a way of seeing, it’s not all-seeing in itself.  Brian Keenan, An Evil Cradling, 1992  



Rising unemployment and the recession have been the price that we’ve had to pay to get inflation down [Labour shouts].  That is a price well worth paying.  Norman Lamont, speech House of Commons 16th May 1991



We give the impression of being in office but not in power.  Norman Lamont, speech House of Commons 9th June 1993  



a politician is an arse upon

which everyone has sat except a man.  e e cummings, 1x1, 1944



They politics like ours profess,

The greater prey upon the less.  Matthew Green, The Grotto, 1732



I often think it’s comical

How Nature always does contrive

That every boy and every gal,

That’s born into the world alive,

Is either a little Liberal,

Or else a little Conservative!  W S Gilbert, Iolanthe


When in that House MPs divide,

If they’ve a brain and cerebellum too,

They have to leave that brain outside,

And vote just as their leaders tell ’em to.  ibid.


The prospect of a lot

Of dull MPs in close proximity,

All thinking for themselves is what

No man can face with equanimity.  ibid.


The House of Peers, throughout the war,

Did nothing in particular,

And did it very well.  ibid.



I always voted at my party’s call,

And I never thought of thinking for myself at all.  W S Gilbert, HMS Pinafore



A speech from Ernest Bevin on a major occasion had all the horrific fascination of a public execution.  If the mind was left immune, eyes and ears and emotions were riveted.  Michael Foot, Labour politician