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Police (II)
  P2 Lodge  ·  Pacifism & Pacifist  ·  Paedophile & Paedophilia (I)  ·  Paedophile & Paedophilia (II)  ·  Paedophile & Paedophilia (III)  ·  Pagans & Paganism  ·  Pain  ·  Paint & Painting  ·  Pakistan & Pakistanis  ·  Palace  ·  Palestine & Palestinians  ·  Panama & Panamanians  ·  Pandemic  ·  Panspermia  ·  Paper  ·  Papua New Guinea & New Guinea  ·  Parables  ·  Paradise  ·  Paraguay & Paraguayans  ·  Parallel Universe  ·  Paranoia & Paranoid  ·  Parents  ·  Paris  ·  Parkinson's Disease  ·  Parks & Parklands  ·  Parliament  ·  Parrot  ·  Particle Accelerator  ·  Particles  ·  Partner  ·  Party (Celebration)  ·  Passion  ·  Past  ·  Patience & Patient  ·  Patriot & Patriotism  ·  Paul & Thecla (Bible)  ·  Pay & Payment  ·  PCP  ·  Peace  ·  Pearl Harbor  ·  Pen  ·  Penguin  ·  Penis  ·  Pennsylvania  ·  Pension  ·  Pentagon  ·  Pentecostal  ·  People  ·  Perfect & Perfection  ·  Perfume  ·  Persecute & Persecution  ·  Persia & Persians  ·  Persistence & Perseverance  ·  Personality  ·  Persuade & Persuasion  ·  Peru & Moche  ·  Pervert & Peversion  ·  Pessimism & Pessimist  ·  Pesticides  ·  Peter (Bible)  ·  Petrol & Gasoline  ·  Pets  ·  Pharmaceuticals & Big Pharma  ·  Philadelphia  ·  Philanthropy  ·  Philippines  ·  Philistines  ·  Philosopher's Stone  ·  Philosophy  ·  Phobos  ·  Phoenix  ·  Photograph & Photography  ·  Photons  ·  Physics  ·  Piano  ·  Picture  ·  Pig  ·  Pilate, Pontius (Bible)  ·  Pilgrim & Pilgrimage  ·  Pills  ·  Pirate & Piracy  ·  Pittsburgh  ·  Place  ·  Plagiarism  ·  Plagues  ·  Plan & Planning  ·  Planet  ·  Plants  ·  Plasma  ·  Plastic  ·  Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery  ·  Play (Fun)  ·  Plays (Theatre) I  ·  Plays (Theatre) II  ·  Pleasure  ·  Pluto  ·  Poet & Poetry  ·  Poison  ·  Poker  ·  Poland & Polish  ·  Polar Bear  ·  Police (I)  ·  Police (II)  ·  Policy  ·  Polite & Politeness  ·  Political Parties  ·  Politics & Politicians (I)  ·  Politics & Politicians (II)  ·  Politics & Politicians (III)  ·  Poll Tax  ·  Pollution  ·  Poltergeist  ·  Polygamy  ·  Pompeii  ·  Ponzi Schemes  ·  Pool  ·  Poor  ·  Pop Music (I)  ·  Pop Music (II)  ·  Pope  ·  Population  ·  Porcelain  ·  Pornography  ·  Portugal & Portuguese  ·  Possession  ·  Possible & Possibility  ·  Post & Mail  ·  Postcard  ·  Poster  ·  Pottery  ·  Poverty (I)  ·  Poverty (II)  ·  Power (I)  ·  Power (II)  ·  Practice & Practise  ·  Praise  ·  Prayer  ·  Preach & Preacher  ·  Pregnancy & Pregnant  ·  Prejudice  ·  Premonition  ·  Present  ·  President  ·  Presley, Elvis  ·  Press  ·  Price  ·  Pride  ·  Priest  ·  Primates  ·  Prime Minister  ·  Prince & Princess  ·  Principles  ·  Print & Printing & Publish  ·  Prison & Prisoner (I)  ·  Prison & Prisoner (II)  ·  Private & Privacy  ·  Privatisation  ·  Privilege  ·  Privy Council  ·  Probable & Probability  ·  Problem  ·  Producer & Production  ·  Professional  ·  Profit  ·  Progress  ·  Prohibition  ·  Promise  ·  Proof  ·  Propaganda  ·  Property  ·  Prophet & Prophecy  ·  Prosperity  ·  Prostitute & Prostitution  ·  Protection  ·  Protest (I)  ·  Protest (II)  ·  Protestant & Protestantism  ·  Protons  ·  Proverbs  ·  Psalms  ·  Psychedelia & Psychedelics  ·  Psychiatry  ·  Psychic  ·  Psychology  ·  Pub & Bar & Tavern  ·  Public  ·  Public Relations  ·  Public Sector  ·  Puerto Rico  ·  Pulsars  ·  Punctuation  ·  Punishment  ·  Punk  ·  Pupil  ·  Puritan & Puritanism  ·  Purpose  ·  Putin, Vladimir  ·  Pyramids  

★ Police (II)

‘All they do is arrest them with no evidence.’  ibid.  mother


The officers file a class-action lawsuit which claims the NYPD has violated a state ban on quotas by pressuring minority officers to issue arrests and summonses.  It also alleges these officers are retaliated against when they do not comply.  ibid.  caption


‘It’s continuous.  It just keeps going.’  ibid.  protester at funeral of victim of police arrest  


The twelve officers are invited for their first televised appearance on NBC.  They are being called ‘The NYPD 12’.  ibid.  


‘Any police officer who is considered a threat they keep track of us.’  ibid.  rozzer  



Prosecutor: Did you use your authority to commit acts of crime and corruption in violation of your sworn duty to uphold the law?  


Michael Dowd: Yes … hundreds.  Precinct Seven Five aka The Seven Five, 2014


New York is in the grip of a crime wave.  ibid.  television news


75 precinct back in the late eighties was the deadliest precinct in the country.  ibid.  rozzer


Welcome to east New York … ‘Welcome to the land of Fuck.  ibid.  


They [Dowd’s group] had a reputation.  They were out of control.  ibid.  


A fifty-five gallon drum was filled with marijuana.  ibid.  Dowd responds to domestic violence call


Now all of a sudden it’s a money-maker.  ibid.  Dowd  


In September of 1986, 20 blocks from the 75th Precinct [77th Precinct] 13 police officers are arrested on corruption charges in the 77th Precinct.  ibid. 


Cops Scandal Mushrooms: 7 other precincts in pusher rip-off.  ibid.  New York Post 25 September 1986    


There was a thousand shootings a year in my precinct alone, a hundred murders a year.  ibid.  Dowd


In June of 1987 Michael Down and Kenny Eurell became partners.  ibid.  caption


At 20 years old Diaz was selling more than 300 kilos a week.  ibid.


Mike is just fucking crazy.  ibid.  rozzer


Cops don’t turn in other cops.  ibid.     


I had seen a couple of cars following me.  I knew something wasn’t right.  ibid.     


Dirtiest Cop Ever.  ibid.  New York Post headline 


I need to start working with the DEA.  ibid.  Mike’s partner  


In July of 1992 Michael Dowd was taken into custody by the DEA and the NYPD.  ibid.   


Kenny Eurell never served a day in custody.  ibid.


After serving 8 years in prison, Diaz was deported to the Dominican Republic.  ibid.


In the wake of Dowd’s arrest, Mayor Dinkins appointed the Mollen Commission to investigate corruption within the NYPD.  As a result, dozens of officers across the city’s precincts were arrested.  ibid.  


Prior to sentencing, Dowd agreed to testify before the commission.  He refused to implicate any NYPD officers other than himself.  ibid. 


Michael Dowd was convicted of racketeering and conspiracy to distribute narcotics.  He served 12 years in prison.  ibid.



A film in 1971 Complaints Against the Police – asked whether the police themselves were above the law.  Crime & Punishment: A Timewatch Guide, BBC 2019



Officer Jim Lahey is back on the job.  Trailer Park Boys s3e7: The Delusions of Officer Jim Lahey 



It was a great place to grow up.  The school was less than 200 yards away that I went to elementary school; down the street going the other way we had a huge park.  Flint Town s1e1: Welcome to Flint Town, rozzer’s opening comments, Netflix 2018


This is the story about an American city in critical condition.  ibid.  Dan Rather news report


They had a complete lack of trust in us.  ibid.  lady rozzer


I don’t think anyone’s coming to help us.  ibid.  resident  


The city of Flint is under a state of emergency after poisonous lead is found in the water supply.  An election for mayor is a week away leading to uncertainty for the chief and the department.  ibid.  captions


There needs to be seven more of me to handle the case load.  ibid.  Bridgette Balasko, lady rozzer


Over the past ten years, budget cut have reduced the Flint police force from 300 officers to 98 serving 100,000 citizens.  ibid.  caption


We are absolutely in a crisis with the community.  ibid.  male rozzer


The biggest problem we have is the shootings just at night, the shootings back and forth.  ibid.  resident



But sometimes it seems as if the problems have no end.  Flint Town s1e2: Two Guns, male rozzer


The Flint police department sends new hires to a regional police academy for 16 weeks of basic training.  There are four Flint P.D. recruits in this year’s class.  They are the department’s first new cadets in three years.  ibid.  captions


We’re policing the community in survival mode.  ibid.  male rozzer



How can you trust the police?  How can you?  Flint Town s1e3: The Rat Pack, resident


Maria Reed … Dion Reed … Maria is Dion’s mother.  It’s a first for our academy.  They both did an awesome job.  ibid.  diploma award ceremony  



… twelve of them were hit; five of them were killed and then he engaged in an extended fire fight with Dallas PD … and blew him the fuck up.  Flint Town s1e4: Death & Homicide, rozzers get news from Dallas    


There are just a lot more people who want to target you now.  ibid.  rozzer  



2016 Catt Squad stats: 107 illegal guns off the streets; 560 people arrested; Arrests resulted in 619 felony charges.  Flint Town s1e5: The Numbers


If you think there are problems with the way things are going, maybe not here in Flint but in the United States as a whole, come help us solve them.  ibid.  caption  


Flint dramatically reduced violent crime in 2016.  ibid.  WMEN5 news report


There’s fifty calls on the board and there’s four cars to run all day.  ibid.  switchboard rozzer   



It’s been a particularly violent weekend in Flint with detectives investigating three separate homicides.  Flint Town s1e6: Devil’s Night, news report 


If we don’t get the money, we’re gonna lose police officers.  ibid.  Council member, re millage   



No I don’t trust the police.  As many times as they’ve helped me, there’s been that many more times when they haven’t.  Flint Town s1e7: Two Worlds, resident


I’ve been laid off three times before.  ibid.  rozzer Frost  



In Flint we’re seeking justice for the citizens who were poisoned; we have filed 51 criminal charges.  Flint Town s1e8: The Stand Off, attorney general’s press conference    


We’re just not getting it, and I’m not one for begging.  ibid.  chief rozzer  


There’s a very human side of why people are in the circumstances that they are in.  And you have to have that empathy.  We have to be the social workers and the community police officers and try and resolve days or years of problems in fifteen minutes before we get the next call.  ibid.  rozzer 


City Council denied Mayor Weaver’s budget request.  The final budget left Chief Johnson with less money than he began with in his first year of office.  ibid.  caption


In 2017 the US Census Bureau declared Flint the poorest city in America.  ibid.  



Briarwood Presbyterian Church, a megachurch located in the relatively wealthy Birmingham suburb of Vestavia Hills, Alabama, attracts a reported 8,000 people to its campus every day.  In 2017, Briarwood officials lobbied and were successful in getting conservative politicians to propose a bill that would allow them to have their own police force.  They argued that the police force would be modest, and that there would be no jail under Briarwood’s control, but that ‘officers would answer to the church and if you had a complaint, you’d have to complain it to the church.’  Keep in mind, the church already has its own private security force.  No other church in Alabama signed on to the request.