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★ Poison

Only [Walter] Dew and one other officer were present when the remains were found.  ibid.


Recent research in America has turned up tantalising clues that Cora Crippen may have travelled there by ship in 1910.  ibid.



Secrecy is the Word to Remember.  Atomic Homefront, sign over entrance, Sky Documentaries 2022


North St Louis County, Missouri: Elevated levels of radioactivity.  ibid.


In 1942 the US Government chose St Louis, Missouri, as a processing center of uranium for the first atomic bombs.  Over the next 25 years, the radioactive waste from this processing was moved to sites throughout the northern suburbs of St Louis.  The radioactive waste was then dumped into a landfill in Northern St Louis County.  ibid.  captions


It’s stinking.  That’s how it is down here.  ibid.  resident    


The Bridgeton side of the landfill contains an underground fire known as a Subsurface Smoldering Event or SSE.  ibid.  caption 


The West Lake side of the landfill contains 47,000 tons of radioactive waste including Uranium 238, Thorium 230 and Radium 226.  ibid.


In 1990 the West Lake landfill was designated as a Superfund site.  ibid.   


Proposed site of isolation barrier north quarry area chart.  ibid.  


‘We’re just mums and we’re scared.’  ibid.  


Louis Gibbs founded the Lake Canal Homeowners Association to fight dioxin poisoning in the community.  ibid.  caption 1980 


We had all of those cancers.  Every single one.  ibid.  resident



February 2023: ‘The town is under a state of emergency after fifty train cars derailed causing a massive fire half a mile long.’  How Corporate Greed Destroyed East Palestine ***** news, Second Thoughts 2023


‘Well over 115,000 gallons of vinyl chloride.’  ibid.  news conference  


‘Breathing issues, tightness in our chests, severe headaches …’  ibid.  victim  


East Palestine Residents Report Health Problems After Train Derailment.  ibid.  Newsweek  


These amounts are nothing.  They are worse than nothing.  They are an insult to the people [Norfolk Southern] they just poisoned.  ibid.  commentary  


Between 2012 and 2014 North America was hit with a string of devastating trail derailments … labelled ‘bomb trains’.  ibid.  


Unions were sounding the alarm … [about] cutting costs and reducing the operating ratios for rail companies.  ibid.    


Safety is a cost that needs to be minimised.  ibid.    


Five major rail unions have stood in common sense opposition to this attempt to make railways even less safe … Rail companies use the piles of money they made by caring less about safety to influence policy and make sure that safety is even further reduced, and as a result, we suffer preventable catastrophic accidents.  ibid.


This train derailment wasn’t being talked about much … a media matter.  ibid.  


So long as the profit motive remains the driving factor, nothing will meaningfully change.  It’s time to nationalise the railways.  ibid.



A prisoner but also a guinea pig for industry for industry like thousands of other inmates … Multinational chemical companies came here to test the risks of their products.  One company did everything they did to keep this a secret … Dow Chemical … These multinationals all have one thing in common  a culture of secrecy.  Poisoned Lives: Secrets of the Chemical Industry, 2021  


Polluting lands, rivers and groundwater, behind the fumes of these factories we have discovered there are tens of thousand of victims.  In India children are born with severe disabilities.  ibid.  


Lack of transparency, cynicism, denial  in the meantime they continue to reap the profits.  ibid.


Dioxin: Dow would study its side effects on the prisoners.  ibid.  


Dow secretly dumped this waste in the river that flows through the city.  ibid.  



In the early ’80s some madman turned ordinary bottles of Tylenol into lethal weapons.  It was one of the most horrifying mass murders you’ve probably never heard of.  And no-one has ever been caught and convicted for it.  True Crime Recaps: Unsolved Tylenol Mass Murder, Youtube 17.38, 2022


September 1982, Chicago: Mary Kellerman … died in the ambulance on the way to hospital.  ibid.  


Other Chicago residents started dying under oddly similar circumstances.  ibid.


The test results came back … the lethal contaminant was indeed cyanide.  ibid.        


There were poisoned bottles in pharmacies all over Greater Chicago.  ibid.  



A woman uses a poisoned cheesecake to try and kill her beautician.  Why?  Because the woman looks so much like her she wants to take her identity.  True Crime Recaps: Weapon of Choice? A Cheesecake! The ‘Killer Beauty’ Viktoria Nasyrova, Youtube 9.44, 2023


She blacks out; the next time she comes to she sees Viktoria walking around her apartment.  ibid.


And it wasn’t the first time.  Viktoria’s long history of cons, drugs and murders stretches all the way back to Russia.  ibid.  



A series of unexplained deaths near Chicago in 1982 starts a nationwide panic.  The victims are connected by one frightening detail: ‘It looks like all these people took Tylenol and died that day.’  History’s Greatest Mysteries s3e12: The Chicago Tylenol Murders


Who actually committed the Chicago Tylenol murders?  ibid.


Tests performed on capsules confirmed the investigators’ fears: Cyanide.  ibid.          


1982: Media coverage of the Chicago Tylenol murders is constant and frenzied.      


Investigators finally receive … ‘a ransom letter at the Johnson and Johnson offices.’  ibid.   


Police have a potential suspect: James William Lewis in custody.  But can they prove he is the killer? … ‘His alibi says he was in New York’ … In October of 1983, one year after the Tylenol killings, Lewis is tried for extortion and convicted.  He serves 13 years of his 20 year sentence.  ibid.  



Jolly Joseph, a respected local mother, was taken into custody in a case which has sent shockwaves through the whole of India.  Curry & Cyanide, Netflix 2023


We were in a state of shock … Until now, we had always been under the impression that our family members had died because of natural causes.  ibid.  son


How was she able to commit six murders without her family or neighbours suspecting anything?  ibid.  TV news  


Confessions that are made in police custody cannot be taken at face value.  ibid.  defence lawyer  


When you come across cyanide in a case of death, first suspect murder.  ibid.  Dr Pillay, toxicologist   



Rozzer: The manager fell dead at the hotel.  Dr Fouchet thinks he was poisoned.  A Night in Casablanca 1942 starring Marx Brothers & Charles Drake & Louis Collier & Lisette Verea & Sig Ruman & Lewis Russell & Dan Seymour et al, director Archi Mayo



Bhopal, central India, 1984: City residents wake choking and unable to breathe.  Stampeding in panic, thousands die, poisoned by the very air about them.  An American-owned factory, Union Carbide, supposedly rigged with safety systems.  It triggers the world’s worst industrial accident.  Seconds from Disaster s4e6: Bhopal


Minor gas leaks are a regular occurrence and the workers have had to learn to live with the choking effects.  ibid.


In minutes the pressure in the chemical storage tanks has shot off the scale … Operators are powerless to stop toxic gas pumping into the night sky.  ibid.


‘We had no antidote and no information from Union Carbide.’  ibid.  local hospital doctor       



This is Heather.  She’s marrying John.  He doesn’t know it yet but she is going to poison him.  The Poisoning: How to Kill Your Husband, captions, Channel 5 2024


York, January 2007: I got a phone call to say, Your dad’s got to go to hospital.  They think he’s having a heart attack.’  ibid.  daughter    


There was a high concentration of amitriptyline in Mr Mook’s body.  ibid.  Doctor


She said, Heather gave her these pills, and he’s gone a bit funny again.  ibid.  daughter from hospital bedside  


She is able to go in and manipulate people for money.  ibid.  expert


She’d been convicted previously of financial fraud and deceptions, and she’d had custodial sentences for all of those.  ibid.  rozzer 


I was literally one pill away from death.  ibid.  John       



Physicians take an oath to do no harm.  But Dr Michael Swango did just the opposite.  From his earlier days in medical school until the time he was captured, Dr Swango preyed on the most vulnerable.  Very Scary People s2e11: Dr Death: A License to Kill, CI 2022


One of the most prolific medical serial killers in the country.  ibid.


He was obsessed with violence and death as early as the second grade.  ibid.  comment      


There was always someone dying or coding when he was around.  ibid.


His colleagues in the paramedic unit became convinced that Dr Swango was putting potentially lethal doses of antkiller in their food and drink.  ibid.  narrator     


This guy had a chemistry lab in his kitchen.  ibid.  rozzer 


After serving two years, Dr Michael Swango is released.  ibid.  comment