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★ Place

For some they are places of quiet contemplation; for others they are sites of astonishing acts of worship, dangerous challenges, and extraordinary deeds of devotion rarely seen by outsiders.  Sacred Wonders s1e3


The Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem: an orthodox Christian must deliver a holy flame into the hands of his bishop … The Church of the Sepulchre: one of the most sacred sites in Christianity.  ibid.


The Boudhanath in Nepal: a Buddhist painter battles the elements in order to honour Buddha’s birthday.  ibid.


And at Lalish in Iraq a young Yazidi woman goes in search of salvation after being traumatised by recent conflict … The waters of a sacred spring are helping to heal women.  ibid.


Kathmandu, Nepal, Boudhanath … One of the largest in the world … It houses holy relics said to include the bones of Buddha … In almost perfect condition because it’s constantly being repainted.  ibid.



August ’69 – hundreds of thousands of us descend on Bethel, near Woodstock, north of New York City.  Thirty-two bands, three days of peace, love and music.  Our words.  Our footage.  The Festival that Rocked the World, captions, Sky Arts 2019


It was adventurous.  It was dangerous.  It was fun.  It was eye-opening … There was so much weed, man.’  ibid.  dude  


This is what a pilgrimage must be like.’  ibid.    


Interviewer: We’ve got a guy with a lamb.  Did you come here for a reason?   ibid.


Dude: Yeah … Well, this is a revolution … A revolution of a lot of people who refuse to have anything to do with killing.  And here there is vegetarian food.  ibid.  dude with lamb


This was hundreds of thousands of young people on a hillside and without the grown-ups in control.  ibid.  dude with lamb     


I’ve never seen so many hippy-types in one place.  ibid.  woman


By the end of that first day the rain started.  ibid.


On Saturday there was no food left.  ibid. 


Doctors in the audience ended up donating their time.  ibid.


Orange Barrels called Sunshine was one of the most popular forms of LSD.  ibid.



Deadly forests, haunted houses, mountains where visitors never return alive.  Are there such things as evil places?  The Unexplained with William Shatner s1e1: Evil Places


The [Japanese] suicide forest has one of the highest rates of anywhere in the world.  ibid.



Hidden churches cut from the depths of the Earth, staircases that defy the laws of physics, and mansions where visitors become lost in an endless maze.  Mysterious structures fascinate us because they are like puzzles waiting to be solved.  The Unexplained with William Shatner s1e2: Mysterious Structures


Just what are the Costa Rican spheres? … We still don’t know why they were carved so perfectly in stone.  ibid.    



A lake bombarded by a thousand lightning bolts in a single hour.  A never-ending fire that destroys an entire town.  And bizarre humming noises that drive people insane … What happens when Nature is unnatural?  The UnXplained with William Shatner s1e3: Unnatural Nature


‘Some areas of the earth seems to be like lightning valleys, areas that are just inundated with lightning bolts on a given storm, and we’re not sure why.’  ibid.  Michio Kaku



Vast landscapes poisoned by radiation.  An English colony that vanished without a trace.  And cities that have been forsaken by the gods … Why do people desert these places?  The UnXplained with William Shatner s3e11: Secrets of Abandoned Places



Cabbie: Where you headed?


Somerset: Far away from here.  Se7en 1995 starring Brad Pitt & Morgan Freeman & Kevin Spacey & Gwyneth Paltrow & Richard Roundtree & Richard Schiff & R Lee Ermey & Mark Boone junior & John Cassini & Reg E Cathey et al, director David Fincher  back of cab



This is one of the best places in the motherfucking world, man.  Trailer Park Boys s10e7: Up in Smoke We Go  Snoop Dogg, interview Channel 10



Man: What were you going in the gutter?


Spike: I was meditating in it.


Man: There’s a place for that.  Spike Milligan, Love, Light & Peace, BBC 2023



These are the places so surprising they are truly unbelievable.  The UnBelievable with Dan Aykroyd I: Strange Places, History 2024


Lake Michigan Triangle: Shipwrecks, drownings, disappearances, strange UFO sightings …  ibid.  Don Wildman  


Just outside Mexico City to an island overrun with  dolls? … ‘Over four thousand mutilated dolls tied to the fences, the tress and spread around everywhere on this island.’  ibid.



These are the places so surprising they are truly unbelievable.  The UnBelievable with Dan Aykroyd I: Strange Places, History 2024


Lake Michigan Triangle: Shipwrecks, drownings, disappearances, strange UFO sightings …  ibid.   


Just outside Mexico City to an island overrun with  dolls? … Over four thousand mutilated dolls tied to the fences, the tress and spread around everywhere on this island.  ibid.


An island inhabited by the most venomous snake in the world, and lots of them.  ibid.      


Kitum Cave, Mount Elgon, Uganda: You’re pretty much guaranteed to encounter wildlife … Marburg virus … The mysterious killer at Kitum is bat pooh.  ibid.



Certain places around the world have baffled scientists and scholars for decades.  Places with names like the Zone of Silence, the Gate of the Gods, and the Bermuda Triangle.  Visitors to these mysterious sites report a variety of strange energies, unexplained disappearances and supernatural phenomena.  Ancient Aliens s2e1: Mysterious Places


Perhaps the most infamous of the world’s most mysterious places is the Bermuda Triangle.  For decades this stretch of ocean covering over 500,000 square miles, between Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda, has baffled scientists, experienced sailors and military investigators.  What causes ships and planes to disappear without trace?  Why has aeronautical and navigational equipment stopped working, or changed course by itself?  Historical shipping records show that the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle are much older than many people think.  Ever since the earliest days of oceanic exploration sailors have witnessed strange sights.  ibid.


Bermuda Triangle: 6 planes all flew by experienced pilots have vanished into oblivion.  ibid.


And if there really is a portal in the open waters of the Bermuda Triangle, might there by others on land?  ibid.


Mexico: The area near the town of Ceballos is called by the local Zona Del Silencio, the Zone of Silence.  It’s an epicentre for some of the strangest phenomena ever experienced on Earth. The Zone of Silence was first identified in the 1930s.  ibid.


According to legend, these so-called visitors from the sky made themselves known to an ancient people.  Could they still be making themselves known to us today?  ibid.


Incas: 800 miles south-east of Peru’s capital Lima near the shores of Lake Titicaca is a site that has mystified visitors from around the world ... the Gate of the Gods.  ibid.


According to local legends these priest-kings known as space brothers came from other worlds.  Did they travel through the Gate of the Gods perhaps?  ibid.


This area of Peru is a focal point for UFO and extraterrestrial activity.  ibid.


High up in the mountains of Peru 850 miles north of the Gate of the God is a breathtaking 2-mile-long plateau.  Another area of reported high magnetic energy.  For centuries it’s been considered a powerful sacred place among the Inca people – it’s called Markawasi.  ibid. 




Gods descending to Earth, converging on the same haloed ground.  A holy shrine built to mark the landing of a meteorite.  And sacred caves where walls are lined with images of strange half-human creatures.  Are such sites around the world evidence of man’s reverence for God, or the result of contact with ancient space travellers?  Ancient Aliens s3e3: Aliens and Sacred Places


Jerusalem: It’s one of the most sacred sites on Earth where three of the world’s most prominent religions  Christianity, Judaism and Isalmism  all converge: Temple Mount.  ibid. 


The Temple was said to house the Ark of the Covenant, the sacred chest believed to have contained the stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written.  ibid.


The sculptures and wall paintings are some of the oldest surviving works of art from ancient India.  ibid. 


Ethiopia, the Churches of Lalibela: Who or what built them?  ibid.   


Lebanon: The ruins of a site that is much much older … the ancient city of Baalbek … The enormous stone foundation that lies at the base of the site dates back tens of thousands of years.  ibid.      


The giant megalithic stones incorporated into the foundation, each weighing between 800 and 1,200 tons.  ibid.