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Photograph & Photography
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★ Photograph & Photography

A new law has been passed in Britain against a crime that’s rooted in one of most basic human responses.  In the last few years the explosion in social media and smart phone technology has given us a new way of getting vengeance.  It’s called Revenge Porn.  It destroys reputations.  It ruins lives.  Revenge Porn, Anna Richardson, Channel 4 2015


Nearly half of young people admit to sending naked photos.  ibid.


‘I searched Facebook and saw loads of naked pictures of my mum.’  ibid.


There’s an estimated 3,000 websites worldwide which feature naked pictures of people posted without their consent.  ibid.    



Paparazzi, photographers who stalk their prey: celebrities.  Climbing through bushes, peeking through car windows, all lying in wait for that perfect shot, for that perfect candid moment … Will they bear a true emotion?  Uncensored with Michael Ware VIII: Paparazzi, National Geographic 2017


The most hated photographers in the world who are part of this massive money-making machine, the eco-system of celebrities.  ibid.  



This photograph pictures young Elizabeth Templeton posing in an area known as the Solway Firth.  She is six years old and appears alone.  But you are not seeing the entire image.  Tonight, we expose what could be the first photograph of an extraterrestrial being.  Alien Files Unsealed s1e12: The Solway Firth Spaceman       


A week later he [father] picks up the developed film at the chemist.  ibid.  


The British Ministry of Defence denies ever having investigators on the case.  ibid.



What makes photographic evidence reliable?  And how can you tell a real UFO photo from a hoax?  Alien Files Unsealed s4e11: UFO Photos, History 2015



1905 Manchester, England, Mr Hope: The image of a woman had appeared on the photograph.  Hope’s friend recognised her immediately: it was his sister who had died twelve years before.  Mr Hope believed he had photographed a ghost.  In Search of s6e3 … Ghosts in Photography, 1981



Man Ray immortalised the small band with this camera before returning to the arms of Kiki.  The Adventures of Modern Art V: Libertad! Sky Arts 2020  



The average person will take 25,000 selfies in their lifetime.  I want to know if this is affecting our body image … Selfies could be making us feel worse about our appearance.  Could they also be increasing our desire for cosmetic treatments?  The Truth About Cosmetic Treatments II: The Body II, BBC 2020



Fairies Photographed: An Epoch-Making Event Described By A Conan Doyle.  Strand Magazine Christmas edition



Francis Griffiths has brought her daughter to see the house in Cottingley where she lived with her cousin Elsie Wright during the First World War.  Francis and Elsie used to go down to play by the Beck, the stream at the bottom of the garden, and it was by that stream they said in 1917 they took photographs of Fairies ... Francis and Elsie confessed the pictures were faked ... The case was cracked in 1928 with evidence from the Brotherton collection at Leeds University.  Arthur C Clarke’s Mysterious World of Powers, Discovery 2005 



My father, who didn’t like being called dad, only Maurice, photographed the beauty and might of post-war industrial Britain.  Maurice showed the triumphs of British industry before it was destroyed and whole communities laid to waste.  Nick Broomfield, Arena: My Father and Me, BBC 2021  


‘He set the bar high.  He made factories look glamorous.  He made them look sexy.  He made them look really interesting.’  ibid.  Professor Steve Macleod  


My father wasn’t interested in showing conflict.  He was a pacifist through and through.  ibid.  



It’s one of the most iconic photos of the twentieth century.  Marcel, the perfect patsy, a respected military man, hung out to dry by a state-controlled cover-up.  Roswell: The First Verdict IV: Discredit & Humiliate, Discovery 2021



An image of Nessie was captured in what become known as the surgeon’s photo.  So called because it was supposedly taken by respected surgeon Robert Wilson ... It established the Loch Ness monster as a world-wide phenomenon.  The picture clearly showed the head and neck of a creature emerging from the waters of Loch Ness.  Loch Ness Investigated


The so-called surgeon’s photo.  In the 1930s the surgeon’s photo caused a sensation.  Not only did it seem to prove Nessie existed, it came from an impeccable source, a much-respected doctor.  But the true story behind this picture is one of greed, deceit and a desire for revenge.  ibid.



It never stops for the museum’s 900 staff … The wildlife photographer of the year awards … The largest photography competition of its type in the world.  Natural History Museum: World of Wonder s2e2, Channel 5 2023



From iconic shots to private moments these are Tupac Shakur’s defining moments, revealed by those who were there and those who know his story best.  Tupac Shakur s1e1: A Life in Ten Pictures, BBC 2021


Tupac Shakur was born on 16th June 1971 in New York City.  He was raised by his mother Afeni.  When this photo was taken, Afeni had recently been acquitted in a legal case.  She was one of a group of Black Panthers charged with conspiracy to bomb public places.  Held for a year, when the case came to court, she defended herself, and was released.  Afeni raised Tupac and his younger sister in the New York outer boroughs.  ibid.   


Throughout his childhood, Tupac was tutored by his mother in Black history and the Civil Rights movement.  ibid.         


When Tupac arrived on the [rap] scene, he bought street poetry with a social conscience.  ibid. 


Launched in 1994, Thug Life was not just an album, it was a manifesto for a whole way of life.  It rooted Tupac and his work in the gang culture of Los Angeles.  ibid.


Tupac maintained the case was a set-up.  He was cleared of six of the charges but found guilty of three counts of sexual abuse.  ibid.


Tupac’s first album for Death Row went five times platinum.  Its success made front page news.  ibid.  


There are many theories about who shot Tupac and why.  To this day no-one has been convicted.  ibid.    



Elizabeth Taylor was born in London in 1932 to American parents: Sarah, an actress, and Francis, an art dealer.  They lived in Hampstead along with Elizabeth’s brother Howard and spent summers at a holiday cottage at Crambrook, Kent.  Elizabeth’s early years were privileged and secure.  A Life in Ten Pictures s1e2: Elizabeth Taylor


By the age of 18, Elizabeth Taylor was was one of Hollywood’s sought-after leading ladies.  And her private life was box office too.  ibid.


Elizabeth Taylor’s fire job as an independent actor was the defining role of her entire career – Cleopatra was an epic in every sense.  ibid.



That picture there [Life magazine cover] that’s his defiance.  I am not just a boxer, I’m bigger than boxing.  I represent you, you, you and you.  Muhammad Ali: A Life in Ten Pictures s1e3, Johnny Nelson, BBC 2021


The boy who would become Muhammad Ali was born in Louisville, Kentucky in 1942.  He was christened Cassius Marcellus Clay junior.  ibid.


Cassius Clay took up boxing at the age of 12.  Clay was a gifted fighter and climbed through the amateur ranks during his teens, winning a series of regional and national titles.  ibid.


But Ali was a different king of champion, more than just a sporting hero … He was in living-rooms all over the world.  ibid.



John Windsor Lennon was born in Liverpool, a city traumatised by the devastating impact of the Second World War … He never excelled in the classroom; his real passion was music, an obsession he discovered as a teenager, and shared with a circle of friends included George Harrison and Paul McCartney.  They practiced in each other’s houses and played in public whenever they could.  A Life in Ten Pictures s1e4: John Lennon


A protracted legal battle: John Lennon vs US Government, for his right to remain in America.  ibid.  



Amy was born in North London in 1983, her Dad Mitch a taxi driver and mum Janice a pharmacist.  A Life in Ten Pictures s1e5: Amy Winehouse


When this photo was taken, 14 year old Amy had left mainstream education and was now attending the Sylvia Young Theatre School.  ibid. 


Now a global superstar, Amy spent most of 2007 touring and performing to sell-out audiences across the world.  ibid.  


‘Five Grammys, wow.  What a night.  ibid.  dad  


After Amy’s death her family and friends set up the Amy Whitehouse foundation.  Much of its focus is helping young women overcome addiction.  ibid. 


In the weeks after Amy’s death Back to Black became the UK’s best-selling album of the 21st century.  ibid.  



‘There was an aura around that man that made him huge.’  A Life in Ten Pictures s1e6: Freddie Mercury, personal assistant


As an adult, Freddie Mercury rarely talked about his childhood even to close friends.  But is first known photo offers some clues about his early years … Born in 1946 on the island of Zanzibar, a British protectorate off the east coast of Africa … Farroukh became known as Fred.  ibid.


In 1964 the ruling Arab monarchy that had controlled Zanzibar for over a century was overthrown by a coalition of African parties.  For many non-Africans, Zanzibar was no longer safe.  Tens of thousands were forced to leave their homes.  ibid.


Four years after arriving in Britain, at the age of 22 Freddie Bulsara enrolled at Ealing College of Art.  ibid.



I worry about what people think and then I do what I want to do anyway.  A Life in Ten Pictures s2e1: Carrie Fisher, BBC 2024


Greenway Drive, Beverly Hills: Where but Hollywood would Carrie have been born?  ibid.  Ruta Lee, family friend   


Carrie Frances Fisher was born in 1956 to Hollywood royalty.  ibid.  


After only a year at drama school Carrie landed the role of Star Wars female lead, rebel leader, Princess Leia.  ibid.