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US Presidents
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★ US Presidents

Potatoe  ibid.  Dan Quayle at spelling bee competition    


Tell you what.  Ten thousand bucks?  Ten thousand dollar bet?  ibid.  Mitt Romney


Senator, you’re no Jack Kennedy.  ibid.  Lloyd Bentsen, to Dan Quayle, VP debate  


So you agree with President Obama on Libya or not?


Herman Cain: OK, Libya … erm … no, that’s a different one …  ibid.



Being president is a hard job and you have to really really want it.  Rich Hall’s Presidential Grudge Match, BBC 2016


Make sure that you’re rich, white protestant male and a Freemason.  ibid.


But there is a 100% chance of character assassination.  ibid.


You know what this country needs?  Me!  ibid.


Grand Imperial Wizards for Goldwater.  ibid.  support banner


What do you think Johnson did?  He went to war.  ibid.


Democrats and Republicans  they’re on the same page.  ibid.



My lord, what that woman has been through.  Lipstick.  Fix your lipstick.  All the Way, LBJ to wife, Sky Atlantic 2017


Accidental president: that’s what they’ll say.  ibid.  


All I have I would have given gladly not to be standing here today.  The greatest leader of our time has been struck down by the foulest deed of our time.  ibid.


Voting rights is the meat of the coconut.  ibid.  LBJ to MLK


This bill is just the thin end of the wedge.  You saw what King and his bunch did in Birmingham.  Why, integrated buses is just the beginning.  Now we gotta shop with them, eat with them, work with them.  We have been oppressed and degraded by black slimy unbearably stinking niggers.  ibid.  senator Jim Eastland


LBJ: That little shit [Robert] doesn’t have his brother’s balls.    


Uncle Dick: Still has his daddy’s money.  ibid.


If a president can’t do what he knows is right, then what’s a president for?  ibid.  LBJ


I’m sorry, Dick.  It’s not personal.  It’s just politics.  ibid.


People turn on you so fast.  ibid.


People think I want great power; but what I want is great solace.  ibid.


You need to make up your mind once and for all what kind of Christian you are.  ibid.  



Bush v Gore: The closest race in modern political history.  An election night like no other.  Launching a war for the White House.  36 days of political combat at the highest levels.  Bush v Gore: the endless election.  Bush v Gore: The Endless Election, CNN 2015


The 2000 vote was too close to call.  For news anchors election night is the super bowl.  ibid.


‘Florida goes for Al Gore.’  ibid.  Dan Rather


Then, two minutes later, all hell breaks loose.  ibid.


‘Computer and data problems.’  ibid.  Dan Rather


‘Turn the lights down, the party just got wilder.’  ibid.  Dan Rather


The Democrats: a long list of complaints.  ibid.


Three crazy weeks as the tension became surreal.  ibid.    


The margin: 537 votes.  ibid. 


The United States Supreme Court ruled 5-4 to stop the count.  ibid.



‘I know as attorney for Lyndon Johnson he murdered John Kennedy.’  The Men Who Killed Kennedy IX: The Guilty Men, Barr McClellan, 1988


‘Lyndon Johnson knew about the assassination.’  ibid.  redhead


A political career based on bribery and corruption.  ibid.  


The rich and powerful men who had met in secret the night before had everything to gain from his death: LBJ was fearful of a long prison sentence, J Edgar Hoover of losing his job, and the oilmen of losing millions of dollars.  ibid.  


From the moment he became president, Johnson had authority over every aspect of the cover-up of Kennedy’s murder.  He was unassailable.  ibid.  



In 1976 Jimmy Carter was elected the president.  Seven month before the Democratic convention the Gallop poll reported less than 4% of registered Democrats favoured Carter for president.  Outside Georgia where he was governor few people knew who he was. What happened?  Carter received a media blitz including adulatory pieces in The New York Times and a Wall Street Journal editorial declaring him the best Democratic candidate.  The TV networks inundated the public with his image.  Before the nominating Convention his picture appeared on Time cover three times and Newsweek cover twice.  Who Controls America? aka Shadow Government: Who Rules America? aka The Real Leaders of the World, Youtube   



I’m not going to be president.  Chappaquiddick aka The Senator 2017 starring Jason Clarke & Kate Mara & Ed Helms & Bruce Dern & Jim Gaffigan & Taylor Nichols & Clancy Brown & Olivia Thirlby & Lexie Roth & John Fiore & Vince Tycer et al, director John Curran, Ted



‘Emotionally, it will just be hard on us, on everybody.’  Mitt, Mitt’s family pros-n-cons meeting, Jenn Romney, Netflix 2014


‘We just brutalize whoever loses.’  ibid.  Mitt


In which case I think I’m a flawed candidate.  ibid.    


We won one.  Nice job.  ibid.    


We hit him [John McCain] with everything we’ve got.  He ran a smart campaign.  ibid.    


2012: My entire life has been devoted 100% to the people.  [Apart from all those people you sacked: esias]  ibid.



I’ve managed to isolate the president from everyone, including myself.  House of Cards US s2e12: Chapter 25, Frank, Netflix 2014



And you have to be a little human when you’re the president.  House of Cards s3e1: Chapter 27, Frank



I have every intention of running for president.  House of Cards US s3e2: Chapter 28 



Minority Leader Bob Birch said, The President consistently demonstrates an utter lack of partnership coupled with a reckless abandon.  House of Cards US s3e8: Chapter 34, news



Sometimes I think the presidency is the illusion of choice.  House of Cards s3e10: Chapter 36



I am meant to be president of the United States.  House of Cards US s3e12: Chapter 38, Linda Dunbar



You’re right, I’m still white trash.  I just happen to be white trash that lives in the White House.  House of Cards s4e1: Chapter 40, Frank to Claire’s mom  



With Dunbar out, that leaves President Underwood as the presumptive nominee.  House of Cards US s4e7: Chapter 46, television news



I don’t know how Claire does it … You are a motherfucker, Mr President.  House of Cards s4e11: Chapter 50, Freddy



The American people don’t know what’s best for them.  I do.  I know exactly what they need.  They’re like little children, Claire.  House of Cards US s5e4: Chapter 56, Frank



Or is this my presidency for ever with a target on my back, haunted and hunted?  House of Cards US s5e10: Chapter 62, Frank 



Your presidency is beyond repair.  House of Cards US s5e12: Chapter 64, Jane Davis to Frank


Yes the system is corrupt but you wanted a guardian at the gate like me.  ibid.  Frank’s evidence



Presidents aren’t allowed to be human.  You have to choose – power or love.  That was very clear from the beginning.  House of Cards US s6e4: Chapter 69, Claire, exit Petrov



Transparency is the cornerstone of my presidency.  House of Cards US s6e8: Chapter 73, Claire’s press conference