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★ US Empire & Imperialism (I)

Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era by Zbigniew Brzezinski: This is pretty much the blue-print written in 1969, published in 1970.  Ian R Crane, interview RichPlanet TV


The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski: The US is missing an opportunity to establish itself as the dominant superpower on the planet.  ibid.


This external threat may have to be created.  ibid.


Project For The New American Century: Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century ... The detail of what Brzezinski was proposing in broad brush: viz p51: Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalysing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.  ibid.



The Project for the New American Century is an extreme right-wing think-tank.  And in September 2000 they published a report called Rebuilding America’s Defenses.  And this is the blueprint for everything’s that’s occurring.  It shouldn’t be any surprise to anybody.  When you pick up this report you’d actually think think it was written by George Orwell on acid ... You think, Jesus Christ, this was written by a bunch of psychopaths.  And then when you turn to the back page and see all the signatories you realise that’s exactly what it is.  Ian R Crane, lecture Liverpool 2008. ‘New World Order


Youre all being fed this bullshit that weve reached Peak Oil.  That were running out of oil ... There is more oil on this planet than we know what to do with.  One of the whole purposes of the Gulf Wars was to keep the Iraqi oil in the ground.  ’Cause there is so much oil in Iraq that when Saddam was running the show there the concern was that Saddam, because he had so much oil, would put it on the market, and keep the price suppressed.  And the US needs a high price in oil because oil is still currently just about traded in US dollars.  And they need other countries to have US dollars so that they can buy US goods – arms.  The US only has one product that it manufactures today in any volume – arms.  Military equipment.  Thats why the US needs war.  It needs war because thats the only industry that its got.  ibid.



We want to change some deeply entrenched notions about the proper role of American power in the world.  Richard Perle



I understand that they want the American public to believe that the invasion of Iraq was the response to September 11th.  I think it is a lie.  I believe that it is part of a Neo-Conservative agenda to assert that American hegemony is untouchable.  And September 11th gave them the opportunity to put in play plans they had been considering since the first Bush administration.  Jody Williams, Nobel Peace Prize winner 1997



What policies will make us more safe?  So the fear is legitimate but is manipulated: and that is the core of the Bush policy.  Robert Jensen



We have been Neo-conned into applying a school of thought about foreign affairs that has failed everywhere it has been tried.  Chas Freeman, former diplomat



You see already in 91 the hopes of [Paul] Wolfowitz and others that the battle against Saddam Hussein or other petty tyrants could take the place of the battle against the Soviet Union and could bear this interpretation of a battle between Good against Evil.  Stephen Holmes, political philosopher



The current Bush administration is probably the worst administration that we have had in the twentieth century.  By that I mean it is the most unrestrained by public opinion or the most unrestrained by world opinion.  It has the tightest little constellation of right-wing people that we have seen in government.  And it seems to be absolutely determined to be at war.  Howard Zinn, Liberty Bound 2004


Some day people will look back on 9/11 and sure they will see it as the first terrible act of terrorism committed in the United States by some foreign group, but they might also see 9/11 as the beginning of the disintegration of the American Empire.  ibid.


We need regime change in the United States.  We need democracy.  We need a government thats peaceable.  We need a government that will take the enormous resources that the United States has and instead of using it for war use it for human needs.  Millions of people are dying in Africa.  ibid.


We need a regime change in the United States.  We need something to make the American people proud.  You can’t be proud of a military victory over Iraq.  You can’t be proud of spending the resources of a government for more and more and more military weapons.  Yes, so I think the American Empire is on its way down.  And that will be a good thing one day.  ibid.


Oil: That was the reason for the first Gulf War in 1991.  Oil: That is the reason before all American foreign policy since World War II.  ibid.



In my opinion, treason!  The cabal of Neo-Conservatives at PNAC who planned this war – Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby, Perle ... this cabal knew the American people would not stand for a war against Iraq unless there was, as they put it in their own documents, a New Pearl Harbor.  9/11 supplied that.  Robert Bowman, former Democratic contender



Americans flatly accepted following New York the invasion of Afghanistan that had already been planned to the smallest detail. – New American Century


Seen from up close the official versions soon started to show some serious weaknesses.  Too many curious events, too many inconsistencies, too many coincidences pointed at the possibility that the Truth was somewhat different from what we had been told.  ibid.


But who are the Neo-Cons?  The Neo-Conservative school of thought can be traced to the University of Chicagos Professor Leo Strauss, who began enunciating its principles by the end of the sixties.  ibid.


The novelty introduced by the Neo-Cons however was that for the first time in history the adversary would be the entire world.  ibid.


The Wolfowitz doctrine which established the right of the United States to engage in pre-emptive war anywhere in the world in order to avoid other nations challenging their authority.  ibid.


Rumsfeld managed to convince Gerald Ford to create an independent group to re-examine all the information the CIA had gathered about the Russians from the beginning.  The group was called Team B.  ibid.


The western media however had already made up their mind [Osama] bin Laden was the guy, and from him anything could be expected at that point.  ibid.


September 11 was not the first time American was drawn into a war by an ambiguous incident ... In 1898 the United States went to war against Spain in order to take control of the Caribbean area.  The pretext came from the sinking of USS Maine ... Only in 1980, almost a century later, would America recognise that the Spanish were not responsible for the attack.  ibid.


In 1915 it was the sinking of the USS Lusitania ... It appears however that the US had secretly slipped to the Germans the information.  ibid.


In 1941 there was the infamous Pearl Harbor attack to generate a wave of indignation large enough for President Roosevelt to declare war on Japan ... History would later reveal that the administration knew of the attack in advance.  ibid.


In 1964 the United States decided to officially declare war on North Vietnam ... The so-called Tonkin Gulf incident ... But [Robert] McNamara forty years later would openly confess that the attack on the Maddox never took place.  ibid.


The US secretly informed Saddam that they had nothing against him taking over the oilfields of Kuwait ... Saddam took the bait.  ibid.


Operation Northwoods unclassified documents: A) We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba;  B) We could blow up a drone (unmanned) vessel anywhere ... 8) It is possible to create an incident which will demonstrate convincingly that a Cuban aircraft has attacked and shot down a chartered civil airliner en route from the United States ... The actual registered aircraft would be converted to a drone.  ibid.


The Industrial Military Complex: the American military elite seems to have responded to a recurring need of waging wars of conquest both to increase the control of world-wide resources and to maintain a healthy and productive war for industry.  ibid.


Another important element that contributes to the recurring need for America to extend its reach beyond the national borders is definitely oil.  ibid.


Thus began the quest for the so-called American Dream: the dream made of wealth comfort and well-being ... The connection between liberty and wealth was being continually reinforced.  ibid.


The need for foreign oil has been rising dramatically for the United States over the past thirty years.  ibid.


On September 10th [2001] a detailed plan to attack Afghanistan was put on George Bush’s desk for him to be signed on his return from Florida.  The following morning, the twin towers were turned into rubble.  ibid.


In 2003 it was the Iraqis who showed the world the remnants of their immense artistic heritage which had been stolen or destroyed by the Americans.  ibid.


The Bush administration convinced Congress to approve the extraordinary printing of $20 billion in cash for the reconstruction of Iraq.  360 tons of $100 were physically transported to Iraq.  ibid.


The only companies allowed to participate in the no-bid contracts were Halliburton and its subsidiaries which ended up getting the entire share of the pie.  ibid.