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★ US Empire & Imperialism (IV)

The Americans started funding and training a counter- revolutionary army called the Contras.  But there was enormous political opposition in the United States.  And to get round it the leaders of Project Democracy set out to frighten the American public.  An agency called The Office of Public Diplomacy was set up that disseminated what was called White Propaganda.  It produced dossiers and fed stories to journalists that proved that Soviet fighter planes had arrived in Nicaragua to attack America.  Another story from intelligence sources said that the Soviets had given stockpiles of chemical weapons to the Sandinistas.  President Reagan appeared on television with maps to show how quickly such a chemical attack could be launched on America itself.  It was only a matter of time.  ibid.   


The Neo-Conservatives were beginning to believe that their ideal of freedom was an absolute.  And that this then justified lying and exaggerating in order to enforce that vision.  The end justified the means.  Although they portrayed the Contras as freedom fighters, it was well known that they used murder, assassination and torture.  And also were allegedly using CIA-supplied planes to smuggle cocaine back into the United States.  And to finance the Contras, the Neo-Conservatives were even prepared to deal with Americas enemy – the leaders of the Iranian revolution.  In 1985 those running the Nicaragua operation held a series of secret meetings with Iranian leaders in Europe.  They arranged to sell the Iranians American weapons; in return the Iranians would release American hostages held in Lebanon.  Then the money from these sales would be used by those running Project Democracy to fund the Contras.  The only problem was that this was completely illegal.  And the President knew it.  ibid. 


What was beginning to emerge was the problem of spreading freedom around the world.  To do it those leading Project Democracy had turned not just to manipulation and violence but were beginning to undermine the ideals of democracy in America.  The very thing they were trying to create abroad.  It was the corruption of freedom that Isaiah Berlin had warned of.  ibid.


Overnight, the Americans destroyed the civil structure of Iraqi society.  But instead of trying to create new institutions ... The country would then be thrown open to international corporations who in return for investing, would take 100% of their profits out of the country untaxed.  Only one of Saddam Hussein’s laws remained: the one that restricted trade unions.  Out of this was supposed to come spontaneous order.  What resulted was chaos.  ibid.  


What also resulted was corruption on a huge scale: more than $350 billion has been sent to Iraq for reconstruction.  ibid.  


The Americans began to turn to violence and torture to enforce their kind of freedom.  ibid. 


Positive liberty is driven by a vision that freedom is for something.  The freedom to do or become something new.  Out of which a better world would come.  Negative liberty has no such vision.  It isnt for anything.  At its heart it has no purpose other than to keep us free from unnecessary constraint or harm.  And in using force to create a world based on negative liberty, the democratic revolutionaries have actually led millions of people abroad into a world without purpose or meaning.  This idea of freedom is still portrayed by many politicians and influential commentators as a universal absolute.  They assume it is only a matter of time before it spreads throughout the world.  But this may not be true.  ibid. 


The idea of freedom that we live with today is a narrow and limiting one; it was born out of a specific and dangerous time: the Cold War.  It may have had meaning and purpose then as an alternative to communist tyranny but now has become a dangerous trap.  Our government relies on a simplistic economic model of human beings that allows inequality to grow and offers nothing positive in the face of reactionary forces they have helped awake around the world.  ibid. 


Isaiah Berlin was wrong: not all attempts to change the world for the better lead to tyranny.  ibid.  



President Reagan withdrew all the American troops from the Lebanon.  Secretary of State George Shultz explained: ‘We became paralysed by the complexity we faced.’  So the Americans turned and left.  Adam Curtis, HyperNormalisation, BBC 2016  


Faced with the humiliating defeat in the Lebanon, President Reagan’s government was desperate to shore up the vision of a moral world where a good America struggled against evil.  And to do this, they were going to create a simple villain, an imaginary villain … and the perfect candidate was waiting in the wings  Colonel Gaddafi, the ruler of Libya.  The Americans were going to ruthlessly use Colonel Gaddafi to create a fake terrorist mastermind.  And Gaddafi was going to happily play along because it would turn him into a famous global figure.  ibid.


In December 1985 terrorists attacked Rome and Vienna airport simultaneously killing 19 people, including 5 Americans.  There was growing pressure on President Reagan to retaliate.  President Reagan immediately announced that Colonel Gaddafi was definitely behind the attacks.  But the European Security Services who investigated the attacks were convinced that Libya was not involved at all.  And that the mastermind behind the attacks was in fact Syria.  ibid.


He [Gaddafi] promoted himself as an international revolutionary who would help liberate the repressed peoples around the world.  Even the blacks in America.  ibid.


The Americans and Gaddafi now became locked together in a cycle of mutual reinforcement … The Americans and Gaddafi were creating a fictional world.  ibid.



Ever since the Second World War the American Government had been using the CIA to manipulate and overthrow the governments of many other countries … The dual state … had to be keep secret from the people … From the 1950s onwards the CIA rigged elections, destabilised governments through fake information, and organised violent coups in Italy, Greece, Syria, Iran, Guatemala, South Vietnam, Indonesia and Chile.  In all, the United States ran covert operations to overthrow 66 foreign governments.  In 26 cases they succeeded.  Adam Curtis, Can’t Get You Out of My Head V: The Lordly Ones ***** BBCiplayer 2021


In 1961 the CIA decided to overthrow a government in the heart of Africa: in the Congo.  200 years before, the Congo had been at the centre of the slave trade.  Millions of Africans had been forcibly taken down the river and shipped to America where their forced labour fuelled America’s rise to economic power.  Now, the country had been given independence by its old colonial rulers, the Belgiums.  But it was completely unprepared and had collapsed into violence.  The CIA were frightened that the new prime minister, Patrice Lumumba, was about to turn for help to the Soviet Union … and they helped install a dictator in his place: he was called Colonel Mobutu whose brutal regime the Americans would support for the next 30 years.  ibid.


By 2007 the war in Iraq had become a nightmare.  The Americans were pouring nearly a billion dollars in every day to keep a conflict going that no-one knew how to win.  ibid. 


But what the Americans had found themselves doing was exactly the same as the British had done 80 years before: faced by a complex society they did not understand, they were turning to the tribes outside the cities and giving them power.  They called the militias the Sons of Iraq and it seemed to work, but in reality it was going to lead to something even worse … They turned and allied instead with the very people they had been fighting.  ibid.


Isis was far more than just another version of Al Qaeda in Iraq.  Its public face were the jihadists, but it was organised and guided by men from the Sunni tribes, many of whom had been experienced soldiers in Saddam Hussein’s army.  As a result, they swept through Iraq and on into Syria.  ibid.  



‘Into the hands of America God has placed the destiny of an afflicted mankind.  God bless America.’  Adam Curtis, HyperNormalisation, Reagan, 2016



Afghanistan: Now that the longest war in US history is finally coming to a humiliating and long-predicted end, we can tally up the cost of this absurd irresponsible conflict, and assess what was gained, what was lost.  How the US Should Have Spent the Afghanistan War Budget, Youtube 17.38, Second Thought 2021


Freedom and democracy are never the real aims of the United States.  ibid.    


The greatest force for death and repression in modern history … The deaths of over 71,000 civilians … Drone strikes: 2,000 civilians.  ibid.  


A massive transfer of wealth from the American people to the military-industrial complex.  ibid.  


How could that $2.26 trillion have been better spent? …  ibid.  



Our incredibly massive and powerful military … Over 600 military bases in other country and a near constant occupation of various regions.  The Blackwater Pardons, PMC’s & US Imperialism, Youtube 15.01, Second Thought 2021


Private Military Companies … US PMC’s have operated in over fifty countries and on every continent except Antarctica … The recent presidential pardon of four Blackwater contractors for crimes they committed during the US occupation of Iraq.  ibid.  



‘We don’t make these sacrifices for territory or resources.  We do it because it’s right.’  The US Doesn’t Meddle in Foreign Affairs, Obama, Youtube 16.38, Second Thought 2021


None hold a candle to the United States … The mountains of evidence that show, contrary to what US leaders would have you believe, this country is the most meddlesome in the world.  ibid.  


We have libraries’ worth of evidence of imperialist crimes of the United States.  ibid.  



The ability to supply, withhold, stockpile and police drugs, and to influence the public conversation about drugs, has been central to projections of US imperial power since the middle of the 20th century.’  Suzanna Reiss, We Sell Drugs: The Alchemy of US Empire  



The US is ruled by oligarchy … 330 million people who live in the US and they are being lied to about all these wars through the corporate media.  Daniele Ganser, author The Ruthless Empire, interview The Corbett Report 18th October 2023  



‘Too often we make a mockery of the idea of ‘never again.’  And when a country with the power of the United States sits on its hands and does nothing in the fact of evil, we certainly diminish our influence.’  Corridors of Power: Should America Rule the World? s1e1: For Every Insect There is an Insecticide, Paul Wolfowitz


‘Guess who the world calls for whenever there is a mugging?’  ibid.  Colin Powell


‘America truly is the world’s indispensable nation.’  ibid.  Clinton   


As for Saddam’s accused conspirators, they were hustled outside and strapped to stakes.  ibid.


With American help the Shah turned Iran into a brutal dictatorship using his CIA-trained secret police, the SAVAK to torture and massacre his opponents.  ibid.


After 25 years of oppression, the Iranian people had had enough.  ibid.


The mountains, say the Kurds, are our only friends.  ibid.  


Saddam knew no limits.  Iraq’s failure on the battleground led him to double down … Iraqi gunners were using mustard gas … Iraqi soldiers had been using nerve gas.  ibid.


Chemical Ali was determined to solve Iraq’s Kurdish problem once and for all.  ibid.


Iraq was massacring its own citizens with chemical weapons.  ibid.      


His war had not turned out as Saddam expected.  Instead of Iran’s oil fields, Iraq was left with a vast debt, its economy in shambles.  ibid.


Now, from Basra to Erbil ordinary people took up arms and surged into the streets.  ibid.


People were angry that George Bush had called for an uprising and was doing nothing to help.  ibid.   



The worms coming to life in the Balkans were particularly poisonous for they were driven both by long resentment and by ethnic hatred.  Corridors of Power: Should America Police the World? s1e2: Bosnia: Our Soldiers Are Not Toy Soldiers


The Republics wanted their independence and began declaring it.  ibid.  


Some 1.3 Bosnians have been displaced.  ibid.  US document     


Serb soldiers began rampaging through Bosnia.  ibid.


‘And he [Colin Powell] got really mad at me and said, ‘Our soldiers are not toy soldiers.’’  ibid.  Albright  


The Serbs saw weakness.  To Milosevic and his generals, the West’s so-called new world order looked like vacillation and incompetence, and they ruthlessly seized the moment.  ibid.