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★ Universe (III)

Imagine a universe with no stars.  A dull endless night.  This is not some sci-fi nightmare.  This is our future.  For billions of years stars brought light to the universe.  Now they’re dying out in a star apocalypse.  What’s causing the die-off?  And what happens when the lights go out?  How the Universe Works s8e4: Death of the Last Stars



26,000 light years from Earth, shrouded in cosmic gas and dust, is a mysterious region of space  the centre of the Milky Way … the supermassive black hole at the heart of our galaxy.  How the Universe Works s8e5: Monsters of the Milky Way   



The time machines of science fiction offer infinite possibilities.  But could science travel ever be science fact?  How the Universe Works s8e6: Secrets of Time Travel    


Entropy could be a big problem for wannabe time travellers.  ibid.



For centuries we’ve only had the solar system to tell us how planets form.  Now, we’re discovering thousands of worlds around distant stars.  How the Universe Works s8e7: How to Build a Planet


Building a planet is no easy feat.  With many tricky steps along the way.  ibid.



The Earth is taking us on the ride of our lives, hurtling through space in ways we never imagined.  Now, we’re unlocking the secrets of our planet’s voyage.  How the Universe Works s8e8: Earth’s Death Orbit  


Life evolved in lockstep with Earth’s spinning motion.  ibid. 



Aliens.  Sci-Fi movie monsters.  Could science fiction ever become fact?  The problem is, our universe creates massive barriers to meeting extraterrestrials.  We’re searching the cosmos.  How the Universe Works s8e9: Hunt for Alien Evidence



Welcome to the moon.  A barren lifeless wasteland.  Or so we thought.  The moon was born in violence.  And grew more like a planet than a moon.  Could the moon have once been home to life?  How the Universe Works s8e10: Moon


‘It turns out it’s shrinking.  It’s shrinking while it cools.’  ibid.  scientist  



A dangerous asteroid is heading towards Earth.  It’s the size of the Empire State building and it’s travelling at 16,000 miles an hour … It will fly close to us in 2029.  It won’t hit us  this time.  How the Universe Works s8e11: Asteroid Apocalypse



Our universe is at war.  Entire galaxies fight to the death.  Only the strongest survive.  Our own galaxy also fights for survival.  These battles are how galaxies live, grow and die.  How the Universe Works s9e1: War of the Galaxies, Discovery 2021



Comets: messengers from the dawn of the Solar System.  For the first time we sent a spacecraft to orbit and land on one.  The Rosetta mission answers our most fundamental questions.  How the Universe Works s9e2: Mission to a Comet


A four-billion-mile journey to Comet 67P.  ibid.



Supermassive black holes.  The engines that power our universe.  They’re the driving force at the heart of nearly every galaxy in the cosmos.  Now, a new mystery has emerged about the oldest supermassive black holes.  We have clues about their formation but can we solve the mystery of this supermassive growth spurt?  How the Universe Works s9e3: Birth of Monster Black Holes    



There’s a violent star at the centre of our solar system.  And our planet is at its mercy.  The sun is a churning cauldron of nuclear reactions.  How the Universe Works s9e4: Secrets of the Sun


‘What actually accelerates the wind away from the sun? … These acoustic waves transport particles with them to give them energy.’  ibid.  Michelle Thaller



The universe: vast, dynamic, and explosive.  But this huge cosmos with its billions of galaxies and countless stars isn’t the only one.  We share our lives with another universe.  We call this strange hidden kingdom the microcosmos.  It guided our evolution and it keeps us alive.  How the Universe Works s9e5: Aliens of the Microcosmos



We’re discovering the cosmos is full of alien planets.  Exoplanets.  Strange worlds outside our solar system.  Exoplanets are rewriting what makes a planet a planet.  How the Universe Works s9e6: Mystery of Alien Worlds



White dwarfs: small stars that pack a big punch.  There are the cooling corpses of stars like our sun, but new research proves white dwarves are one of the driving forces of our universe.  How the Universe Works s9e7: Curse of the White Dwarf  


About 30% of white dwarves live in a binary system.  ibid.


White dwarfs can explode in violent supernovas … They might also create the most magnetic and terrifying beast in the universe  a magnetar.  ibid.



There’s a killer lurking in our galaxy.  A star ready to explode into a supernova.  Seen from Earth it would have a terrible beauty but for us it could be fatal.  We’re trying to hunt it down.  How the Universe Works s9e8: The Next Supernova



Our world, our solar system, our universe: none of it would exist without a ghostly particle called the Neutrino.  They are our early warning system.  Neutrinos trigger star-killing explosions: supernova.  These tiny particles saved the infant universe from destruction.  Neutrinos are the key to how the universe works.  How the Universe Works s9e9: Secret Lives of Neutrinos


Neutrinos form during nuclear fusion reactions inside the core of stars.  ibid.



First there was light, visible light.  Then we view the universe in radio waves and X-rays.  Gravitational waves: they help us roll back the clock to the dawn of time.  How the Universe Works s9e10: Gravitational Waves Revealed


Gravitational waves give us vital clues about distant objects we can’t see.  ibid.



We’re on a journey to the heart of the supermassive black hole  M87 Star.  Our mission: to investigate one of the most mysterious places in the universe.  Supermassive black holes are the engines that power the universe.  How the Universe Works s9e11: Journey to a Black Hole


The Event Horizon telescope photo is the first picture ever taken of a black hole.  



The cosmic web is the infrastructure that connects every corner of the universe.  It’s the architect of everything.  And our cosmic future depends on it.  How the Universe Works s10e1: Secrets of the Cosmic Web, Discovery 2022



An invisible danger hurtles towards Earth and close to the speed of light.  Cosmic rays.  They pierce spaceships putting our astronauts in danger, but the source of their power is a mystery.  How the Universe Works s10e2: Curse of the Cosmic Rays



The Earth is over 4.5 billion years old.  Its history is shaped by disaster after disaster.  These violent events could be why Earth has life.  Earth has walked the line between survival and destruction.  Could catastrophe and chaos be the essential ingredients for life?  How the Universe Works s10e3: Dark History of Earth



Voyager: the most ambitious space mission in history.  Exploring further than any man-made spacecraft has gone before.  How the Universe Works s10e4: Voyager’s Ultimate Mission



Scientists believe there is a hidden substance deep in space.  It keeps the cosmos running.  But is that substance real?  After searching for decades we still don’t understand this inexplicable substance.  There’s evidence that dark matter makes up 85% of all the matter in the universe.  How the Universe Works s10e5: Hunting for Dark Matter


Dark matter can also bend light itself.  It’s called gravitational lensing.  ibid.



There’s a mystery at the very heart of the universe: we don’t know how old the cosmos is.  It’s more than just celebrating a birthday.  But our quest to discover the age of the universe is starting a war.  How the Universe Works s10e6  


We think the universe started with a bang … Scientists have just a single fact as their starting point: the universe is expanding.  ibid.



Saturn: A series of extraordinary moons.  Almost a billion miles from the sun, these icy worlds could be home for life 2.0.  With each new mission we get closer to unravelling the mystery of Saturn’s moons.  How the Universe Works s11e1: The Moons of Saturn, Discovery 2023


October 2019: Astronomers discover 20 new moons orbiting the gas giant Saturn.  ibid.


Plumes of water vapour shooting out from Enceladus at 800 miles per hour … from vents in the surface.  ibid.  


Saturn captured these moons but from where?  ibid.


Titan may have formed from the material in the proto-planetary disc … It grew so large it developed a dense atmosphere.  ibid.       


Only two places with river and rain: Earth & Titan … The atmosphere is 50% thicker than Earth.  ibid.  


Saturn’s magnetic field boosts the chance of life on Titan.  ibid.


Why the rings are so clean, almost pristine.  ibid.



A planet that is similar to Earth but with some big differences.  Past missions suggest that Mars was once a very different world.  How the Universe Works s11e2: A Robot’s Guide to Mars    


We employ a team of high-tech investigators … Did Mars once have life?  ibid.


2021: The most advanced rover Nasa has sent to another world.  This is Perseverance …  Task #1: Find evidence of liquid water.  ibid.


Dry Mars was once very different in the past.  ibid.


Why Mars’s core is still liquid.  ibid.  


16 missions have investigated the red planet from orbit, while 10 landers have explored the surface.  ibid.         



They can deliver the ultimate knockout blow.  It’s a fight between two supermassive black holes.  Get ready for the Heavyweight championship of the universe.  How the Universe Works s11e3: Violent Event in the Universe


It’s not the first time we’ve picked up gravitational waves.  ibid.


Measure the wobbles of 100 pulsars spread across space.  ibid.


‘How do black holes become suppermassive?  We’re not quite sure.’  ibid.


