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United States of America Early – 1899 (II)
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★ United States of America Early – 1899 (II)

The violence suffered by blacks during this time is often perpetrated by Southern land owners attempting to keep their black labor in the fields.  ibid.  


Lincoln calls for a reconstruction of the county, a rebuilding of trust and of dedication to peace.  ibid.


The Civil War claims the lives of nearly 260,000 Southern men.  Those that were able, returned home to utter devastation.  Thousands starved to death.  ibid.


Anti-black violence erupts throughout the South … Memphis, Tennessee: a mob butchers 50 former slaves and burns close to 100 black homes and churches to the ground.  ibid.


The New Orleans Massacre of 1866 is just the first of five street battles to break out in the city during Reconstruction.  ibid.


After several more skirmishes, [B P] Upham is able to suppress the entire Arkansas Klan … This of course is only temporary as the Ku Klux Klan will re-emerge and reinvent itself time and again throughout American history.   ibid.


Henry’s band includes his brothers and cousins, ex-Union soldiers and some ex-slaves.  They become known as the Lowrie Gang and are about to unleash a torrent of violence against White Supremacists in North Carolina.  The gang would become some of the most wanted men in the country.  ibid.


Local authorities form a county militia to combat the Lowrie Gang.  The leader is a former Confederate military commander Colonel James Wisher … He arrests the wives of the Lowrie gang members … Lowrie leads an ambush attack against the militia …  ibid.   


Henry Berry Lowrie vanishes and is never seen in North Carolina again.  Many believe he heads West with the reward money, eventually making a new name for himself as a gunslinger.  ibid. 



Henry Berry Lowrie vanishes and is never seen in North Carolina again.  Many believe he heads West with the reward money, eventually making a new name for himself as a gunslinger.  ibid. 



The United States of America was a bold invention.  Creating an immense challenge.  It took an eight-year war of independence followed by intense political debate to produce a republic of, by and for the people.  Ultimate Guide to the Presidents e1: Assume the Position 1789-1925, History 2013


The office of US president has come to embody the hopes and aspirations of the American people.  ibid.


The first presidential election took place on 4th February 1789.  ibid.


[James] Monroe kicked off his presidency with a tour of the states by horse and carriage.  ibid.



America in 1824 saw the era of the Founding Fathers coming to an end.  Over the next twenty-five years six presidents would reflect the United States’ sometimes uneasy transition from old tradition to an expansion of land, influence and opportunity.  Democracy was the word on everyone’s lips.  Ultimate Guide to the Presidents e2: Power to the People


Jackson ... the most popular general since George Washington ... Of America’s nearly 11,000,000 people only 10% were eligible to vote.  ibid.


Adams was a classical scholar ... He wanted a strong federal government to build a system of new stone roads and canals.  ibid.


The election of 1828 once again saw Adams vs Jackson ... a new low for mud-slinging.  ibid.


Jackson v the National Bank of the United States ... ‘The bank is trying to kill me but I will kill it.’  ibid.


[Martin van] Buren tried his best to run a tight ship at the Executive Office.  ibid.


[William Henry] Harrison became the first president to die in office.  ibid.



With new territory came old confrontations.  Ultimate Guide to the Presidents e3: A House Divided 1849-1865


Zachary Taylor: The twelfth president of the United States.  ibid.


Alongside federal marshals, bounty-hunter slave-catchers also began hunting black men, women and children whether they were former slaves or not.  ibid.


The people voted in a little-known amiable Democrat called Franklin Pierce .. Like Fillmore before him, his Party refused to renominate him.  ibid.


James Buchanan: The fifteenth president.  ibid.


Lincoln swept the entire north ... The sixteenth president ... South Carolina withdrew in December of 1860.  ibid.


A new unprecedented task – the reconstruction of a fractured country.  ibid.  



America after its civil war was a traumatised country in desperate need of leadership.  Ultimate Guide to the Presidents e4: Executive Retreat 1865-1901


Over the next three decades a series of weak presidents lacking vision for the future showed little interest in real leadership.  ibid.


[Andrew] Johnson issued orders for the seceded states to hold elections.  ibid.


On 24th February 1868 Congress for the first time impeached a sitting president on eleven counts of high crimes and misdemeanors ... [Andrew] Johnson’s victory was hollow.  ibid.


On 25th April 1898 Congress declared war on Spain and [William] McKinley signed it.  ibid.



When did humans first reach the Americas?  Ancient Apocalypse s1e6: America’s Lost Civilisation                           


The discovery of much older archaeological remains.  Fossilised human footprints have been found in the New Mexican desert that date to 22,000 years ago, the height of the last Ice Age.  ibid.


The few sites that survive may be critical in establishing the possibility of a lost civilisation.  ibid.


Poverty Point: An immense man-made earthen structure, today known simply as Mound A … part of a much larger ancient complex.  ibid.


Ohio, a stunning example of an effigy mound.  A gigantic earthwork shaped into the form of a living creature.  In this case, a 400-metre long snake.  It’s called Serpent Mound.  ibid.


They practice censorship by ridiculing and insulting alternative ideas.  ibid.  


We have already seen such serpent imagery in ancient monuments all over the world.  ibid.             



At sites all around the globe we’ve seen what I believe after the fingerprints of a lost civilisation dating back to the last Ice Age.  Ancient Apocalypse s1e8: Cataclysm & Rebirth  


Many of them tell the same basic story.  ibid.  


The wonders of the Channeled Scablands … it’s so enormous … The Falls are just one section of a monstrous ravine ... What really happened here?  ibid.


An apocalypse on a scale that’s almost impossible to imagine today … The violence arrived.  ibid.    


The biggest flash flood in human history … much like the ones destribed in myths around the world.  ibid.


‘There was a peak of platinum and iridium.’  ibid.  scientist      


A brief intense storm of debris that the Earth ran into … the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis.  ibid.      


An immense global cataclysm around 12,800 years ago.  And apocalypse big enough to have obliterated almost all traces of an advanced civilisation of the Ice Age.  ibid.       



I’ve been exploring the possibility of a lost civilisation in prehistory for more than 30 years.  Ancient Apocalypse: The Americas s2e1: Chapter I, Netflix 2024


One of the most striking places in North America: White Sands, New Mexico … Forcing a rewrite of the history of the pre-Americas.  ibid.


These fossilised human footprints must have been made in the time of the mammoths and the giants sloths.  At least 11,500 years ago.  And there are thousands of them.  ibid.  


‘At least from 21 to 23,000 years ago.’  ibid.  scientist           


The timeline of history keeps receding with every new discovery.  ibid.