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United States of America 1900 – Date (I)
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★ United States of America 1900 – Date (I)

In June 1969 the organisation Students for a Democratic Society held its annual convention at the Coliseum in Chicago ... Students joined SDS by the thousand.  ibid.  


The Weathermen took their name from the Bob Dylan lyric: You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.  ibid.


A revolution is not a spectacle!  There are no spectators!  Everyone participates whether they know it or not.  ibid.  protest poster


Bring the War Home was our slogan.  ibid.  Weatherman


We felt that doing nothing in a period of repressive violence is itself a form of violence.  That’s really the part that I think is the hardest for people to understand.  If you sit in your house, live your white life and go to your white job, and allow the country that you live in to murder people and to commit genocide, and you sit there and you don’t do anything about it, that’s violence.  ibid.  Naomi Jaffe


They’re not romantic revolutionaries; they’re the same thugs and hoodlums that have always plagued the good people.  ibid.  Richard Nixon


Once Richard Nixon was elected president and was inaugurated in January 1969, we were targeted, bam, bam, bam, by a very sophisticated, advanced, counterintelligence program, at the same time, by very crude and violent police.  ibid.  Kathleen Neal Cleaver, Black Panther Party


This pattern of harassment is going on against the Black Panther Party across the country.  On Friday, the Watts office of the Black Panther Party was bombed and demolished.  Last week the Des Moines office was bombed.  They can’t stop anything we’re doing as a legitimate political organization so they come in and shoot us and shoot tear-gas in our office and drag people off to jail like they’ve lost they minds.  ibid.


December 1969: The month Brad Hampton was killed was a moment of intense violence and despair in America.  ibid.


All guilty.  All Americans were legitimate targets for attack.  We wanted this country to taste a little bit of what it had been dishing out ... I cherished my hate as a badge of moral superiority.  ibid.  Weatherwoman


During the early 1970s there was a strong radical prison movement in the United States.  ibid.


The Underground Weatherman organisation claimed responsibility for the San Francisco and the Sacramento bombings.  ibid.


One of the group’s most high profile actions was helping the counter-culture hero Timothy Leary escape from a Californian prison.  ibid.


The Third World War has begun.  Join us in the fight for freedom.  ibid.  Timothy Leary


Weather Underground Splits Up Over Plan to Come Into the Open. ibid.  The New York Times article


I think that part of the Weatherman phenomenon that was right was our understanding of what the position of the United States is in the world.  It was this knowledge that we just couldnt handle; it was too big.  We didn’t know what to do.  In a way I still don’t know what to do with this knowledge.  I don’t know what needs to be done now, and its still eating away at me just as it did thirty years ago.  ibid.  Mark Rudd



The idea that America is a special country destined for greatness is a powerful part of the American dream.  American History’s Biggest Fibs with Lucy Worsley III, BBC 2019


The [Japanese] victory wasn’t what it seemed … There are so many evasions and myths … Japan’s leaders were already discussing surrender when Nagasaki was bombed … August 8th: One and a half million Russians troops launched a surprise assault against the Japanese army in Manchuria.  ibid.


See the annual crowning of Miss Atomic Bomb.  ibid.


Health officials estimate nuclear fallout resulted in the deaths of at least 11,000 Americans.  ibid.


Government workers lived in fear of McCarthy’s accusations … ‘transcripts had been altered.’  ibid.  academic


He [McCarthy] had another target too: homosexuals.  ibid.  


Eisenhower knew the Soviet threat was being exaggerated.  ibid.


One Kennedy legend remains remarkably intact.  The time when the president’s bravado saved America from nuclear war.  ibid.



I am concerned for the security of our great nation.  Not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.  General Douglas MacArthur



By the 1920s Greenwood is this incredible prosperous community.  People referred to it as Black Wall Street.  Tulsa Burning: The 1921 Race Massacre, woman, History 2021


The worst single incident of racial violence in American history begins: this wall of white people start moving towards Greenwood.  They are carrying pistols and shotguns but also carrying cans of gasoline and matches.  ibid.  dude


They had bombs dropping from the air.  ibid.  dude #2


Not one of those men what participated in the race riots were ever brought to justice.  ibid.  dude #3  


We just dumped bodies of human beings, of patriots, of veterans, of teachers, of husbands, of wives, of children, in mass graves.  ibid.  dude #3