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United Nations
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★ United Nations

Sperm counts in many parts of the world are plummeting … They genetically engineered that gene into fricking corn!  ibid.


Houses of Westminster: Woman in £1 million hat makes speech about austerity.  ibid.


And they want to make the kids pay for it with debt for much of the rest of their lives … What do you bloody want to do it for? … Why is it the done thing? … The ever-increasing fees that are being charged, the ever-increasing debt therefore control over young people … The only way it’s going to change is if they refuse to bloody go!  Don’t take part in the system … We don’t need the bloody system!  ibid.  


The planet is being killed by these people.  ibid.



The UN bureaucracy has grown to elephantine proportions.  Now that the Cold War is over, we are asking that elephant to do gymnastics.  Madeleine Albright



Kofi Annan – and his rackety bought-out oil-for-food rotted United Nations.  Christopher Hitchens, In Confidence


The most appalling collection of opportunists and thugs it is possible to imagine.  ibid.  



Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialised nations collapse?  Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?  Maurice Strong, founder of UN Environmental Programme, address Rio Earth Summit 1992



A good joke.  Lord Curzon of League of Nations



The USA has broken the UN Security Council, leading to its decreased importance and effectiveness, largely over Israel that the USA supports under any circumstances, vetoing even the smallest and most reasonable measures against Israel's illegal occupations.  The reasons for the USA’s behaviour is beyond me, some say it is religiously motivated, commercially motivated or simply due to habit.  The USA abuses the UN more than any other country, constantly trying to bribe and buy influence, yet is notorious for owing most to the UN, despite the USA’s heavy use of it, and wealth.  This intolerable attitude towards world consensus causes hatred of the USA at the highest levels in all countries in the world, except Israel, which is perhaps the USA’s sole benefactor.  Vexen Crabtree, USA: Contempt for United Nations and International Folly 2003



Within the United Nations is the germ and seed of a great international and meditating, reflecting group – a group of thinking and informed men and women in whose hands lies the destiny of humanity.  This is largely under the control of many fourth-ray disciples, if you could but realise it, and their point of meditative focus is the institutional or Buddhic plane – the plane upon which all hierarchical activity is today to be found.  Alice Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age



We have meditations at the United Nations a couple of times a week.  The meditation leader is Sri Chinmoy, and this is what he said ... ‘The United Nations is the chosen instrument of God ... A divine messenger carrying the banner of God’s inner vision and outer manifestation.  One day the world will treasure ... the soul of the United Nations as its very own with enormous pride, for this soul is all-loving, all-nourishing, and all-fulfilling.  Donald Keys, New American magazine



In order to reach their aims of world unity and thus engage the whole world in service to the Plan, enlightened Freemasons and New Agers have been pushing for collectivist motifs that promote monistic pantheism and unity.  This is why the chief instigators to the globalist League of Nations and the United Nations have been Theosophists, trying to work out the plan.


This is why the verbiage and aims at the UN is for world peace and brotherhood.  It is a spiritual undertaking in a secular world.  Lucis Trust has had three think-tanks located at the UN Plaza in New York for around fifty years.  No wonder the former Assistant Secretary General to the UN, Robert Muller, is a devoted disciple of Alice Bailey, whose book, A Treatise on White Magic, forms the basis for the Robert Muller schools.  Willie Peterson



Later the League of Nations would become the United Nations and would itself be full of Freemasons in positions of the highest authority.  Philip Gardner, Angels, Demons and Freemasons



The World Trade Organisation was created ... by the same institutions, the same powerful central banks that created the United Nations and empowered it in the 1940s.  They seek to destroy national sovereignty not just in America but worldwide and reign it in under the control of a huge dictatorial machine.  And their track record is clear: they are nothing more than servants of the corrupt global establishment serving their every whim, dividing up the property on the global plantation.  Alex Jones, Police State II: The Takeover, 2000



The UN has put out dozens of public documents where they are calling for an 80% world population reduction.  In fact at the Beijing Womans conference, the world conference back in 1997, the head of the UN Food Program said, We will use food as a weapon against the people.  Alex Jones 



The fact is Kirk Waldheim, Secretary General of the United Nations from 1972 to 1982, was a top-level SS Officer.  A death camp operator.  Yes, and the United Nations attempted to protect him.  Alex Jones, America: Destroyed By Design, 1998



The United Nations was founded right here in the United States in 1945 at the end of World War 2.  It was set up at the Presidio in San Francisco by our military-industrial complex.  The Rockefellers put up the money ... The United Nations has been caught hundreds of times running giant sex rings with kidnapped women and children ... It’s a huge business.  Alex Jones, Martial Law 9/11: The Rise of the Police State, 2005



This film is about the punishment of a whole nation.  The killing of hundreds of thousands of people, many of them young children.  These are the people of Iraq, silent victims not only of Saddam Hussein their dictator but of an endless war against civilians waged by western governments.  John Pilger, Paying the Price: Killing the Children of Iraq, 2000


This is the security council: centre of power of the United Nations in New York.  In 1996 the Council allowed Iraq to sell some of its oil reserves in order to buy food and other basic needs.  This is known as oil for food.  All the money from the sale of Iraq’s oil is controlled by the security council, which the United States dominates, and with Britain takes a hard line on Iraq.  Everything that goes to Iraq must be approved by a special sanctions committee run by the council.  This committee has consistently blocked restoration of basic services in Iraq – power, light and clean running water ... The Department of Trade and Industry in London blocked a shipment of vaccines.  ibid.


Sanctions are still in place, and the United Nations reports widespread chronic malnutrition and death among young children.  An unprecedented human rights disaster.  ibid.  


The latest United Nations study says that the death rate of children has doubled under sanctions.  That’s half a million dead in eight years.  ibid.


In Britain the same relationship blossomed between the Thatcher government and Saddam Hussein.  Cabinet ministers lined up to pay their respects and offer him trade deals and loans, almost everything he wanted.  ibid.


Most of the Iraqi soldiers and civilians who died in the Gulf War belonged to the Kurdish and Shia peoples.  The very people President Bush called upon to rise up against Saddam Hussein, and when they did rise up in February 1991 they were brutally betrayed.  ibid.


Why has the suffering of the Iraqi people been allowed to go on year after year?  Is there another agenda?  Smashing Iraq gives the United States greater control over the Middle East.  As the West expands across a vast new oil protectorate, stretching from the Persian Gulf to the former Soviet Union, Iraq may be the blueprint for policing this new order with the weapons of sanctions and bombing ... The sheer scale of the bombing of Iraq is a well-kept secret.  Between May 1998 and January this year, the American Air Force and Navy flew 36,000 sorties over southern Iraq.  That includes 24,000 combat missions.  ibid.


At the dawn of the new millennium how is Western civilisation to be judged by the fine words of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, words like the Right to Life?  Or by the denial of that right to a whole nation?  Do the representatives of the powerful who sit here in the Security Council ever think beyond their so-called interests and manoeuvres, and about their victims, small children dying needlessly half a world away?  And do those politicians who tell us about their ethical policies and moral crusades ever ask the question, By whose divine authority do they punish 21,000,000 people for the misconduct of a dictator?  We think the price is worth it, says Madeleine Albright.  No it is not.  And it never will be.  And it’s time we reclaimed the United Nations.  ibid.  



I think in this hospital we’ve seen today evidence of the killing that is now the responsibility of the Security Council and member states.  Particularly I think Bill Clinton and Tony Blair.  They should be here with us.  They should see the impact of what their decisions and their sustaining the economic sanctions means ... We are waging a warfare through the United Nations of the children and people of Iraq ... We are targeting civilians, worse, we are targeting children.  Denis Halliday, former United Nations assistant general secretary, resigned 1998



We are now in the process through the Security Council of destroying the human rights of the Iraqi people.  And for many of us that is an extraordinary situation, where the chamber responsible for peace and security is neglecting the very provisions of the Charter which forms the basis of the organisation itself.  It’s an extraordinary phenomenon.  There is no democracy in the Security Council.  Denis Halliday



UN envoy quits over suffering in Iraq caused by sanctions.  The Times News article 



Second official quits UN Iraq team.  The Guardian news article 15 February 2000



I do not think it is fair for such a long period of time to make the civilian population subject to bargaining.  Hans von Sponeck, former UN coordinator