Trust me, the galaxy is a pretty rough place. You people are much better off staying right here on Earth. ibid. Quark to Earthlings
I am on a quest, a quest for the most revered icon in Klingon history. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s4e9: Sword of Kahless, Kor to Worf, with Dax
They took the sword, and my people have been searching for it ever since. It is said its return will bring back a new era of glory for the Klingon Empire. ibid. Worf to Sisko, with Dax
You know what I like about Klingon stories? Nothing. Lots of people die and nobody makes a profit. ibid. Quark
My character is far more disreputable. I am a spy. Yes, I work for one of the nation states of this era – Great Britain. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s4e10: Our Man Bashir, Bashir to Garak
I believe in an orderly world. A far cry from the chaos we find ourselves in today. We are building a new future here. A new beginning for mankind. ibid. Sisko in character
You need to move beyond that. You need to start thinking about your new world order. You may even need someone like me. ibid. Bashir to Noah
When the great monetary collapse hit Ferenginar, I was hundreds of light years away serving as a ship’s cook on a long-haul freighter. I can’t tell you the heartbreak I suffered knowing that rampant inflation and currency devaluation were burning like wildfires through the lush financial foliage of my home. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s4e11: Homefront, Quark to O’Brien & Bashir
Humans, all you care about is yourselves. ibid. Quark
Our gods are dead. Ancient Klingon warriors slew them millennia ago. They were more trouble than they were worth. ibid. Worf
Earth is in danger. Maybe the greatest danger it’s faced since the last world war. Something has to be done about these shape-shifters ... I’m making you acting head of Star Fleet Security here on Earth. ibid. Admiral Leyton to Sisko & Odo
I’ve never seen him so tense. It’s like he’s carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. ibid. Sisko’s dad to Jake
If the Dominion attacks now, we don’t stand a chance. ibid. Admiral Leyton to Sisko & Odo
Why would they demobilise Red Squad only to mobilise them again three hours later? Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s4e12, Sisko to Odo
It seems to me if they have committed treason against the Federation – the Federation you swore to protect – you won’t be turning against them, they will have turned against you. ibid. Odo to Sisko
Just four of us. And look at the havoc we’ve wrought. ibid. shapeshifter as O’Brien to Sisko
Everything I know I learnt from Quark. ibid. Odo to Sisko
The people deserve strong leadership, someone to protect them. ibid. Admiral Leyton
You don’t have to pretend with me. You’re in love with her: Kira. And what’s more you’re worried she’s falling in love with Shakaar. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s4e13, Quark to Odo
I’m afraid I won’t be able to make our Tuesday morning meetings any more. ibid. Odo to Kira
When it comes to Ziyal, I regret nothing. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s4e14: Return to Grace, Gul Dukat to Kira
Klingons! ... There’s no honour in destroying a worthless freighter. I have to inform central command these Klingons have been operating behind our lines with impunity; someone has got to stop them. Someone else. ibid.
You never cease to impress me, Major. I have a lot to learn from you. ibid.
He did some very bad things during the occupation. It bothers him you know. ibid. Ziyal to Kira
What is the point of being a military adviser to a government that won’t fight! ibid. Dukat
I am the only Cardassian left. And if no-one else will stand against the Klingons, I will. ibid.
I regret that by opposing Gowron I have brought disgrace to our family. I do not apologise for what I have done. I could not join Gowron and his war with Cardassia or the Federation; it would have been dishonourable. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s4e15: Sons of Mogh, Worf to Kern
I am so hungry I could even eat Quark’s food. ibid. Kira to O’Brien on runabout
You have been wronged in this life. There is nothing left here for you. No honour. No future. ibid. Worf to Kurn
Why is it that suicide is considered a dishonourable death, Worf? ibid.
Of course I’m going to do something: I’m going to dock his pay. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s4e16: The Bar Association, Quark, re Rom who had just collapsed
No sick days, no vacations, no paid overtime. ibid. Rom to Bashir
It’s either a pay-cut or a lay-off – you decide. ibid. Quark to staff
We’re going to form a union ... Are you with me? ibid. Rom to staff
He was more than a hero; he was a union man. ibid. O’Brien to Rom, with Bashir
We’re the guild of restaurant and casino employees. ibid. Rom to Quark
Let’s see: five years of back rent, power consumption, plus repairs – do you known how much latinum that is? ibid. Sisko to Quark
Rom: Workers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains.
Quark: What’s happened to you? ibid.
Rule of Acquisition 263: never allow doubt to tarnish your lust for latinum. ibid. Rom to strikers
Rule of Acquisition 211: employees are the rungs on the ladder of success. Don’t hesitate to step on them. ibid. Ferengi to strikers
Let’s get back on the picket line and show Quark what we’re made of. ibid. Rom to strikers
Remember, in unity there is strength. So be strong. ibid.
I don’t see there’s a contradiction. That’s the thing about faith – if you don’t have it you can’t understand it, and if you do, no explanation is necessary. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s4e17: Accession, Kira to Odo
Do you realise that caste-based discrimination goes against the Federation charter. If Bajor returns to the d’jarra system I have no doubt that its petition to join the Federation will be rejected ... I had a feeling Winn would see it that way. ibid.
He is the Sisko. ibid. Prophets
Part of being a captain is knowing when to smile. Make the troops happy! Even when it’s the last thing in the world you want to do. Because they are your troops, and you have to take care of them. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s4e18: Rules of Engagement, Sisko
You don’t understand at all. I’m not doing this [suicide] for me. I’m doing it to protect Keiko and Molly and everyone else on this station ... From me. I’m not the man I used to be. I’m dangerous. I nearly hit Molly today. All she wanted was a little attention, and I nearly hit her. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s4e19: Hard Time, O’Brien to Bashir
You killed my father and my uncle. Thanks to you I own a bar. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s4e20: Shattered Mirror, alternative Nog to alternative Kira
I’m pregnant. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 4e21: The Muse, Lwaxana to Odo
I know you. I was like you once, but then I opened my eyes. Open your eyes, Captain. Why is the Federation so obsessed about the Maquis? We’ve never harmed you. And yet we’re constantly arrested and charged with terrorism. Starships chase us through the Badlands, and our supporters are harassed and ridiculed. Why? Because we’ve left the Federation, and that’s the one thing you can’t accept. Nobody leaves paradise. Everyone should want to be in the Federation. Hell, you even want the Cardassians to join. You’re only sending them replicators so that one day they can take their rightful place on the Federation Council. You know, in some ways you’re worse than the Borg. At least they tell you about their plans for assimilation. You’re more insidious ... you assimilate people and they don’t even know it. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s4e22: For the Cause, Michael Eddington
The Founders’ ability to control the Jem’Hadar has been somewhat overstated. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s4e23: To The Death, Weyoun
Your people want you to come home, Odo. ibid. Weyoun
Come to Quark’s, Quark’s is fun, Come right now, Don’t walk, run. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s4e24: The Quickening, Quark’s advert
More than anything the Dominion wanted my people to bear the mark of their defiance. So they brought us the blight. We’re all born with it; we all die from it. ibid. Trevean to Bashir, with Dax