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South & Southern Films
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★ South & Southern Films

We occupy the same cage, thats all.  ibid.  Maggie to Brick


I hate locked doors in the house.  ibid.  Big Moma


One question: do you make Brick happy?  Well?  ibid.  Big Moma to Maggie


And I know that Big Daddy’s just as proud as we are knowing there’s a whole dynasty of his flesh and blood waiting to take over.  ibid.  Mae


Let’s face facts, baby.  You’re a drinker and that take’s money.  ibid.  Maggie to Brick


I’ve been so disgustingly poor all my life.  ibid.


You don’t know what it’s like to have to suck up to people you can’t stand just because they’ve got money.  ibid.


You’re just jealous cause you can’t have babies.  ibid.  little girl to Maggie


But how in hell on Earth do you imagine you’re going to have a child by a man who cannot stand you?  ibid.  Brick to Maggie


Say, Deacon, what do you get out of all this charity work anyway?  ibid.  Gooper


I even loved your hate and your hardness.  ibid.  Big Moma to Big Daddy


Son, you know you’ve a got a real liquor problem?  ibid.  Big Daddy to Brick


Yes, sir.  I am an alcoholic.  So if you’ll just excuse me.  ibid.  Brick to Big Daddy


Big Daddy: Now tell me what are you disgusted with?


Brick: Mendacity.  You know what that is?  It’s liars and lies.  ibid.


Church?  It bores me.  ibid.  Big Daddy


I’ve lived with mendacity.  Now why can’t you live with it?  You’ve got to live with it.  There’s nothing to live with but mendacity.  ibid.


Big Daddy: Son, why don’t you kill yourself?


Brick: ’Cause I like to drink.  ibid.


We always seem to talk around things.  Seem to leave things unsaid and unspoken.  ibid.  Big Daddy to Brick


To hell with all lies and all liars.  ibid.  Brick to Big Daddy


How does one drowning man help another drowning man?  ibid.  Brick to Big Daddy


When I’m drunk I can stand myself.  ibid.


The truth is pain and sweat and paying bills and making love to a woman you don’t love any more.  ibid.  Big Daddy to Brick


I think it’s time we all had a little talk.  ibid.  Gooper


I don’t trust a man who don’t drink.  ibid.  Big Moma


Somebody must be lying.  ibid.  Big Moma


Nothing’s ever the way you planned, is it?  ibid.


There’s got to be some purpose in life, some meaning.  ibid.  Brick to Big Daddy


The first thing I can remember: shame.  ibid.  Big Daddy to Brick


I’ve got the guts to die; what I want to know is, have you got the guts to live?  ibid.  Big Daddy to Brick


What’s that smell in this room?  Didn’t you notice it, Brick?  Did you notice the powerful and obnoxious odour of mendacity in this room?  ibid.  Big Daddy


We are through with lies and liars in this house.  ibid.  Brick to Maggie



You better come along with us.  Cool Hand Luke 1967 starring Paul Newman & George Kennedy & Strother Martin & Jo van Fleet & Joy Harmon & Morgan Woodward & Luke Askew & Robert Donner & Clifton James et al, director Stuart Rosenberg, rozzer to Newman


You gonna fit in real good.  ibid.  prison governor to Newman et al


I hope you ain’t gonna be a hard case.  ibid.  floorwalker to new inmates


Well, sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand.  ibid.


Things just never the way they seem ... It wasn’t such a hell of a life.  ibid.  Lucas to aunt


Luke, what went wrong?  ibid.  Aunt to Luke


I can eat fifty eggs.  ibid.  Lucas to men


You still believe in that big bearded boss up there?  You think hes watching us?  ibid.  Lucas to Dragline


Calling it your job don’t make it right, boss.  ibid.  Lucas to guard


What weve got here is failure to communicate.  Some men you just cant reach.  ibid.  governor


Where are you?  Where are you now?  ibid.  Lucas to God


I never planned anything in my life.  ibid.  Lucas to Dragline


Anybody here?  Hell, man, you home tonight?  If you can spare a minute, ’bout time we had a little talk ... You ain’t dealt me no cards in a long time.  ibid.  Lucas to God


You made me like I am.  And just where am I supposed to fit in?  ibid.  Lucas to God


I guess I’m pretty tough to deal with, huh? ... I guess you’re a hard case too.  ibid.  Lucas to God



There was a land of Cavaliers and Cotton Fields called the Old South ... Here is in this pretty world of Gallantry took its last bow.  Here was the last ever to be seen of Knights, and their Ladies Fair, of Master and of Slave.  Look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered.  A Civilisation gone with the wind.  Gone With the Wind 1939 starring Clark Gable & Vivien Leigh & Leslie Howard & Olivia de Haviland & Thomas Mitchell & Barbara Mitchell & Evelyn Keyes & Ann Rutherford & George Reeves & Fred Crane & Hattie McDaniel & Alicia Rhett et al, director Victor Fleming, opening caption


There isn’t going to be any war.  ibid.  Scarlett


Why, land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for.  Because it’s the only thing that lasts.  ibid.  father


Do Not Squander Time.  That Is The Stuff Life Is Made Of.  ibid.  inscription


We keep our slaves with or without their approval.  ibid.  father


Most of the miseries of the world were caused by wars.  ibid.  Ashley


Scarlett:  Sir, you are no gentlemen.


Rhett:  And you, miss, are no lady.  ibid.


The war makes the most peculiar widows.  ibid.  Rhett to Scarlett


You should be kissed and often.  ibid.  Rhett to Scarlett


Selfish to the end, aren’t you?  ibid.  Rhett to Scarlett


As God is my witness, as God is my witness, they’re not going to beat me.  I’m going to live through this and when it’s all over I’ll never be hungry again.  ibid.  Scarlett


I am so very tired of it all ... I can’t stand another minute.  ibid.  Scarlett


Nothing except honour.  ibid.  Ashley


Nothing to live for.  ibid.  Scarlett


Don’t drink alone, Scarlett.  ibid.  Rhett


Money does help ... I’m thinking about how rich we are.  ibid.


Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.  ibid.


After all, tomorrow is another day.  ibid.



I’m all through with those parties too.  The Fugitive Kind 1960 starring Marlon Brando & Anna Magnani & Joanne Woodward & Maureen Stapleton & Victor Jory & R G Armstrong & John Baragrey et al, director Sidney Lumet, Brando to judge


Is that what you’re saying about me, that I’m corrupt, degraded, hmm?  ibid.  crazy bird


This country used to be wild but now it’s just drunk.  ibid.


I’m not tired; I’m just fed up.  ibid.  


Fly away, fly away, little bird, before you get broke.  ibid.  Brando to crazy bird


Nobody ever gets to know anybody.  We’re all, we’re all sentenced to solitary confinement.   ibid.  Brando to lady boss 


Who you calling cheap?  ibid.



Not a crowd at all, just a few stiffs who want to drink themselves to sleep without the music waking them up.  Honeydripper 2007 starring Danny Glover & Yaya DaCosta & Charles S Dutton & Daryl Edwards & Vondie Curtis-Hall & Lisa Gay Hamilton & Stacy Keach & Mable John et al, director John Sayles, bar owner


Everybody gets credit: it’s the American way.  ibid.


The only thing to wash out t’ dust is whisky.  ibid.  bloke in field



You didn’t even get me an anniversary present, now you want to go and get me pregnant.  The Last Picture Show 1971 starring Jeff Bridges & Timothy Bottoms & Ellen Burstyn & Ben Johnson & Cybill Shepherd & Cloris Leachman & Clu Gulager et al, director Peter Bogdanovich, Charlene to Sonny


Everything is quiet and empty here.  There’s nothing to do.  ibid.  mother