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★ Solomon & Solomon's Temple

Solomon & Solomon’s Temple: see Bible & Old Testament & David & Jerusalem & Wisdom & Archaeology & Temple

Chris Everard TV - Ancient Aliens TV - Holy Marvels with Dennis Quaid TV - Yigael Yadin - Israel Finkelstein - Zeev Herzog - Mysteries of the Bible TV - Nova: Bibles Buried Secrets TV - Albert Pike - Banned From the Bible: Enigmas of the Old Testament TV - Kenneth Hanson - Kirsty Copeland - Joan Branham - Richard Miles - Ring of Power 2008 - Jordan Maxwell - Decoding the Past TV - Lawrence Stager - Boaz Gaon - Amnon Rosenfeld - Horizon TV - Yuval Goren - Secrets of the Bible TV - The Solomon Treasures TV - Francesca Stavrakopoulou TV - Riddles of the Bible TV - Jamie Theakson TV - II Samuel 12:24 - I Kings 1:34&35&39&40 - I Kings 2:1&2 - I Kings 2:10-12 - I Kings 2:20&21 - I Kings 2:23-25 - I Kings 2:29 - I Kings 2:42-46 - I Kings 3:1-5 - I Kings 3:11&12 - I Kings 3:16-28 - I Kings 3:2-5&11&12&14&15 - I Kings 4:1 - I Kings 4:26 - I Kings 4:27-33 - I Kings 5:5 - I Kings 5:12 - I Kings 5:2&23&28 - I Kings 6:2 - I Kings 7:1&2 - I Kings 7:21 - I Kings 9:2-5 - I Kings 9:15 - I Kings 9:26 - I Kings 10:1&2 - I Kings 10:4 - I Kings 10:23 - I Kings 11:1-6 - I Kings 11:11 - I Kings 11:40 - I Kings 11:43 - II Kings 24:13 - I Chronicles 22:9&10 - I Chronicles 23:4 - I Chronicles 28:11&12 -I Chronicles 29:25 - II Chronicles 1:1 - II Chronicles 1:7 - II Chronicles 2:2 - II Chronicles 2:17&18 - II Chronicles 3:3&4 - II Chronicles 7:12-14 - II Chronicles 8:16 - II Chronicles 9:1 - Testament of Solomon 15 - Testament of Solomon 65 - Testament of Solomon 72 - Sirach/Ecclesiasticus 30:1&12&13 - Koran 34:12                




The Goetia shows you how King Solomon invoked all of the seventy-two demons of Hell.  And he questioned these demons and wrote down their replies.  And what is revealed in the Goetia or the Book of Howling as it is known in Europe is that Hell has its own royal hierarchy: the demons and devils are divided into royal rank, so you have marquesses, earls, viscounts, princes and kings of hell.  Chris Everard, interview Now That’s Weird! 10th October 2008



The Goetia contains descriptions of seventy-two demons, some of whom control their own army of lesser demons.  King Solomon invoked and imprisoned these spirits in a bronze vessels sealed using magic symbols.  The Goetia explains how the spirits can be compelled into obedience.  Chris Everard, Illuminati III



The Temple was said to house the Ark of the Covenant ... Could an advanced energy source within the Ark of the Covenant have allowed King Solomon to wield immense power?  Ancient Aliens s3e3: Aliens and Sacred Places, History 2013



Solomon’s treasure: Where does all this wealth come from?  Holy Marvels with Dennis Quaid V, History 2024


‘If you’ve got tons of copper and a port full of ships, all the gold your heart desires is just a trade away.’  ibid.  professor


In all the three cities mentioned in the Bible as rebuilt by Solomon – I repeat, Gezer, Megiddo and Hazor – identical fortifications and gates were found.  Yigael Yadin, 1972




So Yadin started from a point where he accepts the Biblical texts, the Biblical testimony, as fully historical.  Professor Israel Finkelstein, Tel Aviv University



Yadin’s dating was wrong.  Israel Finkelstein



There are a few pottery shells from the tenth century on the ground, a wall here and there maybe, but nothing monumental.  We are left with no archaeological evidence for the Temple of Solomon.  Israel Finkelstein



The Israelites were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land [of Canaan] in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the twelve tribes of Israel.  Perhaps even harder to swallow is the fact that the united kingdom of David and Solomon, described in the Bible as a regional power, was at most a small tribal kingdom.  Professor Ze’ev Herzog



3,000 years ago a vast complex stood here: it was a Hebrew Temple said to be the resting place of God.  Mysteries of the Bible s3e6: Life and Death in the Holy Temples, A&E 1996


Temple mount: three great religions took root here.  ibid.


Built by Herod the Great, the temple had dominated the city ... Where Jesus himself once prayed.  ibid.


Built by King Solomon a thousand years earlier ... No archaeological remains have been found.  ibid.


The disappearance of the Ark is one of the Bible’s most compelling mysteries.  ibid.



The Song of Solomon, aka Song of Songs, is perhaps the most sensual and provocative book in the entire Bible.  Mysteries of the Bible s4e5: Love and Sex in the Hebrew Bible



How could a king blessed with divine wisdom be ultimately responsible for the destruction of his own kingdom?  Mysteries of the Bible s4e9: King Solomon


Solomon’s offspring are barely mentioned.  ibid.


There is little historical evidence that Solomon ever existed.  ibid.


Not one shred of evidence has been unearthed to support the existence of either Solomon’s palace or temple.  ibid.


Solomon is intensely drawn to Sheba.  ibid.



Three monumental gates all based on the same plan would seem to be powerful evidence not only of prosperity but also of a central authority ... This stunning convergence between the Bible and Egyptian history gives a firm date for the death of Solomon ... 930 B.C.  This is further evidence that David and Solomon lived in the 10th century ... Although a minority of archaeologists continue to disagree, this convergence of the Bible, Egyptian chronology and Solomons Gates is powerful evidence that a great kingdom existed at the time of David and Solomon spanning all of Israel, north and south, with its capital in Jerusalem.  Nova: Bibles Buried Secrets 2/2, National Geographic 2008  


Scholars must discover what the Temple looked like and how it functioned.  Although archaeologists know where its remains should be, it is impossible to dig there.  ibid.



The avowed object of the Templars was to protect the Christians who came to visit the holy places: their secret object was the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon.  Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma



The Testament of Solomon was written in the first person.  In it the King related his vision of an army of demons.  Banned from the Bible s1e1: Enigmas of the Old Testament, History 2007


In the alternative text Solomon explains that he was given a ring of great power by the Archangel Gabriel who tells him: With it thou shalt lock up demons of the earth ... And with their help thou shalt build up Jerusalem.’  ibid.  [citing Testament of Solomon 5]



Solomon can definitely handle demons with no trouble.  Its women thats his problem.  Kenneth Hanson, author Secrets of the Lost Bible



He begins to speak gibberish.  No-one understands him any more.  And he becomes a laughing stock.  Kirsty Copeland, Stanford University



Out front was an enormous altar.  Beyond that was a porch area that led into the inside of the Temple.  There was a room – the Holy Place.  And then beyond that the most sacred room: the Holy of Holies, where tradition says the Ark of the Covenant held the tablets of the law.  Joan R Branham, Providence College



Many archaeologists now wonder just how powerful and unified Solomon’s kingdom really was.  For them, the Biblical account was a vision of a golden age.  How things should have been rather than the way things were.  Richard Miles, Ancient Worlds: Age of Iron



The famous King Solomons Temple in Jerusalem means Temple of the son-god Amun.  According to the Talmut, King Solomon used the dark power of his magic ring to conjure up demons to help him build his Temple.  Ring of Power, 2008 



Solomons Temple was merely a representation of the sex act.  Jordan Maxwell, lecture The Illuminati



There is little evidence outside the Bible that either Hiram Abiff or Solomons Temple ever existed.  Decoding the Past s2e12: Mysteries of the Freemasons – The Beginning, History 2006



If we take the details we find of Solomons Temple in the Book of Kings and compare it with the Ain Dara temple we can piece together a fairly good picture I think of what this Temple might have looked like in the age of Solomon.  Lawrence Stager, Harvard University



The story begins in 2001.  A professor from the Jerusalem University receives a call from a mysterious person who refuses to give his real name.  And asks this professor to come to a hotel in Jerusalem ... He opens up the briefcase.  Takes out a gorgeous piece of black stone with ancient writing on it, and asks the two professors to authenticate the piece.  Boaz Gaon, Ma-ariv newspaper



We couldnt find anything that would lead us to the conclusion that it was a forgery.  Dr Amnon Rosenfeld, Geological Survey of Israel



The Temple was built to house the Ark of the Covenant.  Horizon: King Solomon’s Tablet of Stone, BBC 2004


In July 2001 a unique inscribed tablet of stone mysteriously appeared in Israel.  It was an archaeological marvel that seemed to solve one of the Bible’s great riddles.  Tested by some of Israel’s top scientists it revealed that in the heart of Jerusalem three thousand years ago one of the legends of the ancient world had really existed – the magnificent Temple of Solomon.  ibid.


The geologists studying the stone found that the patina was continuous across the front of the stone ... The patina contained tiny flecks of gold.  Just what you’d expect from a stone that had been through a fire in a temple lined with gold.  In January 2003 the Geological Survey official pronounced the stone to be genuine.  ibid.


Where did the stone come from? ... The whole area is far too politically sensitive for archaeology ... It was then that the saga of the stone became very mysterious indeed.  ibid.