Millions watched, commented and shared. Depp v Heard II: Breaking the Internet
My finger had been severed. The remains of my finger. ibid. Depp
Amber Heard then testified in court that Johnny Depp sexually assaulted her with a glass bottle. ibid. caption
Social media is clearly playing a role in this case. ibid. reporter/pod comments
It’s not about truth … It’s about what the judge or jury believes. ibid.
I must be a monster … Can you guys frigging believe this [photo] is put into evidence? He’s taking a frigging nap. ibid.
Their duelling defamation trial playing out in Virginia. ibid. Court TV
Amber Heard’s cross-examination led to another wave of online ridicule. ibid. caption
She doesn’t know the different between donate and pledge. ibid. pod comment
I don’t know what to make of it … I don’t know who to believe. I don’t know how much of it is true. They’re two actors. Depp v Heard III: The Viral Verdict, Piers Morgan
I am harassed. Humiliated. Threatened. Every single day. ibid. Heard
Brutal, cruel, and all false. ibid. Depp
Borderline personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder. ibid. Depp’s shrink evaluates Heard
Those [Depp] texts were not presented to the jury. Judge Azcarate did not allow them to be admitted to the court. ibid. caption
Amber Heard’s legal team shifted their questioning to addressing Johnny Depp’s character. ibid.
As the verdict approached, the tension on social media escalated. ibid.
Shekinah Church, Los Angeles: All the dancers that she dances with, someone else is controlling their lives. Dancing for the Devil I: Die to Yourself, sister searcher for sister, Netflix 2024
Robert Shinn, pastor/founder Shekinah Church/7M Films. ibid. caption
I’m obsessed with these dance cults. Do you know about these dance cults? ibid. woman on TikTok
7M would tell you that they are not a cult, they’re just a management company. ibid. man
We’re all in this church together and this is what we do. ibid. dancer invited to dinner with Robert
So you have to be invited to services. ibid.
And we knew from bank records that she was pretty much running dry on money. ibid. mother of dancer
You have to die for your family in order to save them. ibid. former victim member
So he [Shinn] started panicking in services. Everything got more strict. ibid.
We’d all seen some weird stuff. ibid.
Ex-congregants say the shadowy pastor now behind the alleged TikTok ‘dance cult’ 7M has been ‘brainwashing’ young people for decades. Dancing for the Devil II: The Escape, social media June 2022
From what we’ve heard from former members it started out pretty innocuous. ibid. Rolling Stone reporter
Robert used to teach, your thoughts are not your own. ibid. former victim member
Everybody wanted to be close to the Man of God. ibid.
His message was very money-driven. ibid.
He would call you out when he was in the pulpit. ibid.
Robert had been soliciting sexual favours from different women. ibid.
The people bringing claims against Robert Shinn are in for a long legal battle … History has shown however that this group can be really hard to dismantle. Dancing for the Devil III: Reap What You Sow, Rolling Stone reporter
Microsoft temporarily kills AI chatbot Tay after it goes full Nazi. Doom Scroll: Andrew Tate and the Dark Side of the Internet, online headline, Sky Showcase 2024
I believe your woman should obey you. ibid. Andrew Tate
Why is it that young men are finding a voice in Andrew Tate? ibid. critic
GamerGate was the start of how we argue online … We really saw these dark corners of the internet really start to organise and focus on taking people down. ibid.
Aligned with the idea of male victimhood and misogyny. ibid.
Leicestershire, 11th February 2022: I’m being followed by 2 vehicles. A46. They’re trying to ram me off the road. Please, I’m begging you! TikTok: Murder Gone Viral: The Mother & Daughter Killers, 999 call, ITV2 2024
A social media influencer and her mother have gone on trial for murder. ibid. news
Saqib Hussain and Hashim Ijazuddin died after their car was rammed off the road after a high-speed chase. ibid.
Within about five weeks, eight persons had been charged. ibid. rozzer
All connections led back to Mahek Bukhari. ibid. journalist
He [Raheel Ahmad] tries once to kill himself and take her with him and he fails. So the next time he makes sure there is no mistake. TikTok: Murder Gone Viral: The Killing of Sania Khan
November 2020: She [Alexis Sharkey] was dumped on the side of the road naked. TikTok: Murder Gone Viral: The Killing of Alexis Sharkey, ITV 2024
Social Influencer Alexis Sharkey has been reported missing in Houston. ibid.
Tom was 23 years older than Alexis. ibid.
Things just haven’t been good at home. ibid. social media
This is the story about a young American girl [Caroline Calloway] who the internet couldn’t stop talking about. My Insta Scammer Friend, BBC 2024
She built an international cult following. But with great following came great expectation. Her fans started to question their relationship with her. And some branded her a scammer. ibid.
She openly used her platform to sell art to her devoted friends. ibid.
Later, she reflected on her strategy for the workshops. ibid.
News of Caroline’s failed workshops had gone viral. ibid.
She marketed her new set of workshops as The Scam … She sold pre-orders for her new book, Scammer. ibid.
She did say that she wanted to travel. She was saying she was doing it by herself. I thought that was very cool.’ Social Media Murders s1e1: The Murder of Grace Millane, social media friend, ITV 2023
1st December 2018: The night before her 22nd birthday Grace arranges a Tinder date … The following morning Grace doesn’t return to her hostel. ibid. captions
… I remember putting Grace in the suitcase. I was just in shock the whole time … ibid. Kempson to rozzers
‘The teenager’s body was found here on Ashley Mill Lane in the village of Ashley, Friday morning at 8 o’clock.’ Social Media Murders s1e2: The Murder of Alex Rodda
‘He just kinda said I’ve been speaking to this boy [Matt Mason] and he’s asked to meet me.’ ibid. friend
‘Matt Mason lied. He had a girlfriend for two years.’ ibid. mum
‘He’s took him into the forest, he’s got this spanner behind his back … and he’s gone and hit my brother repeatedly over the head.’ ibid. brother
You know that boy that I was speaking to when I was like in a bad way, we carried on speaking and I finally got to meet him … Social Media Murders s1e3: The Murder of Molly McLaren Molly to friend
Joshua Stimpson launched a brutal and frenzied attack on Molly McLaren, stabbing and slashing at her more than fifty times. ibid. TV news
Josh and Molly both matched on Tinder. ibid. friend
They both had some sort of mental health problem. ibid.