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★ Smoking & Smoker

Smoking & Smoker: see Tobacco & Cigar & Cigarette & Drugs & Cancer & Health & Health Service & Law & Cannabis & Heroin

Bill Hicks - Advertisements & Sons & Health Warnings - The Lady From Shanghai 1948 - The King’s Speech 2011 - Robert Kennedy and His Times 1985 - Abigail’s Party 1977 - Father Ted TV - Lilyhammer TV - Arthur Conan Doyle - The Cook the Thief His Wife & Her Lover 1989 - Red Dwarf TV - Star Trek: Voyager TV - Yes Minister TV - Bananas 1971 - Matthew Myers - Vanguard: Sex Lies & Cigarettes TV - Dan Quayle - The Royle Family TV - Alex Horne TV - Richard Dawkins TV - Peter Taylor TV - Spitting Image TV - William Cowper - Sartoriana Antiquitus - Alex Maxwell - Kate Hunt - Mark Twain - Christopher Hitchens - Frank Zappa - Edward Gorey - Ian Fleming - Feltcher Knebel - Edith Zittler - BBC News TV - Murder Ahoy! 1964 - David Walliams - Bill Clinton - Horizon TV - Adam Curtis TV - Timeshift: The Smoking Years TV - Dom Hemingway 2013 - The Tobacco Conspiracy: The Backroom Deals of a Deadly Industry 2006 - Tonight: How Safe is Your Vape? TV - Narcos: Liverpool TV - Panorama TV -  




How many non-smokers have we here tonight – non-smokers?  What a bunch of whining maggots.  Bunch of obnoxious self-righteous slugs … I’d quit smoking if I didn’t think I’d become one of you – I swear to God.  Bill Hicks, Sane Man  


The worst kind of non-smokers are the ones that come up to you and cough.  That’s pretty fucking cruel isn’t it?  Do you go up to cripples and dance too?  ibid.   


I go through two lighters a day.  And I’m starting to feel it.  ibid.



It is hard to quit smoking.  Every one of them looks real good to me right now.  Every cigarette looks like it was made by God and rolled by Jesus and moistened shut with Claudia Schiffer’s pussy right now.  Bill Hicks, Revelations, Dominion Theatre, London



Dentists Advise Smoke Viceroys.  US advertisement



More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette.  Advertisement



To keep a slender figure  

No one can deny ...

Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet.  Advertisement for Lucky Strike



Puff, puff, puff,

Puff your cares away.  Popular song



Smoking Can Seriously Damage Your Health.  Government health warning



Give me a cigarette; I’m learning to smoke now.  The Lady From Shanghai 1948 starring Rita Hayworth & Orson Welles & Everett Sloane & Glenn Anders & Ted de Corsia & Erskine Sanford & Gus Schilling & Louis Merrill et al, director Orson Welles, Hayworth



Cigarette smoking calms the nerves and makes you confident.  The Kings Speech 2011 starring Colin Firth & Geoffrey Rush & Guy Pearce & Helena Bonham Carter & Timothy Spall & Derek Jacobi & Jennifer Ehle & Anthony Andrews & Claire Bloom & Eve Best & Freya Wilson & Tim Downie & Roger Hammond & Michael Gambon et al, director Tom Hooper, Doctor



The day may come when cigarette smoking is banned from all public places.  Robert Kennedy and His Times starring Brad Davis & Veronica Cartwright & Cliff de Young & Ned Beatty & Beatrice Straight & Joe Pantoliano & Harris Yulin & Jeffrey Tambor & Jack Warden & River Pheonix & Jason Bateman et al, director Marvin J Chomsky, RFK, CBS 1985



Can I have a cigarette?  You see, once you smoke one cigarette you want to keep on smoking, don’t you?  Play For Today: Abigail’s Party, written and directed Mike Leigh, starring Alison Steadman ***** Angela to Tony with Beverly offering, BBC 1977



I’m not even thinking about smoking.  Father Ted s2e8: Cigarettes & Alcohol & Rollerblading, Ted, Channel 4 1996 



Friend: Haven’t you heard about the smoking law?


Frank: We make our own laws.  Lilyhammer IV: The Midwife 2012 BBC starring Steven van Zandt & Trond Fausa Aurvag & Marian Saastad Ottesen & Steinar Sagen & Anne Krigsvoll et al



It is quite a three-pipe problem, and I beg that you won’t speak to me for fifty minutes.  Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 1892



Don’t smoke.  It’s sloppy in a woman.  Besides, no-one is gonna eat smokes – it ruins your taste buds, burns your tongue and makes your pee stink.  The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover 1989 starring Helen Mirren & Alan Howard & Richard Bohringer & Tim Roth & Michael Gambon & Ian Drury & Cairan Hinds & Gary Olsen & Ewan Stewart & Liz Smith et al, director Peter Greenway, Albert to Georgina



How many cigars did you get through, Rimmer?  My lungs feel as though they’ve been through a cheesegrater.  Red Dwarf s3e4: Body Swap, Lister as Lister to Rimmer as Rimmer, BBC 1999



Maybe I’ll kill myself slowly because I don’t have the courage to do it quickly.  Star Trek: Voyager s1e8: Ex Post Facto, wife of host to Tom



Smokers are national benefactors.  Yes, Prime Minister: The Smoke Screen s1e3, Sir Humphrey to Jim, BBC 1986



[priest puffs at altar] New Testament cigarettes.  I smoke them.  He smokes them.  Bananas 1971 starring Woody Allen & Louise Lasser & Carlos Montalban & Natividad Abascal & Jacobo Morales & Miguel Angel Suarez & David Ortiz & Rene Enriquez & Jack Axelrod & Howard Cosell & Roger Grimsby & Don Dunphy et al, director Woody Allen



Probably the two most devastating lies in the history of the world is that smoking doesn’t cause disease, and we don’t market to children.  Matthew Myers, campaign for tobacco-free kids



In the spring of 2010 a video of a smoking baby went viral and became an international sensation.  When the laughter stopped the world moved on.  But there’s much more to this story than one child’s cigarette addiction.  If you thought the public health battle against tobacco was over, think again.  This is the story of how smoking’s decline in the West has fuelled Big Tobacco’s hunt for new consumers in some of the poorest countries on Earth.  Vanguard s5e2: Sex, Lies & Cigarettes, 2011


We take to the streets to meet the small band of activists fighting for change in a country where the overwhelming message is loud and clear.  ibid.


We found a global health crisis in the making.  ibid.


It wasn’t so long ago that America was Marlboro country.  ibid.


Doctors were endorsing cigarettes.  ibid.


In the early sixties nearly half of all adults in America smoked.  ibid.


One billion deaths.  ibid.


The kind of marketing that has largely disappeared from the West now blankets Indonesia.  ibid.


Indonesia is the new Marlboro country.  ibid.


One in four boys here between the ages of thirteen and fifteen now smokes.  ibid.


Philip Morris now spends more than two-hundred million dollars a year on advertising in Indonesia.  ibid.


In a developing country like Indonesia smoking not only damages the nation’s health it also contributes to poverty.  ibid.


Videos of other smoking babies continue to surface.  ibid.



Tobacco exports should be expanded aggressively because Americans are smoking less.  Dan Quayle



They’re dead strict about smoking at the baker’s.  The Royal Family s1e2: Making Ends Meet, Barbara, BBC 1998



The Smoking Matches were two more genuine games enjoyed at eighteenth century country fairs; the first is a trial among the candidates who shall smoke a pipe full of tobacco in the shortest time ... The second is precisely the reverse – for he of them who can keep the tobacco alight within his pipe and retain it there the longest. Alex Horne, The Games That Time Forgot, BBC 2011



Smoking ... two packs for ninety-five years ... Why hasn’t evolution given us all genes like his?  Richard Dawkins, Sex, Death and the Meaning of Life II, Channel 4 2012



We travelled to Australia where the industry fought a ferocious battle against plain packaging.  Peter Taylor, Burning Desire: The Seduction of Smoking I, BBC 2014


Girls are now just as likely to smoke as boys.  ibid.


Tobacco remains the darling of the City.  ibid.


Every anti-smoking measure has been implacably opposed by the industry.  ibid.



Tobacco companies have seduced generations with the allure of their deadly product, and use any device they can to attract new customers.  Peter Taylor, Burning Desire: The Seduction of Smoking II


Now there’s a new product – electronic or E-cigarettes that the industry hopes will rebrand its image.  ibid.


'A weapon of mass distraction.’  ibid.  doctor


What happens in East Timor’s schools is scandalous.  ibid.