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Skull & Bones Society
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★ Skull & Bones Society

The Order is not just another campus Greek letter fraternal society with passwords and handgrips, common to most campuses.  Chapter 322 is a secret society whose members are sworn to silence.  It only exists on the Yale campus (that we know about).  It has rules.  It has ceremonial rites.  It is not at all happy with prying, probing citizens - known among initiates as ‘outsiders’ or ‘vandals’ ...


Above all, The Order is powerful, unbelievably powerful.  Anthony J Sutton, An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones



The Order is truly a secret society.  It was founded in the United States at Yale University in 1833.  It has continued and exists down to the present day.  Each year the Order takes in 15 men, senior students, from Yale University … A secret society which over the last hundred and fifty years has accumulated about 2,500 members.  Anthony Sutton, televised interview   


What are the objectives? … Might is right … to acquire power.  ibid.


The Bush family is quite powerful within the Order.  ibid.


Their political power is to bring about what they call a New World Order.  ibid.  


Conflict management  that’s the cry.  ibid.



Dumped naked in a bath of mud: well, to me that seems juvenile.  What concerns me – these are the men in which the fortunes and life of the world depend.  Anthony Sutton, interview 1999 Wit & Schleppi, Youtube 1.30.54


Made their end to be destruction and death.  ibid.



The Skull and Bones Society is founded in 1832 by fifteen seniors at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.  They establish a secret society with rules and rituals that have remained unchanged to this day.  Secret Societies, History 2001



So it’s a Satanic society and it’s a Satanic secret society.  They even admit that they eat off Adolf Hitler’s silverware, and have Nazi flags and things in the Tomb and wars on the wall and used letters, and they collect body-parts, and do strange rituals in their coffins.  They’ve done some grave-robbing; it’s all admitted.  It’s like totems of power.  They believe it gets them power.  And it’s a kind of old death motif; it’s kind of necrophilic – they’re sick.  Alex Jones, Illuminati - Our Secret Masters 



Most people don’t know that Skull and Bones at Yale is simply one chapter in a larger global organisation known by many as the Illuminati.  Its symbol is a Skull & Crossed-bones and the number 322.  Skull and Bones is the name used by the uninitiated, or non-members; the true name of the organisation is the Order of Death or the Order of the Death’s Head.  George Bush and John Kerry have both been initiated the same way.  They swore an oath to the tomb, to the Order of Death, above all others, and to wage eternal war against all of humanity ... For three generations the Bushes have been members of Skull & Bones, and for three generations they’ve travelled to northern California and the Bohemian Grove.  Alex Jones, Martial Law 9/11 The Rise of the Police State



Skull and Bones is designed, I think, as a bonding ritual initially for the old money, old fashioned blue-blood establishment.  Ron Rosenbaum, New York Observer journalist, cited Illuminati Project, secretly filming part of initiation ceremony from roof of Tomb



Take a look at the hulking sepulchre over there.  Small wonder they call it a tomb.  It’s the citadel of Skull and Bones, the most powerful of all secret societies in the strange Yale secret-society system.  For nearly a century and a half, Skull and Bones has been the most influential secret society in the nation, and now it is one of the last.


In an age in which it seems that all that could possibly be concealed about anything and anybody has been revealed, those blank tombstone walls could be holding the last secrets left in America.


You could ask Averell Harriman whether there’s really a sarcophagus in the basement and whether he and young Henry Stimson and young Henry Luce (Time magazine) lay down naked in the coffin and spilled the secrets of their adolescent sex life to 14 fellow Bonesmen.  You could ask Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart if there came a time in the year 1937 when he dressed up in a skeleton suit and howled wildly at an initiate in a red-velvet room inside the tomb.


You could ask McGeorge Bundy if he wrestled naked in a mud pie as part of his initiation and how it compared with a later quagmire into which he so eagerly plunged.  You could ask Bill Bundy or William F Buckley, both of whom went into the CIA after leaving Bones – or George Bush, who ran the CIA/President – whether their Skull and Bones' experience was useful training for the clandestine trade.


You could ask J Richardson Dilworth, the Bonesman who now manages the Rockefeller fortune, just how wealthy the Bones society is and whether it’s true that each new initiate gets a no-strings gift of fifteen thousand dollars cash and guaranteed financial security for life.


You could ask ... but I think you get the idea.


The leading lights of the Eastern establishment – in old-line investment banks (Brown Brothers Harriman pays Bones’ tax bill), in blue-blood law firms (Simpson Thacher & Bartlett, for one), and particularly in the highest councils of the foreign-policy establishment – the people who have shaped America’s national character since it ceased being an undergraduate power, had their undergraduate character shaped in that crypt over there.


Bonesman Henry Stimson, Secretary of War under FDR, a man at the heart of the heart of the American ruling class, called his experience in the tomb the most profound one in his entire education.


But none of them will tell you a thing about it.  They’ve sworn an oath never to reveal what goes on inside and they’re legendary for the lengths to which they’ll go to avoid prying interrogation.  Ron Rosenbaum, article Esquire magazine September 1977



What you’re hearing [screaming] is the first recording ever made of the Skull and Bones initiation ceremony.  It had never been broadcast before.  Fifteen new members of the club are being introduced into the macabre rituals of Skull and Bones by the senior students who are about to graduate.  The club has what some might see as a strange fascination with death, skulls and bones.  Conspiratus, Youtube 


The initiates are told that they are superior beings, part of an elite who control Earth’s human population with war, terror and famine.  ibid.   



Skull & Bones has counted among its members presidents, senators, congressmen, CIA officials; the list goes on and on.  Members get power, they can get money, they can get connections, all because they share this one tie.  Alexandra Robbins, author Secrets of the Tomb



Skull & Bones exists only to get Bonesmen into those positions of power and then to have those powerful men elevate other Bonesmen into positions of prestige.  Alexandra Robbins



The most prevalent myth of Skull & Bones is that initiates must lie naked in a coffin and masturbate while recounting their entire sexual history.  That’s not true.  What is true is that after summer vacation, when the fifteen new members come back as seniors, fully clothed and standing upright, in front of a painting of a woman, each new member must recount his or her entire sexual history.  And it’s spawned legions of leaders in all sorts of fields, including three presidents of the United States, scores of senators, cabinet members, congressmen.  Alexandra Robbins, cited Illuminati, Our Secret Master



Does it still exist?  The thing is so secret I’m not even sure it still exists.  George W Bush  



Reporter: You were both [Bush and Kerry] in Skull and Bones, the secret society 


George W Bush: It’s so secret we can’t talk about it.  


Reporter: What does that mean for America?  The conspiracy theorists are going to go wild.


George W Bush [laughing]: I’m sure they are!  I don’t know; I haven’t seen the websites.


Reporter: Number 322?


George W Bush: I don’t ...


Reporter: Are you prepared to lose?


George W Bush [sinister seriousness]  No, I’m not going to lose.  Meet the Press




Reporter: You were both members of Skull and Bones, a secret society at Yale.  What does that tell us?


John Kerry: Not much because it’s a secret [laughs].  


Reporter: Is there a secret handshake?  It there a secret code?


John Kerry: I wish there were something secret I could manifest.


Reporter: 322, a secret number?


John Kerry: There are all kinds of secrets.  One thing’s that not a secret – I disagree with this President’s direction ...  Meet the Press 



George W Bush named eleven Bonesman officials in his first government. The New World Order, Isis: The Secret Agenda of the Elite, Youtube, Hilder, Youtube    



Miss Buttercup, Skull and Bones – accept or reject?  The Good Shepherd 2006 ***** starring Matt Damon & Angelina Jolie & Robert de Niro & Alec Baldwin & William Hurt & Joe Pesci & John Turturro & Billy Crudup & Michael Gambon & John Sessions & Tammy Blanchard & Timothy Hutton et al, director Robert de Niro, the tap on shoulder


You have been chosen to become members of America’s most secret society.  For over a hundred years Skull & Bones members have included a president, vice-presidents, supreme court justices, congressmen and senators, captains of science and industry, the very best of America.  ibid.