This image has clearly been fabricated possibly by our intelligence services or police in order to frame these four patsies. ibid.
Lots of video experts have analysed this Luton station photo and all agree that it has been fabricated. ibid.
The train that the four Muslim actors are supposed to catch, the 07.40 a.m. train, to King’s Cross Thameslink has been cancelled, and the next one too. So they cannot possibly make it in time to catch the tube trains that they were supposed to catch as part of the training exercise. ibid.
‘Police shot bombers’ reports New Zealander. ibid. report
Employees at the Stagecoach garage said that on the Saturday before 7/7 a team of people came to service the CCTV system on bus LX03BUF They were not the usual people. ibid.
There is a photo showing what appears to be an angle-grinder cut as though the bus was cut ready for the roof to blow off. ibid.
All of the CCTV cameras at all four of the blast sites were not working that day. ibid.
There are no credible witnesses who can place Hasib Hussain on that #30 bus. ibid.
The presence of military-grade high explosives was confirmed by Christophe Chaboud, head of the French anti-terrorist co-ordination unit. ibid.
Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli finance minister, said that he was warning by Scotland Yard not to leave his hotel room on the morning of 07/07/2005. ibid.
Was the London bombing a covert MI5 operation, or an Israeli Mossad operation, or a joint operation by both of them? ibid.
A couple of weeks later a Brazilian contract electrician is brutally and publicly murdered on a tube train … What had he been working on in the days leading up to 7th July 2005? Jean-Charles de Menezes: Was he hired as part of the terrorist exercise? … Did he see the explosive devices being fastened under the tube train carriage floors and later realised what had really happened and was starting to talk about it? ibid.
There were no autopsies … You can’t have a proper inquest without autopsies. ibid.
The body count reveals no bombers. ibid.
Almost all of the other serious injuries in those coaches were lower limb injuries to feet and legs indicating that the bomb was at floor level, not on someone’s back. ibid.
No-one has ever claimed responsibility for the 7/7/2005 bombings. ibid.
So the scene is set for the ‘training exercise’ to go ahead. The Fake terrorists have been recruited, the suicide videos have been made, and everyone has been given basic instructions for the day the exercise is to be put into operation: 07/07/2005. The four mock terrorist actors were to meet at Luton train station at 07.20 a.m. ibid.
‘Police shot bombers’ reports New Zealander. ibid.
It’s [7/7] a very convenient way of ensuring there is fear, of ensuring that there is control and of ensuring that those who are in the know – and of course we cannot tell you because it is all secret – are in a position of extreme power. Michael Meacher MP
Blair rejects 7/7 inquiry calls: Tony Blair has again rejected calls for a fresh inquiry into the 7/7 attacks, saying it would undermine the security services. BBC online news
What the British public have been presented with is in fact a complex but contradictory series of lies. Ludicrous Diversion: 7/7 Bombings
We’ve been told an inquiry would prejudice the current investigation. We’ve been told an enquiry would prevent the police and government from focusing on future attacks [sic] ... Take too much time, cost too much money and divert resources away from the War on Terrorism ... And we have been told by the prime minister himself that a public enquiry would be a ludicrous diversion. ibid. citing ministers’ statements
Identifying documentation for Mohammad Sidique Khan was for some reason found at three out of the four bombsites; or the issue of what explosives were used, something that incredibly is described in the narrative as ‘still under expert examination’ more than a year after the attacks; or the fake Al Qaeda confession released on the internet a few hours after the attacks through a server in Texas; or the training exercises taking place in London that day based on a scenario of bombs going off at the exact same times and the exact same stations as the attacks occurred; or the huge amount of money made in speculating the rise and fall of Sterling the result of either foreknowledge of the event or extraordinary luck; or the arrest of Haroon Aswat widely reported by the UK media as being the mastermind behind the attacks, and by the US media of being an agent for MI5; or the strange mistake regarding the time of the train taken by the men from Luton that morning – the police, the press and the government narrative all reported that the men took the 7:40 departure; but as discovered by bloggers and the alternative media the 7:40 was cancelled that day. ibid.
Like most of the evidence purported to condemn these men, Khan’s Will and Testament has never been shown to the public and has therefore never been scrutinised or confirmed to be real. Khan’s video confession makes no actual reference to him blowing himself up and is said by people who knew him to show him several years ago and has never been shown in its entirety. Since the narrative’s release, we have also seen a video by Shehzad Tanweer. Again, Tanweer makes no reference to his suicide, and we have never seen the whole film. Even if these videos are genuine, they are not evidence that the men were responsible for the London bombings. If there is no evidence of remote detonation at the bombsites, why did the New York police, based on what the British police had told them, report at a conference, the bombs were set off using mobile phones? The same remote timing devices used in the Madrid bombings in 2004. The eye-witness’ accounts of the bombers fiddling with their rucksacks are extremely dubious. ibid.
No CCTV footage has been released to the public; all we have seen are three still images: one shows Hussain alone entering the ticket hall at Luton Station, inexplicably cropped so it does not show the other three men who should all be around him; the second shows Hussain again alone outside Boots in King’s Cross Station apparently at 9 a.m. ten minutes after he was supposed to be dead and at a time when Kings Cross Station was being evacuated; and the third shows four figures entering Luton Station, three of whom have blurred faces but only Hussain is actually identifiable. There are no images of the four men together in London. In fact there are no images of any of the train bombers in London that day at all. ibid.
The car in which they travelled to Luton is said to have contained explosive devices but it’s never been explained why the men would have left them there when embarking on a suicide mission. The devices were reportedly destroyed in controlled explosions. ibid.
Blair initially said that any such enquiry would be a ludicrous diversion in the struggle against terrorism. 7/7: Seeds of Destruction, Vimeo 2:27:25
Accounts of what happened on July 7th are contrasting and varied. Nothing we’ve been officially told makes any sense. ibid.
The four British Muslim men allegedly responsible may have themselves been victims of a much larger conspiracy. ibid.
What is supported by solid evidence is that history has shown that western governments have made a consistent policy of engaging in covert operations including false flag terrorist attacks. ibid.
Arbenz was a popular president elected on a platform of reforming the land ownership to help the largely peasant population of Guatemala. ibid.
Declassified documents show that Mongoose was not just an operation to kill Castro but involved a series of schemes designed to cause instability in Cuba. ibid.
‘We must prepare something like a guerrilla network which could then be operated in case of an invasion, so the primary thinking for creating such a unit was we must have the guerrilla unit ready in case of occupation.’ ibid. Daniele Ganser
The man actually responsible for the Petiano bombing was Vincenzo Cinciguerra. He was a member of right-wing terrorist groups … Once his guilt had been established and he was no longer protected by the security services, Cinciguerra became very candid about how Gladio operated. ibid.
This strategic relationship between NATO, neo-fascist terrorist groups and the CIA culminated in an attack on Bologna train station in August 1990: eighteen kilos of military plastic explosive were detonated in a second-class waiting room. Over eighty people were killed and hundreds injured. ibid.
A series of trials ensued in Italy. It wasn’t until 1995, 15 years after the bombing, that a conclusive verdict was reached. 2 members of a neo-fascist group were convicted of the [Bologna] bombing. Also convicted for diverting the investigation were 2 Italian intelligence agents who were members of the P2 Masonic lodge. The grandmaster of that lodge, Licio Gelli, was also convicted for conspiring to divert the investigation. It became clear that P2 was not just a Masonic Order but a CIA-funded parallel government. The list of members of the lodge was found in a raid on Licio Gelli’s house in 1981. Among the 962 names were those of the heads of all 3 Intelligence Services, 48 MPs, industrialists, bankers, media moguls, journalists, civil servants, judges, military officials, and Silvio Berlusconi. ibid.
The billions of dollars would eventually pay off. The Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan, their system rotting and bankrupt. The intelligence alliance had succeeded and had a new proxy force for covert operations. ibid.
Initial reports have the men taking the 7.48 train to London … The 7.48 train would not have got the four to London in time to catch the tube trains they supposedly bombed. ibid.
The 7.40 train was cancelled that morning. ibid.
In the frames from Woodall motorway services Shehzad Tanweer is clearly shown wearing white trousers. But in the pictures of the four men entering Luton station, Tanweer’s trousers are black. ibid.
Exactly what happened to the tube trains on the morning of July 7th isn’t at all clear. The number of explosions, where and when they took place and what caused them are all disputed with official sources often contradicting each other. ibid.
Throughout the morning the BBC and other major media were quoting officials saying there were far more than just four explosions. ibid.