If elitist groups like Bohemian Club, the CFR [Council of Foreign Relations] and the Bilderberg Group select and groom candidates to become Presidents of the US then isn’t it safe to assume they also dictate certain policies once their alumni are in the White House? Lance Morcan, The Orphan Conspiracies
The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments. Benjamin Disraeli 1876
What is the aim of these secret brotherhoods? They do not work out of any particular British patriotism but out of the desire to bring the whole world under the yoke of pure materialism ... Certain elements of the British people as the bearer of the consciousness soul are most suitable for this; the brotherhoods want, by means of grey magic, to use these elements as promoters of this materialism. This is the important point. Those who know what impulses are at work in world events can also steer them. No other national element, no other people, has ever before been so usable as material for transforming the whole world into a materialistic realm. Rudolf Steiner, The Karma of Untruthfulness
Their aim is to send a wave of materialism over the Earth and to make the physical plane the only valid one. A spiritual world is to be recognised only in terms of what the physical plane has to offer. ibid.
The New World Order as envisioned by the Elite is hardly a recent undertaking. Theirs is a philosophy rooted in ancient occult traditions. Success is near, and the infiltration of society by New Age occultism is the reason for this success. The New World Order has never been solely about world government, rather, from the beginning its proponents have been privy to secret doctrines and it is a spiritual plan more than anything.
If one failed to take into account the occult nature of the New World Order, they would be remiss. The UN and the New Age have been bedfellows since the beginning. America’s secret destiny is the product of Rosicrucian and Freemason forefathers. The New Atlantis as proposed in Francis Bacon’s work is almost at hand. The Ancient Mysteries are being studied for illumination and enlightenment by the New World Order’s elite. Not to mention the New Age gurus – dutifully recruiting on behalf of the Secret Brotherhood. Terry Melanson, New World Order or Occult Secret Destiny?
The direct descent of the essential programme of the Esoteric Schools was entrusted to groups already well-conditioned for the work. The guilds, trade unions, and similar protective and benevolent Societies had been internally strengthened by the introduction of a new learning ... These were men of ‘towardness’, those suns of tomorrow, whose symbol was a blazing sun rising over the mountains of the east. Manly Palmer Hall, Masonic Orders of Fraternity
When evaluating the esoteric groups of this period the most reliable guide is their acceptance of the responsibility of the Great Plan. Progress is not ordinarily for the advancement of the individual, but for the unfoldment of the universal project. The real esoteric schools still labour toward the goal of the World Commonwealth. The Plan remains Utopian, and the disciple advancing through the grades of a legitimate initiate-system if being prepared, not for personal emancipation, but as an instrument for the liberation of his fellowmen. Manly Palmer Hall
Years of research among the records of olden peoples available in libraries, museums, and shrines of ancient cultures has convinced me that there exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of years, a body of enlightened humans united in what might be termed, an Order of the Quest.
It is composed of those whose intellectual and spiritual perceptions have revealed to them that civilization has a Secret Destiny – secret, I say, because this high purpose is not realized by the many; the great masses of peoples still live along without any knowledge whatsoever that they are part of a Universal Motion in time and space. Manly Palmer Hall, The Secret Destiny of America
In this way the old dream of the philosophic empire descended from the ancient world to modern times. Secret societies still exist and regardless of the intemperance of the times, they will continue to flourish until the Quest is complete. For more than three thousand years secret societies have laboured to create the background of knowledge necessary to the establishment of an enlightened democracy among the nations of the world. ibid. p20
The supreme human purpose is the perfection of man. This must come first, and when this end has been achieved all good things will inevitably follow. ibid. p51
Round Table Groups – its roots go way way back in history. They go back to the formation of a secret society, a secret organisation that was created by Cecil Rhodes. A very powerful and very wealthy individual. And people have heard about him in history and they know about the Rhodes Scholarship and they think, Wasn’t that nice? ... Cecil Rhodes when he died left his great fortune not to his family, not to his heirs but for the creation of a secret society – the Rhodes Trust. And we know about this because there was some people very intimately involved with this organisation who wrote about it. One of the best authors on this topic is Professor Carroll Quigley and he wrote several books: Tragedy & Hope is the best known ... He was invited by the organisation into its inner circle. He was never a member of it but he was invited in as their historian and he was allowed to see their secret papers ... They were the major players in all of the big international events since and including World War I ... They created in all of the British dependencies what they call Round Tables groups, and then around those little round table groups they created front groups, ... To penetrate into the social fabric, the powers centers of society and literally take them over from the inside. Edward G Griffin, interview Invisible Empire
In all of the British dependencies these organisations, these front groups, were called the Royal Institute For International Affairs. In the United States they chose a different name; they chose the Council on Foreign Relations. ibid.
Every secret brotherhood ... Every occult organisation teaches the Luciferian philosophy. Bill Cooper
History is replete with whispers of secret societies. Accounts of elders or priests who guarded the forbidden knowledge of ancient peoples. Prominent men, meeting in secret, who directed the course of civilization are recorded in the writings of all people.
The oldest is the Brotherhood of the Snake, also called the Brotherhood of the Dragon, and it still exists under many different names. The Brotherhood of the Snake is devoted to guarding the Secrets of the Ages, and to the recognition of Lucifer as the one and only true God. If you do not believe in God, Lucifer or Satan, you must understand that there are great masses of people who do. And their beliefs and actions based on those beliefs will affect me. The important fact to remember is that the leaders of both the right and the left are a small hardcore of men who have been and still are Illuminists or members of the Brotherhood ... They are and always have been Luciferian and Internationalist. They give allegiance to no particular nation although they have used on occasion nationalism to further their causes ... They intend to turn the world into their conception of a Luciferian totalitarian socialist state. In the process they will eliminate all Christians, Jews and atheists. You have just learned one and only one of the great mysteries ...
It is clear that religion has always played a significant role in the course of these organizations. Communication with a higher source, often divine, is a familiar claim in all but a few.
The secrets of these groups are thought to be so profound that only a chosen, well-educated few are able to understand and use them. These men use their special knowledge for the benefit of all mankind. At least that is what they claim. How are we to know, since their knowledge and actions have been secret? Fortunately, some of it has become public knowledge. Bill Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse
Initiation is a way to determine who can and cannot be trusted. A method of deciding exactly who is to become an adept may be decided during initiation by asking the candidate to spit upon the Christian cross. If the candidate refuses, the members congratulate him and tell him, You have made the right choice as a true adept would never do such a terrible thing. The newly initiated may find it disconcerting however that he or she never advances any higher. If instead the candidate spits upon the cross, he or she has demonstrated a knowledge of one of the mysteries and soon will find him or herself a candidate for the next higher level. ibid.
Man’s desire to be one of the elect is something that no power on Earth has been able to lessen, let alone destroy. ibid.
Look at the Council on Foreign Relations. Many members, in fact the majority, never serve on the Executive Committees, they never go through any initiation of any kind. They are in fact the power base and are used to gain a consensus of opinion ... The Executive Committee is an inner core of intimate associates. Members of a secret society called the Order of The Quest, also known as the Jason Society ... Rockefeller gave Kissinger a grant of $50,000 in the early fifties, a fortune in those days ... The Council on Foreign Relations has been the foremost plank of America’s foreign policy establishment for more than half a century ... The CFR is one of the most powerful semi-official groups concerned with America’s role in international affairs. It is controlled by an elect group of men recruited from the Skull & Bones and the Scroll & Key Societies of Harvard and Yale, which are both chapters of a secret branch of the Illuminati known as Chapter 322 ... Their goal is a New World Order. ibid.
The real power are men who are always recruited without exception from the secret societies of Harvard and Yale known as the Skull & Bones and the Scroll & Key. Both societies are secret branches (also called the Brotherhood of Death) of what is otherwise historically known as the Illuminati. They are connected to parent organizations in England (The Group of Oxford University and especially All Souls College), and Germany (the Thule Society, also called the Brotherhood of Death). I learned this when I was with Naval Intelligence. I was not able to explain why some members of the Executive Committee were not listed under the Addresses of Chapter 322 of the Skull & Bones Society until I read The Wise Men by Walter Isaacson & Evan Thomas (Simon and Schuster, New York). Under illustration #9 in the center of the book you will find the caption ‘Lovett with the Yale Unit, above far right, and on the beach: His initiation into Skull and Bones came at an air base near Dunkirk’. I have found that members of these two societies were chosen on an ongoing basis by invitation based upon merit post-college and were not confined to only Harvard or Yale attendees. Bill Cooper, Secret Societies/New World Order
A method of deciding exactly who is to become an adept decided during initiation by asking the candidate to spit upon the Christian cross. If the candidate refuses, the members congratulate him and tell him, ‘You have made the right choice, as a true adept would never do such a terrible thing.’ The newly initiated might find it disconcerting, that he/she never advances any higher. If instead the candidate spits upon the cross, he/she has demonstrated a knowledge of one of the mysteries and soon will find him/herself a candidate for the next higher level. ibid.
The mystery is that religion is but a tool to control the masses. Knowledge (or wisdom) is their only god, through which man himself will become god. The snake and the dragon are both symbols of wisdom. Lucifer is a personification of the symbol. It was Lucifer who tempted Eve to entice Adam to eat of the tree of knowledge and thus free man from the bonds of ignorance. The WORSHIP (a lot different from STUDY) of knowledge, science, or technology is Satanism in its purest form, its secret symbol is the all-seeing eye in the pyramid. ibid.