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★ Sceptic & Scepticism & Skeptic

The notion of anthropogenic global warming is a fraud.  In other words, the idea that the planet is getting warmer and that human activity is somehow responsible is a pseudo-scientific fraud.  Its a big lie.  Its a monstrosity.  Webster Tarpley, historian & author



The media and governmental hype over a danger from global warming that already is allegedly causing the polar icecaps to melt and threaten a global climate catastrophe, looks more and more like the political hype it is.  This year to date, snow cover over North America and much of Siberia, Mongolia and China is greater than at any time since 1966.

According to the US National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) many American cities and towns have suffered record cold temperatures in January and early February.  According to the NCDC the average temperature in January ‘was minus 0.3 F cooler than the 1901-2000 average’ ...

The recent Global Warming hysteria is in reality a geopolitical push by leading global elite circles to find a way to get the broader populations to willingly accept drastic cuts in their living standards, something that were it demanded without clear reason by politicians, would spark strikes and protest.  The UN’s latest IPCC report on Global Warming calls for diverting a huge 12% of global GDP to ‘prevent the harmful effects of climate change’.  The UN report, for example, estimated that its recommendations to reduce certain manmade emissions would cost about $2,750 per family per year in the price of energy.  F William Engdahl, Global Cooling: Global Warming Gets the Cold Freeze



Each day the news reports grow more fantastically apocalyptic.  Politicians no longer dare to express any doubt about climate change.  Global warming has gone beyond politics: it is a new kind of morality.  Martin Durkin, The Great Global Warming Scandal


Man-made global warming is no longer just a theory about climate.  It is the defining moral and political cause of our Age ... This is the story of how a theory about climate turned into a political ideology.  It is the story of the distorting of a whole area of science.  It is the story of how a political campaign turned into a bureaucratic bandwagon.  This is the story of censorship and intimidation.  ibid.


We are told that the Earths climate is changing.  But the Earths climate is always changing.  In Earths long history there have been countless periods when it was much warmer and much cooler than it is today.  ibid.


Carbon dioxide is a natural gas produced by all living things.  Whats more, humans are not the main source of carbon dioxide.  Volcanoes produce more CO2 each year than all the factories and cars and planes and other sources of man-made carbon dioxide put together.  More still comes from animals and bacteria ... An even larger source of CO2 is dying vegetation ... But the biggest source by far is the oceans.  ibid.



According to some its the greatest threat now facing mankind.  But for more than twenty years a group of scientists has passionately argued that there is no climate crisis.  They are the climate change sceptics, and they have turned global warming into the most hotly debated issue that Science has ever seen ... The sceptics would challenge everything about global warming.  Dr Iain Stewart, Earth: Climate Wars: Fightback, BBC 2008


There are a lot of people who dont want global warming to be true.  ibid.


Industry was fighting back.  A key part of their strategy was to highlight doubts about the science.  ibid.


The satellite showed the world wasnt warming; it was slightly cooling ... This result was in stark contrast to what other scientists were saying.  It was a huge victory for the sceptics, and it soon became a key piece of evidence against global warming.  ibid.


The sceptics hit back with a question: was the warming man-made or natural?  ibid.


In 1992 almost every head of state and an army of reporters descended on Rio de Janeiro for the Earth Summit.  ibid.


One of the hot topics in Rio was global warming.  ibid.


They said the world wasnt actually getting warmer ... Surely Science can tell us that without too much difficulty?  ibid.


They searched the world getting evidence of other proxies ... Todays temperatures are easily the warmest in a thousand years ... The hockey stick.  It became one of the most controversial graphs in history.  ibid.


Back in the seventeenth century there was a fifty-year period in which there didnt appear to be any sun spots at all ... the Little Ice Age.  ibid.


Its become harder and harder to claim that theres any scientific disagreement on the core issues.  ibid.



The last thirty years have seen an epic battle over climate change.  Dr Iain Stewart, Earth: Climate Wars: Fight For the Future


It was the beginning of a new science – the climate model.  ibid.


The models suggested that a doubling of carbon dioxide would warm the planet by about three degrees.  ibid.


We could face a catastrophic warming in just a few years.  ibid.


The effects of global warming are already happening faster than the models predict.  ibid.


Greenland is losing ice at an ever-increasing rate.  ibid.


Just what happened to the climate over eleven thousand years ago?  ibid.


The ice core showed that the climate could switch from an ice age to warm conditions in a human lifetime.  ibid.


The discovery of rapid climate change was a scientific revolution.  ibid.



No matter where Carbon Dioxide is released it disperses evenly in the upper atmosphere.  Iain Stewart & Kathy Sykes, Future Earth



Weve been told its the greatest threat humans have ever faced.  But over the last few years a group of people have been actively denying there is any danger.  They are called Climate Sceptics.  Meet the Climate Sceptics: Storyville, BBC 2011


In America the fight against global warming had become a fight for freedom, a fight against government control.  ibid.


Who do you trust with your future?  Can we risk trusting the advice of the sceptics?  ibid.



I am a sceptic about everything, including God and Atheism.  Alan Dershowitz



Most institutions demand unqualified faith; but the institution of science makes skepticism a virtue.  Robert K Merton, Social Theory and Social Structure



Increased worldwide travel ... [and] various forms of Greco-Roman pagan scepticism and materialism.  A sort of Artesian Well.  Dr Jonathan Miller: A Rough History of Disbelief II: Noughts and Crosses, BBC 2004



Authority has every reason to fear the sceptic, for authority can rarely survive in the face of doubt.  Robert Lindner



With his new skepticism  lots of ripples, because Montaigne pulls the rug out from every form of authority.  What you see is not what you get.  James Burke, Connections s3e7: A Special Place, BBC 1998



In the end we shall have had enough of cynicism and scepticism and humbug and we shall want to live more musically.  Vincent van Gogh



Doubt is a fundamental part of religion.  The Bible is full of it.  The Old Testament is shot through with doubt – though in its stories doubters tend to feel Gods wrath ... Doubt has chipped away at the very fabric of Christianity.  Catholic and Protestant.  At times threatening to dynamite its foundations.  We can trace this scepticism back to a period called The Enlightenment.  Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch, A History of Christianity, BBC 2009



The same principles which at first lead to scepticism, pursued to a certain point bring men back to common sense.  George Berkeley, 1685-1753, Irish philosopher & Anglican bishop



Scepticism is the first step towards truth.  Denis Diderot   



All skepticism is a kind of idealism.  Hence when the skeptic Zeno pursued the study of skepticism by endeavoring existentially to keep himself unaffected by whatever happened, so that when once he had gone out of his way to avoid a mad dog, he shamefacedly admitted that even a skeptical philosopher is also sometimes a man, I find nothing ridiculous in this.  There is no contradiction, and the comical always lies in a contradiction.  Soren Kierkegaard, Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments, 1846



There is no harm in doubt and skepticism, for it is through these that new discoveries are made.  Richard Feynman, letter to Armando Garcia, 1985