‘It is the job of a satirist OK to make people in power uncomfortable, really uncomfortable, to the point where they go, This has to be stopped.’ ibid. Tony Hendra, Lampoon editor
Disco Beavers from Outer Space. ibid.
‘Doug was very distraught and upset that Caddyshack wasn’t as big as Animal House.’ ibid.
Doug Kenney, one of the founders of National Lampoon died in a hiking accident on the island of Kauai on August 29 1980. ibid.
War on Terror is another radical British board game … This then is where Games Britannia has ended up: where it belongs, in a world of cheeky, slightly tasteless, nothing taken too seriously, satire. Benjamin Woolley, Games Britannia II: Monopolies & Mergers, BBC 2009
Parodies and caricatures are the most penetrating of criticisms. Aldous Huxley
Satire is angry and optimistic. It believes that the evil it attacks can be abolished. W H Auden
I don’t want to go out with anyone who’s wearing stale pants. In the Loop 2009 starring Peter Capaldi & Tom Hollander & Gina McKee & James Gandolfini & Chris Addison & Anna CHlumsky & Paul Higgins & Mimi Kennedy & Alex Macqueen & Olivia Poulet & David Rasche et al, director Armando Iannucci
We request the presence of both carbonated and non-carbonated water. ibid. US delegate
The voices in his head are now singing barbershop together. ibid. woman
I’m standing my ground on the verge. ibid. minister
They’re talking about invasion reasonably seriously. ibid. Miller from the Pentagon
We are going to stay here and you are going to practise saying nothing. ibid. Tucker to minister
Animal rights. It’s an extremely controversial subject and it’s not just the odd dinner party punch-up over squealing meat. Brass Eye s1e1, Channel 4 1997
The late night streets of Britain are now so full of drugs not even the dealers know them all. Brass Eye s1e2: Drugs
A family held together by the father’s crack dealing which he uses to keep them in talking books and dildos. ibid.
Kids see what come out when a cokehead blows his nose. ibid.
Tonight we’re looking at the hazards of irresponsible weapons research. Brass Eye s1e3: Science
Tonight on Brass Eye: Has science gone too far? ibid.
Tonight: Science in the dark. ibid.
A campaign against the global evil of heavy electricity. Ibi
Bono offers sex to ‘anyone from the former Yugoslavia. Brass Eye s1e4: Sex, The Times headline, Channel 4 1997
Sex is a sumptuous gland-babe in a hall of donkeys or a sordid little incubus that looks like your granny. ibid.
UK used to mean United Kingdom but ask anyone today and they’ll tell you it stands for Uneblievable Crime. Brass Eye s1e5: Crime
Crimes we know nothing about are going up as well.
The stench of poverty hangs in the air like an old man’s nappy. ibid.
Are we in a state of irreversible decline? What’s the reason? What can be done about it? And if there is a solution, who on Earth is going to put it into action? Brass Eye s1e6: Decline
Coming up, can our decline by blamed on God? ibid.
As we approach the third millennium, have we really come to this? ibid.
These are our children. They skip down our streets. But the paedophile is waiting. Brass Eye Special: Paedogeddon, 2001
KIDS! I CAN HELP WITH YOUR HOME WORK TEL 07700 900007. ibid. phone-box card