If the void is infused with conviction, blind belief, brainwashing and fear, it grows and moves up through the emptiness, and then emerges as pure crap. Creationist Junk Debunked ***** 2008
Most of these fundamentalist preachers of course have no science training … There’s no excuse for deliberate falsification. ibid.
The most brazen lies you can find … The Fairbanks Creek mammoth myth has been copied again and again without any checks as to its veracity … ibid.
… Nebraska man … ‘These are no transitional forms’ … They do believe that Saturn’s rings prove that the universe is young … Yes there were tiny dinosaurs … ‘We don’t find one of these: a crocoduck’ [Kirk Cameron] … Peanut Butter man [Chuck Missler] … Ray Comfort’s banana … Pretending there’s a mystery where there is none … ibid.
The threat has been the weapon of choice for priests in every major religion since the time of the pharaohs. ibid.
Highly advanced humans living thousands of years ago. Unidentified DNA in the human genome. And ancient chronicles describing heavenly interventions on Earth. Did humans really evolve from apes or is our intelligence the result of other-worldly design? Ancient Aliens s3e16: Aliens and the Creation of Man
‘Extraterrestrials had something to do with our development.’ ibid. Giorgio
2004: Researchers at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the University of Chicago published the results of a study that claims the sophistication of the human brain was the result of a so-called Special Event. ibid.
Might various versions of hominids have been the result of experiments at creating intelligent life on Earth? ibid.
The Eve Model: The genetic lineage of every living person could be traced back to a single woman who once lived in Africa. ibid.