Fawlty Towers TV - Star Trek: The Next Generation TV - Scott Fitzgerald - Vladmir Mayakovsky - Kazuo Ishiguro - Mark Steel - Dispatches TV -
There’s enough material there for an entire conference. Fawlty Towers: The Psychiatrist s2e2 Shrink to Shrink, BBC 1979
41986.0 We are awaiting the return of Captain Picard who was summoned to star base 718 for an emergency conference. Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e26: The Neutral Zone
No grand idea was ever born in a conference, but a lot of foolish ideas have died there. Scott Fitzgerald, 1896-1940, Note-Books E
68,094. Oh for just
more conference
Regarding the eradication of all conferences. Vladimir Mayakovsky, Re Conferences, 1965
The conference began on a rainy morning during the last week of 1923 in the somewhat unlikely setting of the drawing room – a venue chosen to accommodate the ‘off the record’ nature of many of the attendees. In fact, to my eyes, the appearance of informality had been taken to a faintly ludicrous degree. It was odd enough to see that rather feminine room crammed full with so many stern, dark-jacketed gentlemen, sometimes sitting three or four abreast upon a sofa. Kazuo Ishiguro, The Remains of the Day pp91-92
Even then, the result would mean Labour now had a policy of curbing police powers or cutting arms spending, but everyone knew they weren’t going to do it. So why did they bother having the conference at all? Mark Steel, Reasons to be Cheerful
The world is facing the biggest crisis for a generation. We’ve never needed leadership more than now. The politicians, business leaders and activists we’re relying more meet here every here: the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Dispatches: Secrets of Davos, Channel 4 2020
I’m going to Davos to investigate accusations of sexism and harassment. ibid.