Lord Mountbatten: Hero or Villain? TV - Elizabeth I's Secret Agents TV - Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick I 2014 - The Mena Connection - JoyCamp - Monty Python’s Flying Circus TV - Room 237 2012 - Max Igan - Anthrax War 2009 - Spotlight: Code Name Artichoke 2002 - Paul McCartney Really is Dead 2010 - Graham Downing - The Alex Jones Deception 2017 - The Plots to Destroy America 2017 - The Corbett Report - Edge of Darkness 1985 - Sid Vicious: Who Killed Nancy? TV - Tonight TV - Conspiracy TV - Conspiracy Rising TV - BBC news online - Behind the Curve 2018 - This World: Conspiracy Files: The Billionaire Global Mastermind? TV - Conspiracy (History Channel) TV - Killing Eve TV - A Grey State TV - John Buchanan - Martin Summer - The Crime of the Century TV - The Anti-Vax Conspiracy TV - Jonathan Bate - 7/7: Seeds of Destruction - Conspiracies Decoded TV - Years of Lead: An Italian Conspiracy 2022 - The Cult of Conspiracy: QAnon TV - Panorama TV - Tracy Borman & Xand van Tuelleken TV - American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders 2024 - The Truth v Alex Jones TV - Borat's American Lockdown 2021 - Dopesick 2021 - Inside Story: Traitors to Hitler TV - The Kings of Tupelo: A Southern Crime Drama TV -
Mountbatten had been engaged in an audacious plot to overthrow the prime minister [Harold Wilson] he was now glad-handling. Lord Mountbatten: Hero or Villain? Channel 5 2020
A splinter cell in the Catholic underground: it contains five young men, among them a mercenary Guy Fawkes. John Gerard has just set in motion the gunpowder plot. Elizabeth I’s Secret Agents III, BBC 2017
‘We must lend German DM90 million. It may never be repaid but it will be less of a loss than the fall of Nazism.’ Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick, Montagu Norman, Bank of England, 2014
The investment didn’t come from Hitler: it came from Brown Brothers Harriman … These Nazis raised money from America’s richest families. ibid.
I G Farben who had entered into a cartel with the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil ... The Nazi war machine was actually an American business … a highly lucrative business. ibid.
This railway line [to Auschwitz] was an American railway line. ibid.
Nobody said a word about American industrialists building Hitler’s war machine at the Nuremberg trials. ibid.
All terrorism is fake; it is military deception practised by the rich upon the poor in an ongoing class war. ibid.
The rich are always going to provide us with an enemy for ever. ibid.
How the CIA’s black operations compromised the office of President and subverted the authority of Congress and the American judicial system. The Mena Connection, Youtube 2012
Activities set at a remote airport in western Arkansas while Clinton was Arkansas’s commander in chief … Clinton once again demonstrated his trademark talent … He Lied! ibid.
‘The local prosecutor did conduct an investigation …’ cf. Letter from Polk County Deputy Prosecutor Charles Black to Governor Bill Clinton requesting state assistance to fund the Mena investigation. ibid. Bill
The Arkansas Committee gathered thousands of signatures and went directly to Clinton demanding he lead the investigation … Continued lies, deceit and cover-up. ibid.
Gunrunning, mysterious CIA flights, Contra military training, guerrilla pilot training, clandestine air drops, tons of illegal drugs, millions of dollars in dirty money: covert activity in some third-world banana republic, right? Wrong. Arkansas: America’s own Banana Republic. ibid.
Drug smuggler, undercover agent for the FBI, DEA, US Customs & the Central Intelligence Agency: Barry Seal who was ruthlessly assassinated in Baton Rogue Louisiana in February 1986 plays a pivotal role. ibid.
A small backward state Arkansas became the epicentre of a CIA black operation … we will expose the ongoing cover-up. ibid.
[Theresa] Dickie was able to film Fred Hampton junior and Joseph Evans, Seal’s trusted mechanics, both of whom were assets of the CIA & DEA. ibid.
A probe into a money-laundering operation in Mena seems to have gone nowhere. ibid.
Here in Washington there are investigators in both the House and the Senate who would like to know what’s going on at the little airport. ibid. Carol White, WMAQ ch5 Chicago reporter
The NSC has blocked recent Congressional requests to examine the relationship of drug smuggling to American foreign policy in Central America. ibid.
So why did Time magazine use its vast resources to protect Bill Clinton? Maybe the fact that Bill Clinton’s friend and former Oxford roommate Strobe Talbott who was then Time’s editor at large played a role. ibid.
Lasater: Bill Clinton’s old friend: ‘Lasater, Locke plead guilty to drugs charges’ [newspaper article] … Dan Lasater who employed Roger Clinton as well … Barry Seal running the CIA’s money through Lasater … Arkansas Development Finance Authority, a state agency, was created by Bill Clinton as a way to launder CIA money. ibid.
That could be because the Earth is flat. I don’t see any curvature. Yeah, that horizon looks very very flat to me. I mean, it’s definitely not curving down. If anything, the horizon is rising to meet our eyeline. Woe! Gravity is a theory, just a theory. JoyCamp: Conspiracy Guy: Flat Earth
Miss Johnson was about to fall victim of the dreaded international Chinese-communist conspiracy. Monty Python’s Flying Circus s2e11: How Not to be Seen, BBC 1970
The Shining: I said to my friends that movie was about the genocide of the American Indians. Room 237, 2012
Why a German typewriter? … I began to see the number 42 appear in the film … You get the holocaust … Subliminal messages … The photograph of Stanley Kubrick in one frame airbrushed into the clouds … Those tourists dissolve into the suitcases … A movie about the past … It is the labyrinth … The Minotaur poster … He deviated into those exact questions: what was it like to make a deal with the US government? … He [Danny] stands up and he’s wearing the Apollo 11 sweater with the rocket taking off … Room 237 in the film represents the moon landing stage where he worked … ‘The site is supposed to be built on an Indian burial ground’ … 42 shows up in other places … They no longer exist … How the past impinges. ibid.
Our society: it’s people-farming … These people don’t care about us: they’re psychopaths. Max Igan, lecture Alternative View 6 conference, ‘Conspiracy Misdirection: Replacing the Meme with Reality’
We currently discard humanity to support this economic model. ibid.
We’re taught there’s a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. ibid.
Sure there’s a conspiracy, there’s a really big conspiracy; there’s a conspiracy culture that’s been superimposed. ibid.
They’re forced to work with psychopathic parameters so they get corrupted by default … The whole thing is abuse of office. ibid.
It came through the mail just weeks after 9/11. Noon terrorist attacks, first in Florida, then New York and Washington. Anthrax. It spread fear and panic through the nation. Anthrax War, 2009
The US bio-warfare programme was born here [Fort Detrick] during World War II ... The spores of weaponised anthrax are processed into a fine aerosolled powder. ibid.
In the wake of the anthrax letters an important lead seems to have been overlooked. The Baltimore Sun reported US army scientists in Utah had been making weapons-grade anthrax and shipping it to Fort Detrick. The anthrax spores were virtually identical to those mailed to Congress. ibid.
Fort Detrick scientist Frank Olson was a liaison between the two facilities [Portland Down and Fort Detrick]. On November 28th 1953 Olson fell thirteen stories from a New York City hotel room. Was his death part of a pattern of mysterious deaths of bio-weapon scientists, including that of Anthrax Letter suspect Bruce Ivins also of Fort Detrick? Did all three scientists [inc David Kelly] know too much? ibid.
A CIA agent who used to run these covert operations who may have been murdered because of it. In 1953 Frank Olson plunged to his death from a 13th floor hotel window in New York City. The CIA man who was in the room with Olson said he jumped. An autopsy demanded 40 years later by Olson’s son conclude he was pushed. Spotlight: Code Name: Artichoke, 2002
It has been eight years since the exhumation. Eric Olson is still searching for the reasons behind his father’s death. ibid.
Olson senior was one of the chemists responsible for the biological weapons centre the US Army ran nearby. ibid.
When Frank Olson was later debriefed about the LSD experiment he knew immediately what it meant: they had interrogated him with Artichoke techniques. ibid.
Perhaps the biggest mystery of all involving The Beatles is the story of how one supposedly died back in 1966: Paul McCartney. Paul McCartney Really is Dead, 2010
He [Paul] was out alone in his Austin Martin. He crashed and was decapitated. ibid.
A Paul McCartney look-alike contest was held. ibid.
I am the Walrus: a symbol of death. ibid.
William Campbell who was the winner of the look-alike contest. ibid.
‘It’s too far out for us to have thought of it.’ ibid. Lennon
Paul is Still With Us. ibid. Life magazine front cover