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★ Rockefeller Dynasty

Rockefeller Dynasty: see Globalisation & New World Order & Illuminati & Council on Foreign Relations & Trilateral Commission & United Nations & Secret Government & Big Brother & Rich & Wealth & Banks & Oil

Jim Marrs TV - Edward Duff - Bill Cooper - New York: Centre of the World TV - Zeitgeist TV - Charles Hugham - The Men Who Built America TV - Aaron Russo - The American Experience: The Presidents TV - Henry Kissinger - Nelson Rockefeller - Associated Press - David Rockefeller - Bill Moyers - John F Hylan - The New York Times - Larry P McDonald - Ian R Crane - The Big Picture - Henry Makow - Rob Bedard - Len Harowitz - Barry Goldwater - John D Rockefeller - The Secret Plan of the New World Order - Ken Burns TV - Fritz Springmeier - Jim Redden - Carroll Quigley - Theodore Roosevelt - Hans Ruesch - Tony Gosling - Ring of Power - Alex Jones - Georgia Guidestones - The Corbett Report TV - Ancient Mysteries TV - How to Win the US Presidency 2016 - In Search of … TV - Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick TV - Jordan Maxwell - Edward G Griffin - Plutocracy TV - John Pilger - Satanic Vatican - Misha Glenny - Terry Boardman -        




I think its important to understand that most of the educational programs that are implemented in the United States stem from the National Education Association.  And the NEA was actually founded by John D Rockefeller.  And John D Rockefeller I think voiced beliefs of this ruling elite that wants to try to homogenise our education system when he was quoted as saying, ‘I dont want a nation of thinkers; I want a nation of workers.’  Jim Marrs, televised interview



A Rockefeller-endowed survey, chaired by Harvard’s distinguished philosopher Professor W E Hocking, concluded that Christianity is merely the highest of the High Religions, a stage in the universal quest for ‘righteousness’, a precious component in the religion of the future that will represent the New Testament of every existing Faith and serve the soul of a coming common world culture.  Edward Duff, World Council of Churches



Social engineering (the analysis and automation of a society) requires the correlation of great amounts of constantly changing economic information (data), so a high-speed computerized data-processing system was necessary which could race ahead of the society and predict when society would arrive for capitulation.


Relay computers were too slow, but the electronic computer, invented in 1946 by J Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly, filled the bill.


The next breakthrough was the development of the simplex method of linear programming in 1947 by the mathematician George B Dantzig.


Then in 1948, the transistor, invented by J Bardeen, W H Brattain, and W Shockley, promised great expansion of the computer field by reducing space and power requirements.


With these three inventions under their direction, those in positions of power strongly suspected that it was possible for them to control the whole world with the push of a button.


Immediately, the Rockefeller Foundation got in on the ground floor by making a four-year grant to Harvard College, funding the Harvard Economic Research Project for the study of the structure of the American Economy.  One year later, in 1949, The United States Air Force joined in.


In 1952 the grant period terminated, and a high-level meeting of the Elite was held to determine the next phase of social operations research.  The Harvard project had been very fruitful, as is borne out by the publication of some of its results in 1953 suggesting the feasibility of economic (social) engineering.  (Studies in the Structure of the American Economy – copyright 1953 by Wassily Leontief, International Science Press Inc White Plains New York).


Engineered in the last half of the decade of the 1940s, the new Quiet War machine stood, so to speak, in sparkling gold-plated hardware on the showroom floor by 1954.


With the creation of the maser in 1954, the promise of unlocking unlimited sources of fusion atomic energy from the heavy hydrogen in seawater and the consequent availability of unlimited social power was a possibility only decades away.  The combination was irresistible.


The Quiet War was quietly declared by the International Elite at a meeting held in 1954.


Although the silent weapons system was nearly exposed 13 years later, the evolution of the new weapon-system has never suffered any major setbacks.


This volume marks the 25th anniversary of the beginning of the Quiet War.  Already this domestic war has had many victories on many fronts throughout the world.  Bill Cooper, Top Secret: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, Operations Research Technical Manual TM-SW7905.1



The Trilateral Commission is an elite group of some 300 very prominent business, political, and intellectual decision-makers of Western Europe, North America, and Japan.  This enterprise is a private agency that works to build up political and economic cooperation among the three regions.  Its grand design, which it no longer hides, is a New World Order.


A key to the danger presented by the Trilateral Commission is its Seminal Peace, written for them by Harvard Professor Samuel P Huntington in the mid-70s.  In the paper Professor Huntington recommended that democracy and economic development be discarded as outdated ideas.  He wrote the following as co-author of the book The Crisis of Democracy, ‘We have come to recognize that there are potential desirable limits to economic growth.  There are also potentially desirable limits to the indefinite extension of political democracy.  A government which lacks authority will have little ability short of cataclysmic crisis to impose on its people the sacrifices which may be necessary’ ...  


The Trilateral Commission was the idea of its founder, American banking magnate David Rockefeller.  The real reason for its formation was the decline of the Council on Foreign Relation’s power as a result of the people’s dissatisfaction with the Vietnam War.  The reasoning behind the move toward the Trilateral Commission was the same as entering two horses in the same race.  It doubles the chances of winning.  The real power has always remained solidly in the hands of the Council on Foreign Relations.  The Rockefeller family was, is and always will be the benefactor of both organizations.  Rockefeller, though powerful is not in control in this country or anywhere else.  The key to the real power is the fact that Rockefeller had to put out feelers at a Bilderberg Group meeting in 1972 about forming a private group of trilateral leaders.  The Bilderberg Group gave the nod and Rockefeller’s man Zbigniew Brzezinski gathered up a membership and organized the Trilateral Commission in 1972, not in 1973 as the Commission claims.  Bill Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse


Look at the Council on Foreign Relations.  Many members, in fact the majority, never serve on the Executive Committees, they never go through any initiation of any kind.  They are in fact the power base and are used to gain a consensus of opinion ... The Executive Committee is an inner core of intimate associates.  Members of a secret society called the Order of The Quest, also known as the Jason Society ... Rockefeller gave Kissinger a grant of $50,000 in the early fifties, a fortune in those days ... The Council on Foreign Relations has been the foremost plank of America’s foreign policy establishment for more than half a century ... The CFR is one of the most powerful semi-official groups concerned with America’s role in international affairs.  It is controlled by an elect group of men recruited from the Skull & Bones and the Scroll & Key Societies of Harvard and Yale, which are both chapters of a secret branch of the Illuminati known as Chapter 322 ... Their goal is a New World Order.  ibid.



The Council on Foreign Relations has been the foremost flank of America’s foreign-policy establishment for more than half a century. The Council on Foreign Relations is a private organization of business executives, scholars, and political leaders that studies global problems and play a key role in developing US foreign policy.  The CFR is one of the most powerful semi-official groups concerned with America’s role in international affairs.  It is controlled by an elect group of men recruited from the Skull & Bones and the Scroll & Key societies of Harvard and Yale, which are both chapters of a secret branch of the Illuminati known as Chapter 322 of the Order.  The members of the Order make up the Executive Committee of the Council on Foreign Relations after undergoing initiation into the Order of the Quest, also known as the JASON Society.


The Council on Foreign Relations is an off-shoot sister organization to the British Royal Institute of International Affairs.  Their goal is a New World Order.  Although it existed as a dinner dub in New York, it did not take on its present power until 1921, when it merged with the Royal Institute of International Affairs and received its financial base from J P Morgan, the Carnegie Endowment, the Rockefeller family, and other Wall Street banking interests.


The Council on Foreign Relations controls our government.  Through the years its members have infiltrated the entire executive branch, State Department, Justice Department, CIA, and the top ranks of the military.  Every director of the Central Intelligence Agency has been a member of the CFR.  Most presidents since Roosevelt have been members.  The members of the CFR dominate ownership of the press and most, if not all, of America’s top journalists are members.  The CFR does not conform to government policy.  The government conforms to CFR policy.


I read Top Secret documents while with Naval Intelligence that stated that President Eisenhower had appointed six of the Executive Committee members of the CFR to sit on the panel called Majesty Twelve also known as Majority Twelve for security reasons.  Majesty Twelve is the secret group that is supposed to control extra-terrestrial information and projects.  The documents stated that Eisenhower had also appointed six members from the Executive branch of government who were also members of the CFR.  The total membership of Majesty Twelve was nineteen, including Dr Edward Teller and the six members from the JASON scientific group.  Again, whether this is true or disinformation depends solely upon the existence of aliens.  Bill Cooper, Secret Societies/New World Order



His elder brother Nelson was sworn in as governor of New York State.  New York: Centre of the World I, Philippe, PBS 2003


The Rockefeller brothers had managed to make a half billion real estate capital not only plausible but inevitable.  ibid.



It is important to note Nazi Germany’s war effort was largely supported by two organisations, one of which was called I G Farben.  I G Farben produced 84% of Germany’s explosives, and even the Zyklon B used in the concentration camps to kill millions.  One of the unspoken partners of I G Farben was J D Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company in America.  In fact the German Air Force could not operate without a special additive patented by Rockefeller’s Standard Oil ... American business funded both sides of World War II.  Zeitgeist, also cited John Nada, Wake Up Call, 2007