He would secretly buy up or create new oil related companies such as engineering and pipeline firms. These seemed to be independent operators. Rockefeller and his close colleagues secretly controlled the firms and gave Standard Oil, Rockefeller’s main oil company, hidden rebates.
Another tactic was to buy up a competing oil company, again secretly. Officials from this company could then be used very effectively to spy on, and give advanced warning of, deals being hatched by his real competitors.
Almost certainly the most lucrative secret deals done by Rockefeller and his partners were with the railroads. These ‘in harmony’ deals meant those refineries and oil traders not ‘in harmony’ with standard would find that railroads would refuse point blank to move their oil, whatever the price.
Oil, of course, is free at source, so once the investment in refining and extraction plant has been made the only really important cost was transportation. Rockefeller’s secret railroad rebates on the transportation of his oil kept his competitors guessing for years. None of them could understand how he kept pump prices so low. They were all bemused that Standard Oil had being growing at such a rate. How he managed to persuade the railroads to give him rebates and keep the deals secret is still not clear. Tony Gosling, article 'Greed Posing as Philanthropy'
The League of Nations was the money cartel’s first attempt at world control. But Czar Nicholas II of Russia caught on to their plot and sabotaged it; that proved to be a deadly mistake. Schiff, Warburg, Rockefeller, Harriman and Morgan backed uprisings that led to the 1917 Russian Revolution. Their strategy was to finance both sides of wars and revolutions which gave them control over the winners, the losers and the outcome. Ring of Power, 2008
The United Nations was founded right here in the United States in 1945 at the end of World War 2. It was set up at the Presidio in San Francisco by our military-industrial complex. The Rockefellers put up the money ... The United Nations has been caught hundreds of times running giant sex rings with kidnapped women and children ... It’s a huge business. Alex Jones, Martial Law 9/11: The Rise of the Police State, 2005
Fuck You Read This Rockefeller. Graffiti on Guidestones
John D Rockefeller junior of course was entrusted with the Rockefeller family fortune in the form of the Rockefeller Foundation; the setting up of the Foundation was John D Rockefeller senior’s last diabolical move in his political powerplay at the time. The Corbett Report, 26 Meet the Rockefellers, James Corbett online 2007
A much much deeper rabbit-hole about eugenics. ibid.
The Rockefellers’ roots ironically enough really do go back to medicine aka fake medicine aka snake oil as the progenitor of the Rockefeller dynasty John D Rockefeller’s father was in fact not only a bigamist and a huckster but in fact also someone who literally sold snake oil. The Corbett Report, Rockefeller Medicine, Youtube 2013
David Rockefeller – last surviving grandson of oligarch John D Rockefeller is dead. We are told he died in his sleep at the age of 101 this past Monday … How do we measure the life of someone who has shaped the modern world to such an extent. The Corbett Report: The Unauthorised Biography of David Rockefeller, Youtube 2017
Chair & CEO of Chase Manhattan, Chair of Council on Foreign Relations, founder of the Trilateral Commission, founding member of Bilderberg and adviser to its steering committee. ibid.
Nelson was a prominent member of Dwight D Eisenhower’s administration. ibid.
The Rockefellers were the nation’s first family not only of wealth but of power. ibid.
William Avery Rockefeller: his years of hawking snake oil, bigamous marriages and rape finally caught up with him. ibid.
Aldrich oversaw the nation’s currency. ibid.
But his business and personal interests converged at the globalist ideology. ibid.
David’s networking process helped him befriend a rogue’s gallery of dictators and despots. ibid.
A popular joke of the era held that David Rockefeller never ran for president because he didn’t want the demotion. ibid.
‘Henry [Kissinger] became Nelson’s foreign policy adviser.’ ibid. David
Kissinger was revealed to be secretly advising Bush throughout the Iraq war. ibid.
Rich beyond compare, mercilessly cruel, obsessed only with himself and his own interests, there was no Ebenezer Scrooge moment before he died. ibid.
John D Rockefeller III: He was a mission to do something about the problem of over-population. Rockefeller approached that mission as a representative of the Population Council … The Eugenics Society under another name. The Corbett Report: Why Big Oil Conquered the World, 2017
Dead in the underground vaults of the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem lie the remains of the oldest Biblical manuscripts in existence: the Dead Sea Scrolls. Hidden in desert caves for more than two thousand years, many of these scrolls are now buried in the vaults of the museum. For almost half a century they’ve been seen only by a handful of privileged scholars. Ancient Mysteries: Enigma of the Dead Sea Scrolls, A&E 1994
Publication delay and requests for access denied. ibid.
Judea, Winter 1947: three desert herdsmen made their way along the shores of the Dead Sea. ibid.
Hundreds of manuscripts and tens of thousands of fragments were dug out of more than a dozen caves in and around Qumran. ibid.
Eight scholars: the international team. ibid.
The Temple Scroll was the eighth to come into Israeli hands. ibid.
Rockefellers: The only family member though who made it close to the presidency was Nelson Rockefeller who served as vice-president. How to Win the US Presidency, Netflix 2016
Among the Asmat people of New Guinea there exists a way of life that has remained unchanged since the Stone Age. In 1961 it drew the attention of a restless young man named Michael Rockefeller. In Search of s2e6 … Michael Rockefeller, 1978
In their midst he disappeared and was never seen again. ibid.
I G Farben who had entered into a cartel with the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil ... The Nazi war machine was actually an American business … a highly lucrative business. Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick, 2014
The Rockefellers and the Rothschilds are paying for it [Jehovah’s Witnesses]. Jordan Maxwell, Illuminati & the Black Magic Underworld, interview Age of Truth TV, January 2018
The takeover of the medical industry was accomplished by the takeover of the medical schools. Well the people we’re talking about – Rockefeller and Carnegie in particular – came to the picture and said, We will put up money ... They skewed the whole thing in the direction of pharmaceutical drugs. G Edward Griffin, World Without Cancer
The most notorious of the battles occurred in Ludlow, Colorado, 1914 … ‘owned by the Rockefeller trust … The National Guard fired into the tents.’ The killing of their [strikers’] families caused national outrage. Protests erupted across the country. Plutocracy III: Class War, 2017
When General Suharto, the West’s man, seized power in Indonesia in the mid-1960s, he offered ‘a gleam of light in Asia’, rejoiced Time magazine. That he had killed up to a million ‘communists’ was of no account in the acquisition of what Richard Nixon called ‘the richest hoard of natural resources, the Greatest Prize in south-east Asia’.
In November 1967, the booty was handed out at an extraordinary conference in a lakeside hotel in Geneva. The participants included the most powerful capitalists in the world, the likes of David Rockefeller, and senior executives of the major oil companies and banks, General Motors, British American Tobacco, Imperial Chemical Industries, American Express, Siemens, Goodyear, US Steel. John Pilger, article The New Statesman, ‘Free the Forgotten Bird of Paradise’
Three financial families – the Rothschilds, Morgans and Rockefellers – all do the bidding of the Jesuit Order. Satanic Vatican
In 1973, inspired by President Nixon’s War on Drugs, Nelson Rockefeller, Governor of New York, introduced a new set of Drug Laws that remain in force to this day, continuing to bear his name. For possessing a risible amount of any drugs, New Yorkers risk draconian sentences of between fifteen years and life in a state penitentiary. And New York State pays out more than $500 million every year to keep incarcerated those who have fallen foul of this regime. Misha Glenny, McMafia
This [United Nations] is overwhelmingly driven by the Rockefellers … David Rockefeller … and his two leading acolytes Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinsky. Terry Boardman, lecture Glastonbury Symposium, ‘What is the New World Order?’