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★ Regret & Sorry

Regret & Sorry: see Repentance & Memory & Past & Morality & Conscience & Life’s Like That & Grief & Problem & Pain & Sin & Guilt & Shame & Psychology & Opportunity & Law & Offence & Reform & Mistake

Samuel Beckett - Casablanca 1942 - Joseph Conrad - Woody Allen - Omar Khayyam - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine TV - Star Trek: Discovery TV - Beate Klarsfeld - Muhammad Ali - Mick McCarthy - Micel Vaucaire - Katherine Mansfield - Christopher Hitchens - John Greenleaf Whittier - Arthur Miller - Basil Rathbone - Henry David Thoreau - Face of a Fugitive 1959 - Dr Strangelove 1963 - Charles Dickens - Thomas Hardy - Xavi - The Iceman 2012 - A Time to Kill 1996 - House of Cards US TV - Mark Twain - The Gentlemen 2024 -  




No, I regret nothing.  All I regret is having been born – dying is such a long tiresome business I always found.  Samuel Beckett



You’re getting on that plane with Victor where you belong ... You’ll regret it.  Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but soon and for the rest of your life.  We’ll always have Paris.  Casablanca 1942 ***** starring Humphrey Bogart & Ingrid Bergman & Paul Henreid & Claude Rains & Conrad Veidt & Sydney Greenstreet & Peter Lorre & Curt Bois et al, director Michael Curtiz



Droll thing life is – that mysterious arrangement of merciless logic for a futile purpose.  The most you can hope from it is some knowledge of yourself – that comes too late – a crop of inextinguishable regrets.  Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness



My one regret in life is that I am not someone else.  Woody Allen



This world that was our home for a brief spell never brought us anything but pain and grief; it’s a shame that not one of our problems was ever solved.  We depart with a thousand regrets in our hearts.  Omar Khayyam



When it comes to Ziyal, I regret nothing.  Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s4e14: Return to Grace, Gul Dukat to Kira



I believe you feel regret.  But in my mind you are dangerous.  Star Trek: Discovery s1e3: Context is for Kings, First officer Saru to Michael



Do not regret loving someone, Michael.  Star Trek: Discovery s1e14: The War Without, The War Within, Sarek



Never a word of regret.  Beate Klarsfeld, re captured Nazi



I have no regrets about boxing.  No regrets.  Muhammad Ali



No regrets, none at all.  My only regret is that we went out on penalties.  That’s my only regret but no, no regrets.  Mick McCarthy



Non! rien de rien,

Non! je ne regrette rien,

Ni le bien quon ma fait,

Ni le mal - tout ca mest bien egal!  Micel Vaucaire, song 1960  



Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back.  Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can’t build on it; it’s only good for wallowing in.  Katherine Mansfield 



Regret is for what you didn’t do, and remorse is for what you did.  Christopher Hitchens: Hay Sessions 2010


I wish I had at least run for parliament; it should be the aspiration of everyone to serve their country in parliament.   I didn’t even try and it’s too late now.  Then I was expelled from the Labour Party ... because of Vietnam.  ibid.



If, of all words of tongue or pen

The saddest are, It might have been.  John Greenleaf Whittier, attributions & variations inc Kurt Vonnegut



Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets.  Arthur Miller, The Ride Down Mount Morgan



Never regret anything you have done with a sincere affection; nothing is lost that is born of the heart.  Basil Rathbone



Make the most of your regrets; never smother your sorrow, but tend and cherish it till it comes to have a separate and integral interest.  To regret deeply is to live afresh.  Henry David Thoreau



Don’t feel sorry, kid.  Don’t ever feel sorry.  It’s like poison to a man.  Face of a Fugitive 1959 starring Fred MacMurray & Lin McCarthy & Dorothy Green & Alan Baxter & James Coburn & Gina Gillespie et al, director Paul Wendkos, hero to sidekick



I am as sorry as you are, Dimitri.  Don’t say that you’re more sorry than I am, because I am capable of being just as sorry as you are.  So we’re both sorry, all right?  Dr Strangelove 1963 starring Peter Sellers & George C Scott & Sterling Hayden & Keenan Wynn & Slim Pickens & Peter Bull & James Earl Jones & Shane Rimmer & Tracy Reed, president US to president USSR



‘Regrets,’ said Martin, ‘are the natural property of grey hairs; and I enjoy, in common with all other men, at least my share of such inheritance.’  Charles Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit



Regret not me;

Beneath the sunny tree

I lie uncaring, slumbering peacefully ...  Thomas Hardy, Regret Not Me



I’ve no regrets at all, but I still think at times that I would have loved to play in England.  You live football over there; it’s a great culture.  People respect you more; it’s more difficult to find respect in Spain.  There is more criticism here.  Xavi



Do you have any regrets for the things you’ve done?  The Iceman 2012 starring Michael Shannon & Winona Ryder & Chris Evans & Ray Liotta & James Franco & David Schwimmer & Stephen Dorff & Erin Cummings & Robert Davi & Weronika Rosati et al, director Ariel Vromen, opening scene interviewer to Kuklinski


Fucking guy’s cold was ice.  ibid.  Liotta


You’re gonna be watching my back.  You’re gonna be collecting debts.  You’re gonna be sending messages, whatever the messages are.  ibid.  


I never felt sorry for anything I done.  Other than hurting my family.  The only thing I feel sorry for.  I’m not looking for forgiveness.  I’m not repenting.  ibid.   



I ain’t sorry for what I done … I figure there’s a lot of people out there tired of all the raping and killing.  They’d be sympathetic to a man who took the law into his own hands even if he is black.  A Time to Kill 1996 starring Samuel L Jackson & Matthew McConaughey & Kevin Spacey & Sandra Bullock & Brenda Fricker & Oliver Platt & Charles S Dutton & Ashley Judd & Patrick McGoohan & Kiefer Sutherland & Donald Sutherland & John Diehl et al, director Joel Schumacher, Carl to Jake  



Hannah Conway: Do you ever regret not having children? …


Claire: Do you ever regret having them?  House of Cards s4e12: Chapter 51, Netflix 2016  



For the majority of us, the past is a regret, the future an experiment.  Mark Twain       



Everyone’s fucking sorry.  Don’t make much of a difference thought, does it?  The Gentlemen VII: Not Without Danger, Susie, Netflix 2024