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★ Remember

Remember: see Mind & Memory & Brain & Ego & Alter Ego & Self & Forgetful & Personality & Psychology & Past & Life’s Like That & Witness & Moment & Brainwashing & M K Ultra & Hypnosis

London Taxi Driver - Mark Twain - Isabel Allende - Force of Evil 1948 - The Final Cut 2004 - William Shakespeare & The Tempest 2010 - John Green - Cervantes - Thomas Hood - Virgil - Alan Jay Lerner - T S Eliot - Algernon Charles Swinburne - Rab C Nesbitt TV - Cesare Pavese - Laura Ingalls Wilder - Herman Hupfield - Will Rogers - Decoding the Brain: Breakthrough TV - The Office TV - Incredible Medicine: Dr Weston’s Casebook TV - The World at War TV - Lord of London 2013 -  




Just remember that there are more good people in the world than bad.  London taxi driver gives free return ride to Reading for visiting mother of victim, cited 7/7: The London Bombings III, BBC 2025  



If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.  Mark Twain 



‘There is no death, daughter.  People die only when we forget them,’ my mother explained shortly before she left me.  ‘If you can remember me, I will be with you always.’  Isabel Allende, Eva Luna



A man can spend the rest of his life trying to remember what he shouldn’t have said.  Force of Evil 1948 starring John Garfield & Thomas Gomez & Marie Windsor & Howland Chamberlain & Roy Roberts & Paul Fix & Stanley Prager & Barry Kelley & Beau Bridges et al, director Abraham Polonsky, Joe



My job is to let people remember what they want to remember, Fletcher.  It fulfilled a human need.  I didn’t invent the technology.  The Final Cut 2004 starring Robin Williams & Mira Sorvino & James Caviezel & Mimi Kuzyk & Stephanie Romanov & Thomm Bishops & Genevieve Buechner & Brendan Fletcher & Joely Collins & Christopher Britton et al, director Omar Naim, Alan



Canst thou remember a time before we came unto this cell?  The Tempest 2010 starring Helen Mirren & Felicity Jones & Chris Cooper & Russell Brand & Reeve Carney & Tom Conti & Alan Cumming & Dimon Hounsou & Alfred Molina & Ben Whishaw et al, director Julie Taymor, Prospera



My dull brain was wrought

With things forgotten.  William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Macbeth I iii 148-149, Macbeth



Let us not burden our remembrance with

A heaviness that’s gone.  William Shakespeare, The Tempest V i 202-203, Prospero



When to the sessions of sweet silent thought

I summon up remembrance of things past,

I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought,

And with old woes new wail my dear times’ waste.  William Shakespeare, Sonnet 30



The pleasure of remembering had been taken from me, because there was no longer anyone to remember with.  It felt like losing your co-rememberer meant losing the memory itself, as if the things we’d done were less real and important than they had been hours before.  John Green, The Fault in Our Stars



Nobody is forgotten when it is convenient to remember him.  Cervantes, Don Quixote  



I remember, I remember,

The house where I was born,

The little window where the sun

Came peeping in at morn.  Thomas Hood, I Remember 1826



Maybe one day it will be cheering to remember even these things.  Virgil, Aeneid



We met at nine.

We met at eight.

I was on time.

No, you were late.

Ah yes!  I remember it well.  Alan Jay Lerner, song 1958



But only in time can the moment in the rose-garden,

The moment in the arbour where the rain beat,

The moment in the draughty church at smokefall

Be remembered; involved with past and future.  T S Eliot, Four Quartets: Burnt Norton, 1935



Till life forget and death remember,

Till thou remember and I forget.  Algernon Charles Swinburne, Itylus, 1864



Sometimes you can go for a month and not remember a thing.  It’s special days like that, Rab, you forget for the rest of your life.  Rab C Nesbitt s8e6: Bug, Tramp, BBC 1999



We do not remember days, we remember moments.  Cesare Pavese



Remember me with smiles and laughter, for that is how I will remember you all.  If you can only remember me with tears, then don’t remember me at all.  Laura Ingalls Wilder



You must remember this, a kiss is still a kiss,

A sigh is just a sigh;

The fundamental things apply,

As time goes by.  Herman Hupfield, As Time Goes By, song 1931



You never know how much a man cant remember until he is called as a witness.  Will Rogers



When remembering factual details people got things wrong about 40% of the time; but when it came to remembering emotions they were wrong 60% of the time.  Decoding the Brain: Breakthrough, National Geographic 2015  



Camera interview: How would you like to be remembered?


David: Simply as the man who put a smile on the face of all he met.  The Office, Christmas Special II, BBC 2003



‘I am able to remember every day as if it were yesterday.’  Incredible Medicine: Dr Weston’s Casebook III, Tracey Fitzgerald, BBC 2017



Down this road on a summer day in 1944 the soldiers came.  Nobody lives here now … The day the soldiers came the people were gathered together … Here, they heard the firing as their men were shot; then, they were killed too.  The World at War 26/26: Remember, ITV 1974


Remember the day.  ibid.  


Waiting and smoking and sleeping and waiting.  And waiting.  ibid.


Remember the dead.  ibid.


Remember the Russian dead.  Twenty million.  ibid.


Remember them all.  55 million dead.  ibid.



Just remember all the beautiful times you had growing up here.  Don’t forget those memories and keep us in your heart.  Lords of London 2013 starring Glen Murphy & Ray Winstone & Serena Iansiti & Giovanni Capalbo & Christopher Hatherall & Glyn Grimstead & Helen Latham & Joe Egan & Mark Adams et al, director Antonio Simoncini, father to daughter