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Robbery: Spain
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★ Robbery: Spain

Robbery: Spain: see Robbery & Robbery US etc. & Heists: Spain & Crime & Burglary & Gangs & Gangs: Spain etc. & Theft & Banks & Las Vegas & Robin Hood & Violence & Museum & Con & Guns & Jewellery & Art

Art of the Heist TV - Money Heist TV




It started as one of the most perfect art heists.  Two Rubens stolen in broad daylight from a gallery in Spain leaving no clues.  With the art world on high alert, trying to sell the stolen paintings was to prove the thief’s biggest challenge.  Art of the Heist s2e6, Miami Sting, 2007


The thief is able to walk out of the museum before anybody notices the paintings are missing.  It could not have been simpler.  ibid.


Miami: The entire gang had been arrested, and the stolen Rubens recovered.  ibid.



My name is Tokyo.  But when the story began, that wasn’t my name.  Money Heist s1e1: Do As Planned, Netflix 2017


We pulled off fifteen perfect heists.  But mixing love and business never works.  ibid.


I’ve been hiding for eleven days.  And my picture is in every police station in Spain.  ibid.  


And that’s how I met the Professor: by pointing a gun at his balls.  ibid.


I have a business proposal.  A heist.  A heist that’s unique.  ibid.  Professor


Tokyo: What are we robbing?


Professor: The Royal Mint of Spain.  ibid.


Let them think that we’re cornered.  Let them think that we’re improvising.  ibid.



Rozzer negotiator: What do you want?  


Professor: Time.  Money Heist s1e2: Lethal Negligence


So we’re going to hand out some fake weapons.  ibid.  gang to hostages  


I don’t want anything to do with this.  ibid.  rozzer negotiator to old boy



To the point of not knowing who were the good guys and who were the bad guys.  Money Heist s1e3: Missing Fire, commentary


They’re digging a tunnel.  ibid.  Arturo



They used the money inside to create the illusion of a heist.  It was intentional … They’re printing their own unmarked bills.  Money Heist s1e4: Trojan Horse, Rachel



The Royal Mint of Spain Director was Wounded by the Police.  Money Heist s1e5: The Day of the Mole, caption  



It also meant that the mastermind behind this heist was smarter and more intelligent than the police.  Money Heist s1e6: The Hot Cold War, commentary  



If you want, you can tell me all about your fantasies face to face.  Money Heist s1e7: Cool Instability, Rachel to Professor



If the Inspector played her cards right and discovered the Professor’s identify the game would come to an end: the checkmate would be reversed.  Money Heist s1e8: You Asked for It 


No-one can be trusted till we find the mole.  ibid.  Rachel



Don’t kid yourself.  You might be the best of the Nazis but you’re still one of them.  Money Heist s1e9: Whoever Keeps Trying It, Gets It, pregnant hostage



We need a search and seizure warrant for a pharmacy in Teledo.  Yes, yeah yeah we’re on the trail of one of the robbers.  Money Heist s1e10: Masked No Longer, Rubio on dog-n-bone


In this robbery, time was fucking money.  ibid.  commentary


A guy got to the pharmacy before me.  ibid.  Rubio



Sunday night had arrived and the mood was euphoric.  We had reached the dirt and Nairobi had the presses running at full speed.  It was without doubt our happiest moment together.  And because of that, we let our guard down.  Money Heist s1e11: The Head of the Plan, commentary


Right now I can’t trust you … Get the fuck out of my face.  ibid.  Rachel to Rubio  



The Professor already knew she’d want to see his hideout.  Money Heist s1e12: A Matter of Efficiency, commentary  


The brains of the operation was missing.  ibid.



This is the worst day of my life and I need to get away from this tent, this city.  Money Heist s1e13: What Have We Done? Rachel to Professor   



The Professor had meticulously planned to take the police to Toledo leaving behind a detailed crime scene worthy of an Oscar.  Money Heist s2e1



Angel found something.  And that guy wanted to kill him.  Money Heist s2e2, Rachel  


I want you to tell me about plans for Chernobyl.  ibid.  Tokyo to Berlin



Geniuses are weird.  Why, do you think you’re an example of maturity?  Do you?  Think you’re considered normal?  Do you think it’s normal to arrange your shirts by colour?  Money Heist s2e3, Tokyo to Professor    


Professor, it’s Nairobi.  Berlin is indisposed.  So from now on, I’m the one in charge.  The matriarchy begins now.  ibid.



For once the Professor felt weak.  And falling into Rachel’s arms seemed the best comfort he could get.  The only comfort.  Money Heist s2e4, commentary


We have been thoroughly beaten.  ibid.  Berlin  



You will each get your million and it will be delivered to the address you gave us … You have my word.  Money Heist s2e5, Tokyo to remaining hostages


Suarez, one more thing, what colour was the wig on the clown … Orange?  Are you sure?  ibid.  Rachel


She [Rachel] had fallen in love with the most wanted man in Spain.  ibid.  commentary


It was him.  Of course it was him … Always in the right place.  ibid.  Rachel



Yesterday, everything was so good … Who the hell are you?  Money Heist s2e6, Rachel


My guardian angel had not forsaken me.  I felt like I was on a carnival ride.  ibid.  Tokyo


He’d saved me.  How can he not be there.  ibid.


Are you the crazy women from Misery?  ibid.  Professor to Rachel



This act of love of yours was a mistake.  ’Cause I’m putting you away for eight years.  Money Heist s2e7, Rachel to Professor


I’m going to need you to turn in your badge and your gun.  ibid.  Rachel leaves tent



Are you sure you know what you’re doing?  Money Heist s2e8, Rachel’s mom


You’re coming with me to the station.  ibid.  Rachel to Professor



They think I’m part of the robbery, that’s why.  Money Heist s2e9, Rachel


I don’t know who’s the good guys and who’s the bad guys.  ibid.


Prepare to receive the hostages.  ibid.  invading rozzer


They’re in Vault 3.  Top priority.  ibid.  top rozzer in tent


If it’s important, you can use mine.  ibid.  Professor to Rachel