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★ Reincarnation & Past Lives

Reincarnation & Past Lives: see Buddhism & Philosophy & Death & Life After Death & Meaning of Life & Animals & Religion & God & Heaven & Salvation & Hinduism & Hypnosis & Immortality & Native Americans & Jainism

David Icke - Hebrews 9:27 - Bhagavad Gita - Strange But True? TV - Unsolved Mysteries TV - Socrates - Henry David Thoreau - Kary Mullis - Swami Abhedananda - Henry Ford - Alfred Lord Tennyson - In Search of … TV - Ancient Aliens TV -  




Terry Wogan: Are you saying that you are the second coming?


David Icke: Let me explain this.  I’m not saying I’m the second coming of Christ.  Of Jesus.  Because Jesus was a separate entity.  


Terry Wogan: Is this reincarnation?


David Icke: Well yes.  BBC 1991  



It is appointed for men to die once, after this the judgment.   Hebrews 9:27  



There has never been a time when you and I have not existed, nor will there be a time when we will cease to exist.  As the same person inhabits the body through childhood, youth, and old age, so too at the time of death he attains another body.  The wise are not deluded by these changes.  Bhagavad Gita



So have the people of Millboro [Virginia] been really reincarnated together, or is there another reason for it all?  Strange But True?  ITV 1994



Martin contacted a World War II archive to see if there had ever been a Richard Seymour who served in the RAF.  It wasn’t long before he got a reply.  The facts seemed to fit uncannily with Martin’s recall under hypnosis.  Incredibly, the real Richard Seymour had been a wireless operator during the Second World War.  Richard’s plane had been shot down on July 20th 1942 as it flew on a bombing mission to Germany.  Strange But True?    



One by one Jenny tracked down not only Sonny but all the surviving Sutton children.  And a few weeks ago at the home of youngest sister Betty they were reunited, all together again for the first time in sixty-one years ... They are all about the meet the women who believes she is Mary, back from the dead.  So Jenny Cockell has reunited a lost family.  But are they convinced she is the reincarnation of their mother?  Strange But True?  



This is the story of Ray Bryant and an extraordinary journey into the past ... So if Ray didn’t know anything about the Crimea, where did the identity of that obscure foot-soldier [Reuben Stafford] come from? ... It’s hard to explain the wealth of accurate detail provided by Ray Bryant as he went on to describe the life of Reuben Stafford ... With no clues Bryant had accurately reconstructed the last moments of Reuben Stafford’s life and death - violent suffocation by drowning, a suicide.  Strange But True?  



Perhaps there was more for James Johnston who died trapped in a submarine in World War II.  Perhaps, just perhaps, he had a second chance at life in the person of Bruce Kelly.  Unsolved Mysteries



I am confident that there truly is such a thing as living again, that the living spring from the dead, and that the souls of the dead are in existence.  Socrates      



As far back as I can remember I have unconsciously referred to the experiences of a previous state of existence.  Henry David Thoreau



If reincarnation is a useful biological idea it is certain that somewhere in the universe it will happen.  Kary Mullis



The whole process is expressed in Eastern philosophy by the doctrine of the Reincarnation of the individual soul.  Although this doctrine is commonly rejected in the West, it is unreservedly accepted by the vast majority of mankind of the present day, as it was in past centuries.  The scientific explanation of this theory we find nowhere except in the writings of the Hindus; still we know that from very ancient times it was believed by the philosophers, sages and prophets of different countries.  The ancient civilization of Egypt was built upon a crude form of the doctrine of Reincarnation.  Herodotus says, ‘The Egyptians propounded the theory that the human soul is imperishable, and that where the body of any one dies it enters into some other creature that may be ready to receive it.’  Swami Abhedananda, Reincarnation  



I adopted the theory of Reincarnation when I was twenty six. Religion offered nothing to the point.  Even work could not give me complete satisfaction.  Work is futile if we cannot utilize the experience we collect in one life in the next.  When I discovered reincarnation it was as if I had found a universal plan.  Henry Ford    



It may be that no life is found,

Which only to one engine bound

Falls off, but cycles always round.  Alfred Lord Tennyson



There are people who claim to remember events that happened in a former lifetime.  It is a strange phenomenon called reincarnation.  In Search of s2e11 … Reincarnation, History 1978



How do we explain the feeling when we know we’ve been somewhere before?  Is this feeling coincidence?  Or is it possible we have lived past lives?  In Search of s4e24 … Past Lives, 1980



[Giorgio]: ‘You have thousands of reports of reincarnation.’ Ancient Aliens s12e13: The Replicants, History 2017  


Over his 40 year career, Dr Stevenson extensively studied more than 3,000 cases of individuals who reported post-life experiences.  ibid.