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★ Rosicrucians

Rosicrucians: see New Age & Freemasons & Knights Templar & Illuminati & Secret Societies & Theosophy & Religion

Secret Societies of the Illuminati NWO - Nestor H Webster - The Knights Templar and Freemasonry TV - Fundamental Laws: A Report of the 68th Convocation of the Rose Cross Order - Henry Adamson - Conspiracy Files Unsealed TV - Brad Meltzer TV - Secret Societies: Myths and Realities in a Parallel World TV -




Rosicrucianism is a complex mystic system.  Sir Francis Bacon is believed to have been at the top of it at one time.  In rumour, a variety of psychic phenomena are attributed to its members ... Rosicrucianism was the foundation for the beliefs of the Theosophy Movement, which was largely responsible for the ideology of the Nazis and the resulting holocaust.  Secret Societies of the Illuminati NWO: The Hidden Power of the World



The Rosy Cross derived from the Red Cross of the Templars.  Mirabeau, who as a Freemason and an Illuminatus was in a position to discover many facts about the secret societies of Germany during his stay in the country, definitely asserts that the Rose Croix Masons of the seventeenth century were only the ancient Order of the Templars secretly perpetuated.  Nestor H Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements



As well as freemasonry, the Templars also established the Rose Croix organisation.  The main focus of this organisation was alchemy and magic ... One of the most famous members of the Rose Croix was the English statesman and thinker Sir Francis Bacon, who was also a Grand Master of the English Templars.  Bacon set out the state structure of which the Templars dreamed in his book the New Atlantis.  The main aim of their work was to rule the world by using the mystical powers in Templar teaching.  The Knights Templar and Freemasonry    



Under the authority of the Rose Cross Order founded in America in 1858 prominent delegates of the Order were gathered in the most remarkable conclave held in the last five thousand years.  The publication of whose records now opens to the world the connection of Egypt and her ages of true religion, power and glory.  Fundamental Laws: A Report of the 68th Convocation of the Rose Cross Order


The Illuminati and its sole science work may be called the Child of the Rose Cross Order.  ibid.  


And thus it would appear that the unseen hierarchies which shape the foundation of the great republic which must some day rule the world are the same hierarchies which gave us the sole science philosophy as taught by the Illuminati.  ibid.



For what we do presage is not in grosse,

For we are brethren of the Rosie Crosse;

We have the Mason Word and second sight,

Things for to come we can foretell aright.  Henry Adamson, The Muses’ Threnodie, Perth, 1638



Did the Rosicrucians build the Georgia Guidestones?  Conspiracy Files Unsealed: Global Depopulation, Blaze 2012



America has its own Stonehenge: these giant Stones suddenly appeared on a hillside outside of all places Atlanta in 1980.  Brad Meltzer’s Decoded s1e10: Apocalypse in Georgia, History 2010


Almost nothing is known of the Stones at all.  ibid.


So the Georgia Guidestones may have been built by a secret society known as the Rosicrucians.  ibid.



They are highly secretive.  They have knowledge they keep to themselves.  They operate clandestinely.  And they practise ancient mysterious rituals.  They are secret societies.  Are secret societies a hotbed of evil?  Secret Societies: Myths and Realities of a Parallel World, Youtube 2023


Skull & Bones: This secret society is based at Yale … Anyone who is elected receives strange instructions … The secret society is 180 years old.  ibid.


Illuminati: In Ingolstadt Adam Weishaupt taught ecclesiastic law and practical philosophy.   He was the only secular professor … Weishaupt’s rejection of Throne and Altar … He wanted nothing less than to change the world.  The supreme figure amongst the Illuminati damanded absolute loyalty from his members … He had tapped the pulse of the age.  ibid.     


There were also the Rosicrucians … The Rosicrucians were said to posses all the knowledge in the world and the potential to give people salvation … Today it presents itself in a new livery.  ibid.