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Robbery: Rest of the World
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★ Robbery: Rest of the World

I know what I’m doing.  I’ve watched movies like Casino, or Goodfellas, a bunch of Robert De Niro films Heat – you know, they do a big job and then they sit on the money for a little while.  And that’s the key because you start flashing money around right out of the gate, you’re going to go back to jail.  Trailer Park Boys: Say Goodnight to the Bad Guys, Julian, 2008



Pretty good?  It’s foolproof.  Foolproof 2003 starring Ryan Reynolds & David Suchet & Kristin Booth & David Hewlett & James Allodi & Joris Jarsky & Sean Sullivan & Tara Slone & Soo Garay & William House & Wai Choy et al, director William Phillips, Helen


Leo the Touch I presume?  ibid.  rozzer



We used to rob a minimum of three banks a week … It was a crazy crazy time.  Kings of Coke, dude, Sky Documentaries 2022



COLOMBIA: Scam City TV -


There’s a shadow hanging over this town: it’s rumoured to have a problem with gangs whose women drug unsuspecting victims before robbing them  the so-called Black Widow scam.  Scam City s2e9: Bogota, National Geographic 2014


‘With an overdose they can live you or leave you with a mental illness.’  ibid.  cab-driver’s advice


1,200 Scopolamine crimes were reported to police in 2012.  It’s believed this is only the tip of the iceberg.  ibid.  



CYPRUS: Art of the Heist TV -


In the 1970s the black market in religious artefacts had exploded into a multi-million-dollar industry.  The war-torn island of Cyprus was being picked clean.  This is the story of how a sophisticated ring of smugglers ripped a sacred mosaic from the walls of a church then tried to hawk it on the open market.  Little did they realise that their greed would trigger a global clamour for its recovery that would culminate in a daring police raid which uncovered $40 million in stolen artefacts and change the trade in antiquities for ever  Art of the Heist s1e5: Den of Antiquities, 2006


The theft had all the hallmarks of a professional smuggling ring.  ibid.


Inside the crates were fragments of a young Christ, Matthew, James and the archangel that had so captivated her [Peg L Goldberg].  ibid.


Judge Noland ruled that the mosaics belonged to the Church of Cyprus.  ibid.  





I’m in a nightclub on the edge of town.  It’s a bad situation and I don’t know how to get out.  Scam City s1e2: Prague, National Geographic 2012


Not all taxicabs in Prague are playing by the same rules.  ibid.  


Lady pickpockets followed by fake drugs.  ibid.


The clip joint scam: the victim is sucked in with the promise of a good time.  ibid.



EGYPT: Art of the Heist TV - 


It was an elaborate swindle: disguising precision Egyptian antiquities as tourist souvenirs so they could be smuggled out of the country.  Art of the Heist s2e2: The Pharaoh’s Head, 2007


They belonged in the government store in Egypt.  ibid.


Ancient Egyptian artefacts began to flow freely from where they were discovered to collections in the West.  ibid.


Jonathan Tokeley-Parry ... A reputation as a brilliant antique restorer.  ibid.



ISRAEL: Masterminds TV -


No-one had ever seen anything like him.  A modern-art Robin Hood hit banks across Israel.  Masterminds e52: The Motorcycle Bandit, History 2006      


The motorcycle bandit struck a chord with the public.  ibid.  


A robbery spree that takes the country by storm.  ibid.


He’s driving straight into a trap.  ibid.



ITALY: The Italian Job 1969 - The Italian Job 2003 -


Goodbye, Mr Bridger.  The Italian Job 1969 starring Michael Caine & Noel Coward & Benny Hill & Tony Beckley & Raf Vallone & Rossano Brazzi & Maggie Blye & Irene Handl & John le Mesurier & Fred Emney et al, director Peter Collinson


Take me to my tailor.  ibid.


Four million dollars through a traffic jam.  ibid.


Hello, Camp Freddy?  I want to see Bridger.  I’ve got a job.  Freddy, this job is bigger than anything Bridger has done until now.  ibid.


Camp Freddy, everybody in the world is bent.  ibid.  Mr Bridger


You’re only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!  ibid.


You’ve overlooked one thing  the Mafia.  They’ll be waiting for you.  ibid.  Mr Bridger to Charlie Crocker


Nobody move.  We’re balancing right on the edge.  Very slowly move this way ... Get back!  Get back!  Now hold still.  Don’t move.  Don’t move at all.  Don’t no-one get out the door neither otherwise we’ll all go.  Edge back as far as you can go to co – to counterbalance me.  Now.  Hang on a minute, lads.  I’ve got a great idea.  Er ... Er …  ibid.  Charlie’s closing scene  



I want to propose a toast.  To us.  Yes!  And I want to propose a toast to Charlie, because we just stole thirty-five million dollars’ worth of gold without even holding a gun because he planned this down to a tee.  The Italian Job 2003 starring Jason Statham & Mark Wahlberg & Edward Norton & Charlize Theron & Seth Green & Mos Def & Donald Sutherland et al, director F Gary Gray, John Bridger


I want to see the look on that man’s face when his gold has gone.  ibid.


It was about a lot of gold.  And I wanted it.  ibid.  Steve with dodgy tash


We do it like the Italian Job.  ibid.  Charlie