In the most famous anti-nuclear protest ever seen in Britain, thousands of women spent much of the 1980s and beyond protesting against the presence of American cruise missiles here at Greenham Common. What even they didn’t know along with the residents of nearby Newbury was that the British government’s own scientists had warned that this was the riskiest of eleven possible sites to put the weapons. Document: The Ghosts of Greenham, BBC Radio 4 2007
London would be very unlikely to escape such a disaster. ibid.
I feel like anybody could conceivably die on any given day. Solo makes it feel far more immediate and much more present. Free Solo, Alex Honnold, 2018
Free soloing is so dangerous that less than 1% of people who climb attempt it. ibid. CBS 60 Minutes documentary
I will always choose climbing over a lady. At least so far. ibid. Alex
El Capitan [Yosemite]: the centre of the rock-climbing universe. ibid. climber
On June 3 2017 Alex Honnold became the first person to free solo El Capitan. It took him three hours and fifty-six minutes. ibid. caption
This film is about atomic power … 1) Anyone with an expert knowledge of physics can make an atomic bomb with that much of a substance called plutonium; 2) A speck of plutonium causes cancer; 3) There is no absolutely safe way of storing, protecting or transporting plutonium. And you may have read recently that enough plutonium to make fifteen atomic bombs has officially disappeared from nuclear research centres in Britain. John Pilger, An Unjustifiable Risk, 1977
The first commercial nuclear power station fuelled by plutonium; the first of many so-called fast-breeder reactors that will solve all our energy problems, according to the salesmen of our nuclear industry. ibid.
Life’s one big risk, Ciro. Gomorrah s3e11: Fede, Gennaro to Ciro, Sky Atlantic 2017
If you could lose, what’s the fucking point? You see, you need the risk. The Sopranos s6e16: Chasing It, HBO 2006
The computers allowed the banks to create complex mathematical models that could predict the risk of making any loan or investment. Adam Curtis, All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace I: Love and Power, BBC 2011