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Revelation, Book: The Apocalypse of John
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★ Revelation, Book: The Apocalypse of John

Revelation, Book: The Apocalypse of John: see Bible & New Testament & End of the World & Apocalypse & Armageddon & Apocrypha & Anti-Christ & Judgment Day & Scriptures & Vision & Prophet

Jacob Bronowski TV - Jonathan Kirsch - Decoding the Past TV - Chris Everard - Mysteries of the Bible TV - Elaine Pagels - Nostradamus Effect TV - Sean P Kealy - Satanic Vatican - Bible Secrets Revealed TV - Riddles of the Bible: The Apocalypse TV - Revelation 1:1&2&3&12&13&20 - Revelation 2:22&23 - Revelation 3:12 - Revelation 3:18 - Revelation 4:1-8 - Revelation 5:1-8 - Revelation 6:2&4&5&8 - Revelation 6:13&14 - Revelation 7:1-4 - Revelation 7:9-11 - Revelation 8:1&2&5-13 - Revelation 9:1-7 - Revelation 9:15&16 - Revelation 10:1&2 - Revelation 11:7&8 - Revelation 11:13 - Revelation 11:18 - Revelation 12:1-3 - Revelation 12:7-9 - Revelation 13:14&7&11&12&18 - Revelation 14:1-4&8&10&11&14&19&20 - Revelation 15:1 - Revelation 15:6&7 - Revelation 16:1-4 - Revelation 16:21 - Revelation 17:1-6&14-17 - Revelation 18:1-3 - Revelation 18:8&9 - Revelation 19:11-13&19-21 - Revelation 20:1-15 - Revelation 21:1-4 - Revelation 21:8 - Revelation 21:9 - Revelation 22:7&12 - Mormon Doctrine & Covenants 77:7 - Doctrine & Covenants 77:14 - Who Wrote the New Testament? 2003 -




He [Newton] practised alchemy; in secret he wrote immense tomes about the Book of Revelation.  Jacob Bronowski, The Ascent of Man 7/13: The Majestic Clockwork, BBC 1973   



The Book of Revelation is meant to paint a picture of the total devastation of the Earth in preparation for the Day of Judgment.  God’s masterplan for the end of the world.  And the Book of Revelation describes this masterplan as being written on a scroll that’s sealed with seven seals.  Jonathan Kirsch, author A History of the End of the World


The idea that there would be a triumphant Messianic kingdom on Earth is in Jewish tradition.  That idea is carried forward into the Book of Revelation, when Jesus returns to Earth as a conquering warrior.  He will in fact reign over an Earthly kingdom for a thousand years.  Mortal men and women will see Jesus as the King on Earth.  ibid.



Through the ages he has been given many names.  The Lawless One.  The Beast.  The Arch-Deceiver.  But most people know him as the Anti-Christ.  He is at the heart of an apocalyptic vision of starvation and slaughter that many Christians accept as true.  Decoding The Past: The Antichrist


Above all he represents a paradox.  The Anti-Christ is the embodiment of evil.  But believers look for his coming with a frisson of anticipation.  Fact or fiction his role in the Christian religion is clear: he is Satan’s human emissary on Earth.  ibid.


The transitional period is called the Tribulation by adherents of Biblical prophecy.  It’s part of a system of Biblical interpretation called Dispensationalism, which is favoured by some evangelicals and fundamentalists.  According to their theory there will be a seven-year period that culminates in unspeakable suffering and dominated by Christ’s antithesis  the Anti-Christ.  ibid.


It can be argued that Zoroaster articulated an end-of-time scenario that’s similar to what later appeared in the Bible as the final duel between good and evil.  The supernatural end-of-time battle is the central core of the drama of the Anti-Christ.  Some scholars think Zoroastrianism influenced Judaism and therefore Christianity.  ibid.


The Book of Revelation speaks to us across the centuries.  It is a fascinating but obscure text teeming with fantastical images of sea monsters and seven-headed beasts.  ibid.  


As is the case with the Book of Daniel, the word Anti-Christ does not occur in Revelation.  In fact the word only appears five times in the collected works of the Bible ... As in the Book of Daniel, some of the strongest imagery in Revelation describes a beast.  ibid.


It can only be understood in its historical context.  It is generally accepted that Revelation, the last book of the Christian Bible, was written in the 1st Century A.D.  ibid.


In A.D. 68 he [Nero] stabbed himself in the neck and died ... He had gleefully embraced the Anti-Christ role: nailing Christians to crosses, feeding them to lions, and burning them on poles at night to illuminate his garden parties ... In addition to implicating Nero personally, experts maintain that many passages in Revelation are primarily about Rome.  It is clearly possible to read Revelation as an indictment of Roman power or alternatively as prophetic evidence of a coming Anti-Christ.  But is there a third way to interpret the text?  ibid.


The term Anti-Christ has been used throughout history to demonise all manner of people.  From popes to presidents to pop stars.  It has been a rallying cry and a death knell triggering passion and unbridled ferocity.  And yet Anti-Christ, perhaps the most highly charged word in the Christian lexicon, is buried deep in the Bible where it appears only in minor passages and on just a handful of occasions.  ibid.


During the crusades the name Anti-Christ was used to stir up hatred against both Muslims and Jews.  ibid.


The Muslim ruler Saladins recapture of Jerusalem in 1187 gave rise to arguments that he was the Anti-Christ.  Interestingly,  Muslims also have an Anti-Christ figure called the Dajjal.  ibid.



The Anti-Christ has been the arch-villain of Christian iconography for the last two millennia.  Believers in prophecy have never ceased awaiting this figure who is Christ’s evil opponent and Satan’s human representative on Earth during the end-times.  They dread his arrival but also ironically welcome it.  Decoding the Past s2e23: The Antichrist: Zero Hour, History 2006


But there is a single and pervasive dominant image of the Anti-Christ today.  That of a slick man supposedly of peace but with an agenda from Hell.  Some Christians say this image can be found in the Bible.  Theyve been turning it into publishing gold-dust for decades.  ibid.


Whether believers in the existence of the Anti-Christ think he is already here or waiting quietly in the wings, they all consider him the embodiment of evil.  ibid.


He has been studied with particular vigour in the United States.  ibid.


Interestingly, this big brother aspect of the Anti-Christ is also present in Islamic tradition.  ibid.


When will Jesus return to defeat the Anti-Christ and usher in the Millennium?  ibid.



The Book of Revelation warns of an age of destruction where planet Earth will be writhing in pain like a mother giving birth.  The Book of Revelation prophecies the birth of the Anti-Christ, who will emerge to wield great political power across the planet.  The plan of the Anti-Christ is very simple: Famine, Plague, War, Total Annihilation of all living creatures.  There will not be just one Anti-Christ.  Chris Everard, Illuminati II   


Still to this day it is unclear who exactly wrote the Holy Bible.  But in the Bible texts we see that the Anti-Christ will seek to kill the coming second messiah.  This will be done apparently by mass killings of children around the world.  ibid.



In modern times millions await signs that the Apocalypse is at hand.  And some have followed its prophecies to the tragic ends.  Why was the Book of Revelation written?  Mysteries of the Bible s2e3: Apocalypse – The Puzzle of Revelation, A&E 1995 


Is mankind destined for an apocalyptic confrontation?  ibid.


Those who died at Waco believed in the Apocalypse.  ibid.


While the Four Horsemen ravish humanity, a devastating earthquake rocks the Earth: the sun turns black, the moon turns to blood, and the stars fall from the sky.  Seven angels blow seven trumpets and a third of humanity perishes.  ibid.



The Book of Revelation talks about the Gates of Hell opening.  Elaine Pagels, author The Origin of Satan



The Antichrist is often identified with the second beast in the Book of Revelation that arises from the land, the beast that tries to make everyone worship the power of evil.  Elaine Pagels



Revelation, the final book of the New Testament, exposes a chilling timeline.  Many accept it as a countdown, chronicling Gods master-plan to end the world.  The markers of this timeline are the seven seals.  Some say these seals are being broken today.  Nostradamus Effect s1e7: Secrets of the Seven Seals, History 2009



The Apocalypse deals with such emotions as fear of the Roman authority and resentment of its wealth and power which are evoked and intensified by John for his audience.  The forces which threaten are symbolised by the beast from the abyss and the dragon, projected, clarified and magnified onto an exaggerated cosmic screen.  Sean P Kealy, The Apocalypse of John



I. ‘Church arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold’ [Revelation 17:4]; II. Church was drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs [Revelation 17:6]; III. The Church sits on seven mountains [Revelation 17:9].  Satanic Vatican


The Beast: I. The Beast rose from the sea [populated area] [Revelation 13:1];  II. The Dragon gave the beast his power [Revelation 13:2]; they worshipped the Dragon [Revelation 13:4]; Power is given to the beast [Revelation 13:5]; the beast blasphemes God [Revelation 13:6]; the beast made war with the saints [Revelation 13:7]; the beast receives a deadly wound which heals [Revelation 13:3]; the Beast speaks great things [Revelation 13:5]; 666.  ibid.



Revelation: a world where a Satanic figure has risen to rule.  A terrible beast called the Whore of Babylon terrorises all.  And where four horsemen leave mountains of corpses in their wake.  Bible Secrets Revealed: Strange Prophecies s1e5, History 2013