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★ Race & Racism (II)

I’m looking at the phone and rage just comes over me like.  You know when they say your blood boils.  It just hit me.  He [Terry] said, ‘You fucking black cunt, you fucking knobhead.’  ibid.  Anton  


The FA say they did challenge John Terry in their interview with him but were unable to provide the full interview.  ibid.           


Five days after making their [FA] decision, the England manager Fabio Capello resigned from the job.  ibid.



Now with Coronavirus the colour of my skin seems to be putting me at risk again?  As a 55-year-old back man I am three times more likely to die from Covid-19 than a white man of my age.  I want to find out what’s driving this connection between my race and my health.  Why is Covid Killing People of Colour? David Harewood reporting, BBC 2021


Covid-19 is just one part of a scandalous health inequality in Britain.  ibid.


‘So there’s something specific about what happens to people of colour in societies like the US and the United Kingdom that’s not related to biology that makes them more at risk of dying of Covid-19 … Deprivation is bad for your health.  ibid.  expert


Racism and discrimination … in the health outcomes of black.  ibid.    



I also met a lot of people flying the pan-African flags, calling for revolution, and chanting Black Power … I’m back to find out what the Black Liberation Movement are fighting for and meet America’s armed resistance.  Black Power: America’s Armed Resistance, BBC 2018


The KKK are still the poster boys of white supremacy.  ibid.


So why are people scared of calling the Dallas PD? … 39 people have been shot dead by Dallas cops in the last five years.  ibid.


As a black man he’s 31% more likely to be pulled over by cops.  ibid.


‘Racism is still alive and well.’  ibid.  black protester  


Best estimate is 1,100 people were killed by the police in 2015 cf. 3 in the UK.  ibid.   



Black power: the words that can send shivers down the spine of the nervous white man.  While the white man struggles with his nightmare, the black man struggles with his dream.  Black Power: A British Story of Resistance, contemporary commentary of march, BBC 2021    


West London 1970: a group of protesters march against harassment by the police of a black-owned restaurant called The Mangrove.  Black power had arrived in Britain.  Young black people were fighting back against a hostile environment.  They stood up to the state and they defied the brutality of the police.  It was a conflict that reached the highest courts in the land.  ibid.     


The migrants played a key role in rebuilding Britain.  ibid.         


Kelso Cochrane, a carpenter from Antigua, was stabbed to death by a white gang one night near Notting Hill.  The police denied that the killing was racially motivated and nobody was prosecuted.  ibid.      


Even at school children were not safe from institutional racism.  ibid.   


Stokely Carmichael’s visit had the Labour government so concerned that Special Branch ordered him to leave the country and he was banned from re-entering.  Soon afterwards the Home Secretary, Roy Jenkins, set up a secret police department specifically to monitor radical black groups in Britain.  ibid.


On Sunday 9th August 1970 a crowd of over 100 people gathered outside The Mangrove restaurant to show their support … ‘They [Conservatives] wanted to justify the Immigration Bill’ … For the 9 people arrested following the Mangrove Demonstration, it seemed that the whole machinery of the state was now set against them, and the idea of Black Power in Britain was being unfairly demonised.  ibid.  activist      


Oval 4: When a BBC journalist started investigating Winston’s case, it was revealed that Detective Sargeant Derek Ridgewell’s testimony was directly contradicted by eye-witnesses … ‘The only [mugging] witnesses were the anti-mugging squad themselves’ … The media’s account of Winston’s case helped him appeal and his sentence was reduced, but the judge did not overturn the criminal conviction.  ibid.    


The confusion over the Spaghetti House siege proved to be a turning point exposing the messy realities of revolutionary politics.  ibid.



My name is Bijan Ebrahimi.  My life is in danger.  I’ve got a mob behind my door.  There’s 6, 7 neighbours and I can’t go out the door because I am not safe.  Murdered by a Mob: The Murder of Bijan Ebrahimi ***** emergency appeal to rozzers, Channel 5 2021


Despite calling for the police, despite calling for the council repeatedly, repeatedly, he received no support.  He was ignored.  ibid.  old dude      


What part of be quiet do you not understand.  Shut up.  ibid.  rozzer in station  


The murder was described as deeply shocking vigilante attack.  The quiet disabled Iranian refugee was kicked and punched to death outside his flat on a British council estate.  Doused with white spirit and then set alight.  ibid.  news


This has been going on for years.  Where the local authority and the police have known about this.  And I thought, what on earth has happened to lead to this place?  How many opportunities must have been missed for Bijan to end as a burning corpse?  ibid.  researcher


Bijan was subject to racial abuse.  He was called a [deleted].  He was called a paedophile.  They would throw stones at his plants.  Break the pots.  They would leave rubbish on his door, beer cans that sort of thing.  They’d gather late at night outside his front door.  Get drunk there.  It would have been a constant barrage.  ibid. 


Thursday 11th July 2013, two days before his murder.  Bijan started filming his neighbours.  Bijan films a neighbour drinking with his children.  ibid.


‘There are 78 previous calls from this man …’  ibid.  two rozzers response


‘The police decided to arrest Bijan.’  ibid.  counsel    


You are making it worse.  Now get inside.  ibid.   rozzer  


Because he had taken photographs of children who had been pulling plants up or whatever it was in his garden, therefore it was an excuse in the minds of the real perpetrators, accusing him of being a paedophile.  And there was nothing worse at that time.  ibid.  George Fergus, Mayor of Bristol 2012-216  


He was all right.  Really really really polite.  Always outside, always outside three, four times a day watering his flowers.  And just smiling … Paedophile?  No.  That was just a cover … They call me names … I’m still going through racism.  And nothing’s getting done about it … It’s getting worse and worse.  ibid.  neighbour   



There are three words that summarise the whole history of humanity: civilisation, colonisation, extermination … between colonists and colonised … Entire civilisations in the western hemisphere were wantonly destroyed, setting the western world on a path of greed and destruction.  Exterminate All the Brutes I: The Disturbing Confidence of Ignorance, Sky Documentaries 2021    


In Sweden, one of the most tolerant countries in Europe, like everywhere else in the world, hate is on the rise again.  ibid.


America was born as a colonial power … it bears the fatal capacity to destruct the core story we have been told all these years and the very foundation of this country … A story of survival and violence.  ibid.


Kurtz [Heart of Darkness]: Exterminate all the brutes ... It simply tells the truth we try to forget.  ibid.


Renowned industrialist Henry Ford gave the Nazi party all the profits from cars sold in Germany.  And every year an additional $350,000 was allocated for Hitler’s birthday.  ibid.


The charge of genocide when applied to the United States has been unacceptable for a very long time.  But the evidence leaves no other choice today.  ibid.


It is about how African bodies became properties and source of labour.  ibid.


The demand for rubber exploded: this would carry incalculable consequences for the villagers of the Congo.  ibid.  



The history of America is being written in a world where few little boys want to be Indians.  In 1492 neither Europe as we know it nor Whiteness as we now experience it existed as such.  Exterminate All the Brutes II: Who the Fuck is Columbus


The great majority of these people did not die in battle; most died of disease, hunger, and inhuman labour conditions because their social organisation had been wrecked by the white conquerors.  ibid.


Trading human beings: what sick mind thought of this first?  Brought by force and pushed to death: slavery, or the trade as they referred to it euphemistically.  ibid.


The silencing of the Haitian revolution is part of a narrative of global domination; nevertheless, the revolution played a central role in the collapse of the entire system of slavery and in the liberation of the land in America.  Haiti created the possible.  ibid. 


During the sixteenth century, England began its brutal conquest of Ireland, and declared half a million acres of land in the north open to settlement.  Under British colonial rule, the Irish were regarded as a lower species and naturally inferior.  They were descendants of apes.  ibid.