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★ Oak Island (I)

‘It was a phenomenally successful year last year.  I mean, how can you not be enthused about traces of silver found in the Money Pit?’  The Curse of Oak Island s9e1: Going for the Gold, Rick


Doctor Spooner will take water samples from over 30 boreholes throughout the area strategically chosen based on last year’s findings.  Then, using cutting-edge mineral analysis the team will be identify not only the area with the highest concentration of silver but also any presence of gold.  ibid.


‘A number of the samples I sent to him showed gold.’  ibid.  Dr Spooner


Over the next few weeks the Oak Island team will drill a grid of approximately twenty boreholes in order to zero in on the source of the gold and silver detected in the area near the C-1 shaft, an area they’ve now dubbed the C-1 cluster.  ibid.



Today they’ve begun drilling a new borehole called D-2 which is located less than eight feet from the C-1 shaft in the Money Pit … Now the Oak Island team is in the process of drilling up to 20 new boreholes across a grid, taking core samples at ten-foot intervals.   The Curse of Oak Island s9e2: The Gold Metal


At a depth of 90 feet in borehole D-2 the Oak Island team has just retrieved a core sample that not only contains more evidence of a wooden structure but also something they hope will be a much more valuable.  ibid.   


Traces of gold have been detected on the mysterious piece of metal retrieved from D-2.  ibid.



Another stone structure found at the south-east edge of the swamp: could it be connected to the nearby stone wharf or is it a completely different man-made formation?  The Curse of Oak Island s9e3: Stone Roadblock


Wood discovered at a depth of around 90 feet in borehole B-4.  ibid.


The archaeologists asked that we stop down and we stop work at the area where we are finding the artefacts [pottery].  It’s a blanket prohibition.  ibid.  team archaeologist  


It seems unfair and it seem ridiculous.  ibid.  Billy


We are running the risk of losing our property by cooperating properly.  ibid.  Marty



Today there are drilling a new six-inch-wide borehole known as D-1 located in an area that’s been dubbed the C-1 cluster.  The Curse of Oak Island s9e4: Spoils Alert



On Lot 18 Rick Lagina and members of the team have just made what could be an important discovery in the spoils excavated from the Money Pit more than fifty years ago.  Could this large wooden timber be a critical clue to the Oak Island team?  The Curse of Oak Island s9e5: Hatching the Plan  



The Oak Island mystery: this 140-acre north-Atlantic island has drawn hundred of searchers over the last two centuries to risk everything.  The Curse of Oak Island: The Top Ten Signs of Buried Treasure  


10) The Money Pit 1795: The pit wasn’t merely concealing something, it was an ingenious design.  The boys found heavy log oak platforms at ten-foot intervals;


9) The 90-Foot Stone: They excavated more oak platforms every ten feet down to the 90-foot level; there they were stunned to find a heavy grey stone with mysterious carvings on its surface;


8) The Stacked Chests;


7) The [James] Pitblado Pocket Find;


6) The Chappell Vault:


5) The Flood Tunnel System;


4) The Anthony Graves Enigma;


3) The Mysterious Wealth of Samuel Ball;


2) The Gold Shiny Objects in C-1;


1) The Silver Lining.



Today they are drilling borehole D-1.5, one of nearly twenty laid down across a strategic grid.  The Curse of Oak Island s9e6: The Root Cause



It’s in the vicinity of the C-1 that they’ve not only recovered pieces of metal as well as water samples containing traces of both silver and gold but also evidence of wooden tunnels almost ninety feet deep.  The Curse of Oak Island s9e7: It All Adze Up



Today, under the supervision of geologist Terry Matheson and Oak Island historian Charles Barkhouse the team have begun drilling a new borehole known as DE.1.5.  The Curse of Oak Island s9e8: Deeper Digs, Bigger Stakes


The team appear to have discovered wood at a depth of just 75 feet in borehole G2.  Could it be connected to shaft 6 or is it a completely different man-made structure?  ibid.



At a depth of 80-90 feet the team obtained evidence of a wall believed to be part of a structure simply known as Shaft 6.  The Curse of Oak Island s9e9: The Unusual Suspects



They’ve asked Jeremy to reassess the seismic survey that his colleagues conducted in 2018 across the eastern drumlin of Oak Island … a possible twelve-foot by twelve-foot chamber approximately one hundred and sixty feet deep and potentially connected to a tunnel in the area where the team has already detected areas of silver and gold.  The Curse of Oak Island s9e10: Chamber of Secrets


If the team did in fact drill into a tunnel, could it be the legendary booby-trap that’s believed to feed water into the Money Pit from Smith’s Cove, or because it was full of air, might it be a very different kind of man-made structure?  ibid. 



They begin drilling a new borehole known as A-13.  They believe they are within striking distance of something that has eluded searchers for over 227 years: the legendary Money Pit treasure vault.  The Curse of Oak Island s9e11: A Boatload of Clues


The team have discovered compelling evidence that the Swamp was not only man-made but ingeniously designed to hide something of great importance and possible value.  These include pieces of wooden cargo barrels, fragments of a ship, and even seismic data that identified a 200-foot-long object resembling the size and shape of an ancient treasure galleon.  ibid.



A map created in 1701 of New Scotland, or Nova Scotia, depicting an area in the home bay where Oak Island is located as La Plata, or The Silver.  The Curse of Oak Island s9e12: The Silver Liner    


Is there a ship in the swamp or are there bits of a ship in the swamp that were used for other things?  ibid.  Marty  



Drilling borehole FTS2 where previous searchers believe the flood tunnel might be found at a depth of approximately 120 feet.  The Curse of Oak Island s9e13: Go Big or Go Home


Signs that the ship’s wharf, first discovered last year, may not only be five hundred years old but of Portuguese origin.  ibid.


Over the course of the last decade Rick, Marty, Craig and their team have found numerous artefacts and man-made workings from every era between the twelfth and eighteenth centuries.  ibid.



The most ambitious excavation ever conducted in the fabled Money Pit in the hope of finally solving the 227-year-old mystery … 10-foot-wide sections of steel caissons that will be used to dig up to four new extensive shafts across the Money Pit area.  The Curse of Oak Island s9e14: Premier of the Dig



The team are excavating a ten-foot-wide steel-cased shaft in the Money Pit area which they have affectionately dubbed the Fellowship 1.  The Curse of Oak Island s9e15: Eyes and Boots on the Ground  


It appears that the TF1 caisson has encountered a large object or obstruction that the hammer-grab tool is currently unable to retrieve.  ibid.   


The obstruction in the TF1 shaft has been solved: the team have unearthed a large boulder which they apparently drilled through earlier this year in the six-inch borehole known as D-2.  ibid.   



They believe they may have finally pinpointed the location of the original Money Pit and the hiding place of a vast treasure.  The Curse of Oak Island s9e16: Goal Diggers


The ten-foot-wide TF1 shaft excavated at the same location has now reached bedrock at a depth of 152 feet and found no further evidence of treasure.  ibid.



Today the team will begin excavating their second ten-foot-wide shaft in an area where they’ve made some incredible discoveries already this year: these include evidence of man-made wooden tunnels, ninety-feet deep, that were carbon-dated to between 1488 and 1650, as well as traces of both silver and gold.  The Curse of Oak Island s9e17: Blast from the Past


Over the past two weeks the team have been investigating a possible buried stone pathway running eastwards from the swamp.  ibid. 



In the Money Pit area they are working … to excavate a ten-foot-diameter shaft known as DH-82 … at the epicentre of the vast dig that was conducted in 1965 by Californian geologist Robert Dunfield who believed he was on course to recover the fabled Chappell vault.  The Curse of Oak Island s9e18: Playing the Dunfield


The investigation revealed a large subsurface metallic anomaly on Lot 4 and another on Lot 8.  ibid.



In the area dubbed the C1 cluster they are now approaching a depth of nearly 150 feet with their ten-foot-wide steel caisson shaft known as EC1, or known affectionately Early Christmas.  The Curse of Oak Island s9e19: Shoal Me the Money


The team face a extraordinary question: where is the source of the traces of silver and gold located?  ibid.