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★ Ohio

Ohio: see Gangs US: Ohio & Cleveland & United States of America & Canada

Ancient Aliens TV - Ancient Apocalypse TV - Conan O’Brien - Washington TV - Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! 2006 - Jay Leno - Mobsters TV - Masterminds TV - Drugs Inc TV - One Nation: Overdosed 2017 - Captive 2016 - UFOs: Top Secret Alien Files TV - How Corporate Greed Destroyed East Palestine 2023 - MonsterQuest TV - Strange Evidence TV - 




Adams County, Ohio: Serpent Mound is a giant prehistoric structure that looks as if it’s meant to be viewed from the sky.  The 1,330-foot-long structure winds across the land and depicts a coiled snake.  Ancient Aliens s3e1: Aliens and the Old West, History 2011 



Ohio, Pleasant Hill, Serpent Mound 1848: The Smithsonian Institute surveyed a 1,350-foot long, 3-foot high, mound built in the shape of a coiled serpent.   Ancient Aliens s5e8: Beyond Nazca, History 2013 



Ohio, a stunning example of an effigy mound.  A gigantic earthwork shaped into the form of a living creature.  In this case, a 400-metre long snake.  It’s called Serpent Mound.  Ancient Apocalypse s1e6: America’s Lost Civilisation, Netflix 2022                  



Ohio: They’re called the Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks.  Attributed to a civilisation known today as the Hopewell culture, that thrived in the Great Lakes region around 2,000 years ago.  Massive ditches and embankments in precise geometrical array.  Ancient Apocalypse: The Americas s2e5: Chapter V, Netflix 2024    



In Cleveland there is legislation moving forward to ban people from wearing pants that fit too low.  However, there is lots of opposition from the plumbers’ union.  Conan O’Brien



In 1754 the man who would one day become the father of his country is an American colonist wearing British red.  He’s in command for the first time on a mission to serve his King, George II.  Washington’s here to help the British empire defend it’s claim on a strategic piece of the frontier: The Forks where three rivers meet will one day be called Pittsburgh.  But now the Ohio country is land claimed by both Britain and France and the native nations who live there.  Washington s1e1: Loyal Subject, History 2021



Women are forbidden from wearing patent leather shoes, lest men see reflections of their underwear.  Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! 2006


Any map that does not have Lima clearly stated on it cannot be sold.  ibid.



Some Democrats say the estimated $60 billion dollar cost of a war with Iraq could be better spent at home.  When he heard that, President Bush agreed and announced plans to bomb Ohio.  Jay Leno



Cleveland, Ohio, March 29th 1975: Christie’s Lounge: a well-dressed older man sipped his drink.  He was telling a familiar story to the regulars.  He was getting out of the rackets, leaving the Mob life, retiring to sunny Florida.  He threw back his last swallow, put on his hat and walked out into the cold spring air.  Moments later the bar was rocked by a powerful blast outside.  Patrons rushed out and choked on the awful smell of burning flesh.  Mobster [Alex] Shondor Birns was finally out of the rackets.  Just not the way he planned.  Mobsters: Danny Greene, Biography 2010


One man refused to hide: Irish mobster Danny Greene.  His war would tear apart one of the country’s oldest and most successful Mafia families.  ibid.


The Cleveland Mafia had a good thing going.  The Boss John Scalish ran a quiet operation but one that pulled in bucket loads of cash.  ibid.


He [Greene] resigned from the union and after pleading guilty to corruption charges he was also hit with a $10,000 fine.  Danny was out of a job, but his turn as a shady labour leader had got the attention of gambling kingpin Shondor Birns.  ibid.


Greene enlisted local thugs and hoodlums into what he called a band of Celtic warriors.  ibid.


The thought of taking over the Italian rackets appealed to Greene.  ibid.


Cleveland was rapidly becoming the bombing capital of the world.  The following year – 1977 – 37 explosions rocked the city and surrounding area.  ibid.



A dazzling cache of jewellery that vanishes into thin air.  A mystery woman, a cop turned robber, and a flawless crime.  It was the greatest unsolved robbery in the mid-west.  Masterminds: The Jewellery Show Job, 2003


August 1994 Columbus, Ohio: hundreds of jewellery salesman arrived at the Hyatt Regency Hotel for the biggest jewellery convention in the mid-west.  ibid.


The mysterious lady who had checked in late had completely disappeared.  ibid.


They didn’t have the slightest inkling that the mastermind was really one of their own: the legendary ex-chief of Chicago police William Hanhardt.  ibid.


With solid connections on both sides of the law the opportunity was too tempting to pass up.  Jewellery salesmen became Handhardt’s prey and he called on his old gangsta friends for help.  ibid.


Karen [Hanhardt’s wife] testified about the entire gang’s involvement in the Hyatt Regency heist.  ibid.



Since 2007 heroin ODs in Ohio have caused more deaths than car accidents.  Drugs Inc s6e9: Hardcore Heroin, National Geographic 2015


Ohio’s heroin is more deadly than ever.  ibid.


There are 700,000 heroin users in the US – double those in 2005.  ibid.



More Americans are dying of overdoses than ever before.  And this is the epicentre of that crisis.  Welcome to Montgomery County, Ohio, where thanks to a drug so powerful it could kill you if you touch it, police work isn’t what it used to be.  One Nation: Overdosed, MSNBC 2017       


What’s ravaging this community is made in a laboratory: Fentanyl.  ibid.


A couple of years ago traffickers began mixing Fentanyl in with the heroine.  ibid.



Post-riot: 22 April 1993, Southern Ohio Correctional Facility [Lucasville]  Captive I: Prison Riot USA, Netflix 2016


Lucasville was an explosive environment every day.  ibid.


It was way out of control.  ibid.


They killed him right there.  Snitches get ditches.  ibid.  inmate


There were a lot of old vendettas being settled.  ibid.


400-500 guys running about extremely hyped up and mad.  ibid.  



Portage County UFO chase, Ravenna, Ohio, April 17th 1966: All morning the police radio had been filled with all sorts of chatter from witnesses near Akrington, Ohio, claiming to have seen a large bright disk flying though the sky.  UFOs: Top Secret Alien Files, John Ventre, History 2021


Both police officers are frozen underneath this light … Inexplicably, the UFO just takes off … They actually chase this thing … Four fighter jets appear in the sky … The jets are pursuing the UFO … Gone before the jets can make a move.  ibid.  Equitz, Tittle et al




February 2023: ‘The town is under a state of emergency after fifty train cars derailed causing a massive fire half a mile long.’  How Corporate Greed Destroyed East Palestine ***** news, Second Thoughts 2023


‘Well over 115,000 gallons of vinyl chloride.’  ibid.  news conference  


‘Breathing issues, tightness in our chests, severe headaches …’  ibid.  victim  


East Palestine Residents Report Health Problems After Train Derailment.  ibid.  Newsweek  


These amounts are nothing.  They are worse than nothing.  They are an insult to the people [Norfolk Southern] they just poisoned.  ibid.  commentary  


Between 2012 and 2014 North America was hit with a string of devastating trail derailments … labelled ‘bomb trains’.  ibid.  


Unions were sounding the alarm … [about] cutting costs and reducing the operating ratios for rail companies.  ibid.    


Safety is a cost that needs to be minimised.  ibid.    


Five major rail unions have stood in common sense opposition to this attempt to make railways even less safe … Rail companies use the piles of money they made by caring less about safety to influence policy and make sure that safety is even further reduced, and as a result, we suffer preventable catastrophic accidents.  ibid.


This train derailment wasn’t being talked about much … a media matter.  ibid.  


So long as the profit motive remains the driving factor, nothing will meaningfully change.  It’s time to nationalise the railways.  ibid.



It is a creature that haunts Ohio children in their nightmares.  It lurks in the tall grasses and its huge.  The evidence abounds: strange nests … bizarre nocturnal recordings and an image caught on video.  MonsterQuest s2e4: Ohio Grassman, History 2008 


A real creature that witnesses continue to report: they call it the Grassman.  ibid.


7-8 feet tall, walking upright with broad shoulders, and brownish hair.  ibid.


Reports of the Grassman date back as far as 1869.  ibid.    



The tree is burning, but it’s burning from the inside … ‘This is a very strong indication of a lightning strike’ … The mystery of Ohio’s devil-tree fire remains unsolved.  Strange Evidence s2e7, 2018