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Operation Paperclip & Nazi Rat Line & Odessa File
  Oak Island (I)  ·  Oak Island (II)  ·  Oakland  ·  Oath  ·  Obama, Barack  ·  Obelisk  ·  Obese & Obesity  ·  Obey & Obedience  ·  Objects  ·  Obligation  ·  Observation  ·  Obsession  ·  Occult  ·  Ocean  ·  Odds  ·  Offence & Offense & Offend  ·  Offer  ·  Office & The Office (TV)  ·  Ohio  ·  Oil  ·  Oklahoma  ·  Oklahoma Bombing  ·  Old & Old Age & Elderly  ·  Old Testament  ·  Olympics & Olympic Games  ·  Oman  ·  Opera  ·  Operation Paperclip & Nazi Rat Line & Odessa File  ·  Operations & Projects  ·  Opinion & Opinion Polls  ·  Opioids & Opiates & Opium  ·  Opportunity  ·  Opposition  ·  Oppression  ·  Optimism  ·  Opus Dei  ·  Oral Sex  ·  Order  ·  Oregon  ·  Organisation  ·  Organise  ·  Orgasm  ·  Orthodox  ·  Orthodox Church  ·  Osiris  ·  Ossuary  ·  Ottomans & Ottoman Empire  ·  Ouija & Ouija Board  ·  Owe  ·  Oxycodone & Oxycontin  ·  Oxygen  

★ Operation Paperclip & Nazi Rat Line & Odessa File

Operation Paperclip & Nazi Rat Line & Odessa File: see Nazis & World War II & Smuggling & Conspiracy & Science & Rocket & UFO & CIA & Catholicism & Fascism & Right Wing

Conspiracy: The Cold War Files TV - Nazi UFO Conspiracy TV - Unsolved History TV - The Worlds Strangest UFO Stories TV - Guy Walters - Satanic Vatican - Mind Sciences TV - The SS: The Mystery of the Odessa TV - Bill Moyers - Uki Goni - John Loftus - Best Evidence: Fugitive Nazis TV - Efraim Zuroff - Conspiracy Test TV - Elizabeth Holtzman - Secrets of the CIA TV - Chris Everard - Ian R Crane - Nick Cook - Mysteryquest TV - Conspiracy: Cold War Fears TV - Alvaro de Castro - Mark Philips - The Odessa File 1974 - The Reich Underground TV - The Hunt For Hitlers Scientists TV - What Happened on the Moon? TV - David Icke - Noam Chomsky - Hugh Thomas - Christopher Hitchens - Hunting Hitler TV - The Corbett Report - Independent online - Secret History: Hitler of the Andes TV - A Fourth Reich in the Sun? TV - Nazi Hunters TV - Secrets of World War II TV - Annie Jacobsen - Rise of the Nazis: The Manhunt: The Ratline TV - Camp Confidential: America's Secret Nazis 2021 - Nazis in the CIA TV - Truth Behind the Moon Landing TV -     




Some of the biggest war criminals of World War II simply reinvented themselves with the help and money of their former enemy the Allies.  Conspiracy s1e6: The Cold War Files, History 2019 



Could there be a more sinister explanation?  There is a new trail of evidence that leads back to secret Nazi technology.  And a post-war conspiracy to keep UFOs a mystery to this day.  Nazi UFO Conspiracy, Discovery 2008 


There is another theory: that what we now call UFOs got their start in World War II inside Hitler’s Germany.  A new investigation reveals that Nazi engineers were working on disc-shaped craft, vertical take-off and advanced propulsion systems.  After the war the US military secretly took the designs back the States, along with thousands of German scientists and engineers.  Two years later in 1947 the first wave of US sightings occurs across the United States, and then around the world.  ibid.


A roll-call of Germany’s most brilliant minds: Under a secret program called Operation Paperclip the US military swept up and transported Nazi engineers and scientists back to the States.  ibid. 


Hitler orders the deaths of sixty-two scientists working on the Bell Project.  ibid.


Wright-Patterson: headquarters of Project Paperclip.  ibid.


This confirmation of German saucer tests wasn’t the only link between the Avrocar and Nazi Germany ... Frost was leaning heavily on German know-how.  ibid.


In 1965 a UFO crashes in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania.  It is reportedly bell-shaped.  ibid.



The Roswell crash happened within flying distance of White Sands – the Air Force Base where the Horten brothers’ Nazi Flying Wing was first taken.   Roswell was just two weeks after Kenneth Arnold had seen the world’s first widely reported UFO.  Is this what the Air Force was trying to cover up?  An American-built Flying Wing prototype based on Nazi technology?  Unsolved History s2e2: Roswell, Discovery 2022



Was the crash at Roswell really a Nazi crashed flying saucer?  The World’s Strangest UFO Stories: Roswell, Discovery 2006



I think members of the Catholic Church who were pro-Nazi helped people escape after the war.  Guy Walters, author Hunting Evil



In 2005 UN chief prosecutor Carla del Ponte charged that a most wanted war criminal was being shielded in a Franciscan monastery by the Vatican hierarchy.  Satanic Vatican


Documents detail the Vatican’s infamous Ratline that spirited as many as 30,000 Nazis out of Germany after World War II.  ibid.


Along with many other Nazi war criminals aided by the Vatican, Priebke escaped to Argentina.  ibid.



In 1946 President Truman approved Project Paperclip, bringing Hitler’s top scientists into the United States. Mind Sciences



At the end of World War II many members of the SS – the main perpetrators of Nazi terror – became wanted criminals.  Those who escaped are thought to have been helped by a powerful network of SS veterans and sympathisers codenamed Odessa.  The SS: The Mystery of the Odessa


Every SS man had a tattoo of his blood group under his left arm.  ibid.


Skorzeny is thought to have found his way through Austria to Italy and on to fascist Spain.  ibid.


In Rome the Vatican Secret Service is thought to have played a key role in securing SS men a safe passage to freedom.  ibid.


His [Bishop Alois Hudal] support for SS war criminals was confirmed by his secretary.  ibid.  


Rumours persist of secret SS accounts.  ibid.


Many SS men headed for Argentina.  ibid.


Tried in Jerusalem, Adolf Eichmann maintained his innocence to the very end.  In May 1962 he was hanged.  ibid.


Odessa’s existence is still unproven.  ibid.



The Russians had been our allies against the Nazis, an expedient alliance for the sake of war.  Now they were our enemy.  To fight them we turned to some of the very men who had inflicted on humanity the horrors of Hitler’s madness.  We hired Nazis as American spies.  We struck a secret bargain with the devil.  Bill Moyers, The Secret Government: Constitution in Crisis, 1987  



The ‘Rat Line’ became the term used by the Nazis ... The Rat Line ran from Germany into either Austria or Switzerland.  From there to Italy where they boarded ships to come to South America.  Uki Goni, Nazi hunter & author ‘The Real Odessa’



But to get the passport you not only need the entry permit signed with your name, you need somebody to certify that that’s exactly who you are, and that’s where the Vatican provides a service.  So the Vatican would send one of its priests along.  Uki Goni



After the War he [Klaus Barbie] was hired by the Americans as an anti-Communist agent.  So he became an agent in the service of American Secret Services.  And he was working for the CIA afterwards.  Uki Goni



This document is extremely revealing.  It confirms the idea that there was an organisation at work smuggling Nazis out of Europe.  In this case it involves four people in Innisbrook who were smuggling Nazis across the border from Austria into Italy over the Brenner Pass.  They are not major people, but at the end of the file we have the names of the SS people they were working for.  All throughout the file it talks about the organisation: there is no name for the organisation, but at the very start, at the very opening, we have a document from 1969 which says Odessa Organisation.  Uki Goni, author The Real Odessa



Eichmanns Red Cross passport: weve got the addresses of the priest who signed these documents.  This is an exciting moment for me, because I have been studying these documents for quite a few years about how the Nazis came through Italy on their way to South America.  But now weve got the exact addresses of where they stayed in Genoa, and the names of the priests who helped them.  Uki Goni



They call it the Rat Line: it’s an espionage train, a system of evacuation, a whole system of continents and monasteries that were set up linking Germany, then it would cross over the alps into Italy.  John Loftus



The British and the French and the Americans and the Canadians and the Australians all recruited these people for their intelligence expertise during the Cold War.  John Loftus, former US Justice Department prosecutor



They were Hitler’s henchmen: officers and foot soldiers of the Nazi war regime.  Best Evidence: Fugitive Nazis, Discovery 2007 


Was there a vast conspiracy that allowed the guilty to escape justice?  ibid.


The Allied victors colluded in some of the escapes.  ibid.


What [Uki] Goni claims he found was a meticulously planned escape route.  ibid.



An organisation did exist; it had resources and it succeeded.  Efraim Zuroff, Nazi hunter



They were Hitler’s henchmen, officers and foot soldiers of the Nazi war machine.  Many committed war crimes during the holocaust.  A few were tried and punished.  Was post-war chaos to blame?  Or was there a vast conspiracy that allowed the guilty to escape justice?  Perhaps the latest technology can track alleged war criminals.  And is there evidence the Catholic Church helped Nazis fade into obscurity?  Conspiracy Test: Fugitive Nazis, 2007


The Allied victors colluded in some of the escapes: Operation Paper-Clip is an unclassified example.  At the end of the war Americans were desperate to get the blueprints of the German’s lethal V2 rockets.  ibid.


Some of the most infamous Nazi war criminals settled in Argentina after the war.  ibid.


The OSI was created in 1979 to find Nazi war criminals living in the US.  Its investigations found proof that American Intelligence agencies had made deals with a number of wanted war criminals.  ibid.


After the war the Church recommended forgiveness and amnesty, even for unrepentant war criminals.  ibid.


In 1985 a German reporter tracked down a man he believed to be Alois Brunner who had organised Jewish deportations from France.  The encounter took place in Damascus.  The man was guarded by Syrian police.  He claimed his name was Georg Fischer ... Officially, Brunner disappeared after the war.  It was rumoured that Vatican contacts had helped him escape to the Middle East.  ibid