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Operation Paperclip & Nazi Rat Line & Odessa File
  Oak Island (I)  ·  Oak Island (II)  ·  Oakland  ·  Oath  ·  Obama, Barack  ·  Obelisk  ·  Obese & Obesity  ·  Obey & Obedience  ·  Objects  ·  Obligation  ·  Observation  ·  Obsession  ·  Occult  ·  Ocean  ·  Odds  ·  Offence & Offense & Offend  ·  Offer  ·  Office & The Office (TV)  ·  Ohio  ·  Oil  ·  Oklahoma  ·  Oklahoma Bombing  ·  Old & Old Age & Elderly  ·  Old Testament  ·  Olympics & Olympic Games  ·  Oman  ·  Opera  ·  Operation Paperclip & Nazi Rat Line & Odessa File  ·  Operations & Projects  ·  Opinion & Opinion Polls  ·  Opioids & Opiates & Opium  ·  Opportunity  ·  Opposition  ·  Oppression  ·  Optimism  ·  Opus Dei  ·  Oral Sex  ·  Order  ·  Oregon  ·  Organisation  ·  Organise  ·  Orgasm  ·  Orthodox  ·  Orthodox Church  ·  Osiris  ·  Ossuary  ·  Ottomans & Ottoman Empire  ·  Ouija & Ouija Board  ·  Owe  ·  Oxycodone & Oxycontin  ·  Oxygen  

★ Operation Paperclip & Nazi Rat Line & Odessa File

In their national best-seller International War Against the Jews, authors Loftus and Aarons reveal indisputable evidence that Hitlers top Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen transferred his entire network of Nazi spies and double agents to Fort Hunt, Virginia, to join Americas newly formed CIA.  This highly secretive operation was codenamed Operation Paperclip.  Ring of Power, 2008 



Using Nazi criminals is how the CIA got started.  And these were as bad guys as you could ever find.  Elizabeth Holtzman, Congresswoman



The CIA brought hundreds of Hitlers ex-Intelligence officers back to the USA after the War.  At secret bases they were retrained as CIA spies, then sent back to Germany to spy on the Russians.  Secrets of the CIA



Wernher von Braun was an SS Officer and rocket scientist.  His team at Peenemunde designed the first cruise missile – the VI doodlebug.  The V2 rocket was the forerunner to the Saturn V rocket which would supposedly take man to the moon.  At the end of World War II the American government were desperate to get hold of the Nazi rocket weapons which had wrought havoc on the innocent people of Britain.  The American government launched Project Paperclip which secretly changed the war criminal files on Wernher von Braun and his colleagues.  Files which described these SS officers as an ardent Nazi were changed to read not an ardent Nazi.  Chris Everard, Secret Space, 2005 



He [George S Patton] was instructed to make a bee-line for the Skoda factory just across the border in Czechoslovakia.  Because that was where a whole bunch of the scientists were based who were working on a lot of the esoteric projects.  And these scientists were smuggled back to America under an operation called Operation Paperclip.  Ian R Crane, lecture Glastonbury July 2007, ‘Fool Me Once’



In 1945 President Truman ordered a secret operation codenamed Project Paperclip.  It instructed the US Military in Germany to round up German scientists and pursued them to carry on their work in America.  Nick Cook, Are UFOs Real? 1/2 



The Germans were engaged in very highly classified work, and that possibly they were engaged in anti-gravity-type programmes.  What I do know is that many of these bizarre projects like The Bell did not remain in German hands.  At the end of the war they were plundered secretly by American High Command and taken to the States.  Nick Cook



The war was over.  Nazi Germanys Third Reich had fallen.  Those responsible for the holocausts worst crimes were fleeing.  And help appeared to come from a sinister organisation set up to ensure the rise of a new empire – a Fourth Reich.  The name of this organisation: Odessa.  MysteryQuest: Rise of the Fourth Reich, History 2009


150,000 Nazis were accused of war crimes.  But only 30,000 were ever tried.  And even fewer convicted.  ibid.


There is one document that appears to indicate where Odessa came into existence.  Its called the Maison Rouge Report.  Declassified in 2000 it details a secret meeting that took place on the 10th August 1944.  The document tells of a conference between Germanys top industrialists and SS leaders, in Strasbourg in France, at a hotel called Maison Rouge.  ibid.  


The presence of Bormann in Paraguay could be proof not only of Odessa but also of a major cover-up.  ibid.



From 1947 to 1991 the world stood on the edge of oblivion.  We were gripped by the Cold War ... A shocked theory: that the Cold War was down to the lies of a Nazi trying to stay out of jail.  Conspiracy: Cold War Fears, Channel 5 2015



He (Barbie) met Major Shelton, the commander of the unit from the US.  (Barbie) no doubt gave him advice on how to fight this guerrilla war.  He used the expertise gained doing this kind of work in World War Two.  They made the most of the fact that he had this experience.  Alvaro de Castro, cited David Smith, article Observer December 2007 ‘Barbie Boasted of Hunting Down Che’



Project Paperclip was a United States government-sanctioned CIA Operation for the importation of Nazi and fascist scientists into the United States.  Mark Philips, CIA former operative



The rockets will have special warheads – they will contain Bubonic Plague and Strontium 90.  If it succeeds it will be the end of Israel.  The Odessa File 1974 starring Jon Voight & Maximilian Schell & Maria Schell & Mary Tamm & Derek Jacobi & Peter Jeffrey & Klaus Lowitsch & Kurt Meisel & Gunter Meisner & Hannes Messemer & Garfield Morgan & Shmuel Rodensky & Ernst Schroder et al, director Ronald Neame, general in desert


Nasser did seek to perfect a strike force of 400 rockets to wipe Israel off the face of the map.  His key scientists were mostly from Hitler's former rocket programme.  ibid.  caption



The newest missile model – the twenty-six-metre tall A9 was supposed to have a strike range that would reach the USA, according to the ambitious plans of the Nazis ... The A9 rocket didn’t reach the testing stage – it’s inventor Wernher von Braun was taken to the United States after the war where he continued his missile research for his new military and political masters.  The precise number of the victims of his work in Hitler’s service is unknown.  The Reich Underground: Terror From Below, Discovery 2004    



In the final months of the Second World War elite groups of allied agents and commandos infiltrated Germany.  Their top-secret missions: to hunt down Hitlers so-called wonder-weapons and the scientists who built them.  The Hunt for Hitlers Scientists, 2005    


Britain, America and Russia had nothing like this in their own armouries and they were all desperate to get their hands on the rocket and the man who built it – Wernher von Braun.  ibid.


The hardened commandos of 30AU sped into Northern France; they were carrying a black book – a list of hundreds of targets compiled by British Intelligence.  ibid.


Intelligence reports suggested that Wernher von Braun had moved his V2 rocket factory into the centre of Germany.  The trail was leading to the small town of Nordhausen.  On the morning of 11th April 1945 an American team arrived at these hills where they made a breath-taking discovery.  Hidden underground was Von Braun’s secret factory where thousands of V2 rockets were being built.  The scale was immense ... It was the world’s largest underground factory.  ibid.


Their number one target – Wernher von Braun – had disappeared with over a hundred members of his rocket team ... Several hundred miles away agents chasing the German atomic bomb project continued their hunt for Werner Heisenberg.  ibid. 


Behind the scenes massive shipments of German scientific materials, technology and research were boxed up and taken to Britain, America and Russia.  ibid.



Wernher von Braun considered manned space flight the goal of his life.  His launch vehicle would become key to the means by which mankind would attempt to reach out into space.  But for the Third Reich it was just a transporter of explosives.  What Happened on the Moon? 2000 


83,552.  After various interrogations or rather meetings Von Braun and his chosen band of racketeers were escorted to America, where they were to become the backbone of the space program for several decades.  ibid.



Coordinating Project Paperclip and the subsequent mind control programs in the United States were the Dulles brothers, cousins to the Rockefellers, both Satanists, reptilians, and Nazis to their core.  John Foster Dulles became the US Secretary of State after the war while his brother Allen Dulles was appointed to head the new Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA.  From this influx of Nazi mind-doctors into the United States came the now notorious and unspeakable mind control programs known as M K Ultra.  David Icke, The Biggest Secret


Yet more confirmation that the same force controlled all sides in the Second World War came with the British-American Intelligence operation called Project Paperclip which sprung the main Nazi leaders, scientists, engineers and mind control experts out of Germany before the allied armies arrived.  They were transported to South America and the United States to continue their work for the reptilian Agenda.  The Nazis who were tried and hanged at the Nuremberg Trials were merely the pawns paraded before a show trial to placate public anger.  The kings, queens, bishops, and knights of the Nazi regime escaped to continue their campaign against humanity via the networks arranged by their ‘opposition’, the United Kingdom and the United States.  ibid.



Major Nazi war criminals were recruited for US intelligence and anti-resistance activities, Klaus Barbie being perhaps the best known.  A still worse Nazi gangster, Franz Six, was pressed into service after his sentence as a war criminal was commuted by US High Commissioner John J McCloy.  Noam Chomsky, Deterring Democracy    


A military coup took place in 1964.  A 1980 coup was carried out with the assistance of Klaus Barbie, who had been sent to Bolivia when he could no longer be protected in France, where he had been working under US control to repress the anti-Fascist resistance, as he had done under the Nazis.  ibid.



The whole emphasis was on economics  banking and economics.  To make the actual bankers and industrialists to set up an organisation abroad and transfer their funds abroad.  Hugh Thomas, forensics



The collusion continued even after the war, as wanted Nazi criminals were spirited to South America by the infamous ‘rat line’.  It was the Vatican itself, with its ability to provide passports, documents, money, and contacts, which organized the escape network and also the necessary shelter and succor at the other end.  Christopher Hitchens, God is Not Great p240



An intricate system of escape routes known as Rat Lines were ... supported by both the Red Cross and the Catholic Church.  (Odessa & Nazi)  Hunting Hitler V, History 2015



In fact businessmen, academics and of course intelligence agents were also highly prized.  The Corbett Report, 49 Paperclipped Nazis and Stay Behind Gladios, James Corbett online 2008