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★ Oak Island (I)

A second wooden wall located five feet behind the first.  ibid.


A [seismic] operation they hope will identify any large objects or structures buried deep beneath the mysterious triangle-shaped swamp.  ibid.  



Season 6 of The Curse of Oak Island delivered the most amazing chapter yet for the fellowship of the dig.  The team spent enormous amounts of money and resources.  The Curse of Oak Island: Drilling Down: Legacy I (US)  


A massive 525-foot wide steel cofferdam surrounding Smith’s Cove allowed for the excavation of everything from a mysterious concrete wall to evidence of stone box drains and an ancient shipping wharf.  ibid.  


Eagle Canada [triangle-shaped swamp]: ‘There’s four key anomalies … doors to a step to a basement … The Swamp Anomaly: this is the object … 250 feet long …’  ibid. 


Our good friend Dan Blankenship passed away at the age of 95.  ibid.



Semi-precious jewels and even a 700-year-old cross with possible connections to the Knights Templar.  But whoever buried something of great value also constructed an elaborately fortified treasure shaft and then protected it with an ingeniously designed booby-trap flood system.  Some believe it was the work of the Knights Templar.  Others say it was the Rosicrucians led by Sir Francis Bacon.  And yet local yore not to mention the history of the North Atlantic points to another group for the origin of the Oak Island mystery: pirates.  The Curse of Oak Island: The Pirates of Oak Island (US)


They weren’t called pirates but privateers.  ibid.


There are some who believe that Captain Kidd actually buried his treasure on Oak Island.  ibid.


All kinds of rumours about Drake.  ibid.



In the past ten years Rick and Marty Lagina along with their partners Craig Tester and Dan Blankenship have made some incredible discoveries.  The Curse of Oak Island: The Secret Weapons (US)


‘These guys are passionate treasure hunters.’  ibid.  Gary   



For 223 years now people have been searching for incredible treasure on Oak Island.  So far they’ve found several compelling clues such as traces of gold, semi-precious gemstones, human bones and even a 700-year-old cross with potential connections to the Knights Templar.  But even with all these clues the treasure has remained elusive and six men have died violent deaths trying to find it.  It all makes people wonder could there really be something other-worldly safeguarding this as yet undiscovered fortune?  The Curse of Oak Island: The Truth Behind the Curse (US)


A number of people in recent years including Dave Blankenship have reported seeing a black cloud-like form in the area near Borehole 10X.  ibid.  


It seems the tale may have entered the public’s imagination with a 1967 article in True magazine.  ibid.



It’s the start of another year on Oak Island.  But unlike previous years this one begins with anticipation tempered by a profound sadness.  For this is the first year in over half a century that Dan Blankenship, the veteran treasure hunter who devoted most of his life trying to solve the 224-year-old mystery, will not be part of the team.  The Curse of Oak Island s7e1: The Torch is Passed


Oak Island 2018 3D Swamp Anomaly: ‘There’s probably more intrigue in the swamp than the day we first set foot on Oak Island …’  ibid.  Marty 


‘It appears to be some sort of stone structure almost like a road-way leading into the swamp.’  ibid.  diver  


The team will be conducting a core drilling operation in the hope of locating a 200-foot object believed to be buried in the swamp.  ibid.



Recently conducted seismic data indicating that a large ship, possible a Spanish galleon, could lie buried at the bottom of the Oak Island swamp has them eager with anticipation.  The Curse of Oak Island s7e2: Core Values      


Dry clay found just twenty feet beneath the surface of the swamp and similar to that found in the Money Pit area.  ibid.


While drilling an exploratory borehole in the swamp in an effort to find evidence of a possible ship buried at the bottom, the Oak Island team has just encountered a mysterious object at a depth of nearly thirty foot.  ibid.  


Because it’s Dr Spooner’s assessment that the swamp appears to be much younger than expected and was at one time ocean he’s decided to take the core samples for further testing.  ibid.


‘It would be possible to tunnel under the swamp, that’s for sure, because it’s dry clay … There could be a tunnel there.’  ibid.  Marty   



136,858.  Whilst investigating a mysterious oval-shaped rock formation at the northern point of the Oak Island swamp, metal detection expert Gary Drayton has just located what could be an important find about six feet below the surface.  Have the team really discovered iron in the oval-shaped formation?  If so, who put it here and what was its purpose?  The Curse of Oak Island s7e3: The Eye of the Swamp


Last year, after constructing a massive steel cofferdam around Smith’s Cove, Rick, Marty and the team conducted an extensive investigation of the entire beach area.  In addition to unearthing numerous wooden and concrete structures, the team discovered a portion of one of the five stone box-drains, suggesting they were close to locating the place where the drains are believed to merge into a single tunnel that leads directly to the original Money Pit.  ibid.    


Dynamite buried around 95 feet deep below the beach at Smith’s Cove and in the same area as the island’s legendary flood tunnel.  ibid.  



Smith’s Cove: Could the team finally have located their target?  The fact that the wooden beams appear to be hand-cut could be very significant in helping the team date the construction …‘We are at fifty-one feet.’  The Curse of Oak Island s7e4: The Lucky Thirteen


A line that leads directly from the U-shaped structure and the stone box-drain through a possible tunnel and all the way up to the Money Pit area.  ibid.    


The lack of any wood is disappointing but not altogether surprising as the team are uncertain as to the actual angle at which the flood tunnel would have been directed between Smith’s Cove and the Oak Island Money Pit.  ibid.


‘Gary’s found significant numbers of artefacts around Lot 21.’  ibid.  team


The wood that the team discovered 54 feet beneath the beach at Smith’s Cove dates back to a period sixty years prior to the discovery of the Money Pit: 1795.  ibid.



Could this core sample matching historical descriptions of the legendary flood tunnel mean that the team are one step closer to reaching the fabled Oak Island treasure? … The Oak island team will now drill another borehole five feet to the west along the same line.  The Curse of Oak Island s7e5: Tunnel Visions


What Chip Reid has just presented the team with is a piece of astonishing piece of new research.  It suggests that the wooden structures unearthed at Smith’s Cove which dated to approximately twenty-five years before the discovery of the Money Pit could be evidence of a military fortification known as a Water Battery … ‘The French were active militarily around here … You’re actually looking at some sort of French treasure.’  ibid.  Reid   


Is it possible that members of the Duc d’Anville expedition [to recapture Louisburg] came to Oak Island because of previous knowledge of a treasure depository located there, one built centuries earlier by the Duke’s ancestors who were members of the Knights Templar?  ibid.  


‘We have uncovered the sluice: it will go a long way to hopefully pinpointing the location of Hole 9.’  ibid.  Rick        



The Sluiceway was built in 1863 by members of the Oak Island association … to siphon water from shaft 9, a searcher shaft.  The Curse of Oak Island s7e6: Closing In *****


The Spanish empire began a vast campaign of rapid colonisation throughout north, central and south America … These treasures were then sent back to Spain on large sailing vessels known as galleons.  ibid.   


Maybe one of these ships got caught in the storm as they were following the Gulf Stream and was driven all the way north to a little island in Nova Scotia  maybe Oak Island, and then the ship then finds itself being beached full of plunder from the New World.  ibid.


These [Spanish] finds corroborated discoveries previously made by Oak Island treasure hunter Fred Nolan, who after draining the swamp in 1969 found what he believed to be wooden parts from a Spanish galleon, including scuppers and a portion of a mast.  ibid.


One of this year’s most important discoveries … an 1863 searcher structure known as Shaft 9.  ibid.   


Over the centuries the Money Pit has been the site of over 40 tunnelling operations.  ibid.


The team has finally unearthed the connection linking the Shaft to the Sluiceway.  This proves they’ve successfully discovered Shaft 9.  ibid.


The seismic test across the eastern half of the island has been completed … ‘20,000 [dynamite] shots.’  ibid.  Rick  



‘One of the big agenda items this year is to finish up in Smith’s Cove. We found some exciting things in there last year.  But we never got to the end of the slipway where there could be all kinds of artefacts.’  The Curse of Oak Island s7e7: Things that Go Bump-Out, Marty  


In 1805, one year after the Money Pit flooded with seawater, Daniel McGinnis and his team hit what they believed to be a booby trap at a depth of 90 feet.  Members of the Onslow Company attempted to work around the problem by digging an adjacent shaft some 14 feet to the south-east.  Known as Shaft 2 it reached a depth of 110 feet without encountering water.  McGinnis then dug a horizontal tunnel in the hope of reaching the treasure vault from below.  But within 2 feet of its target the tunnel caved in and flooded.  Shortly afterwards, the Onslow Company became bankrupt.  ibid.