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★ Oak Island (I)

While searching just west of the peculiar stone structure, Gary and Jack discovered a rigging axe commonly used on ships dating back to the seventeenth century.  The Curse of Oak Island s8e4: Alignment



A core-drilling programme with representatives from Choice Sonic Drilling.  This will entail drilling a number of boreholes along a strategic grid in the hopes of locating the original treasure shaft first discovered in 1795, and the fabled vault believed to be contained within it.  The Curse of Oak Island s8e5: The Master Plan


Could Steve’s assessment that this rock is in fact the west anchor be correct as noted on the Templar map?  ibid.



As an expert in map-making, Erin suspected that these anchors might actually be boulders left as markers on a master-grid leading to the location of the Money Pit treasure vault.  The Curse of Oak Island s8e6: Seaing is Believing


In June of 1897 while exploring the Island’s southern shore treasure hunter Captain John Welling, working under Frederick Blair, discovered the formation of large stone in the shape of a three-dimensional triangle.  Even more astonishing was that the apex pointed north directly towards the Money Pit.  ibid.



In 1861 searchers from the Oak Island Association constructed an adjacent shaft eighteen feet west of the original Money Pit known as Shaft 6 … Unfortunately, just 6 feet shy of their target, ocean water rushed through … The Curse of Oak Island s8e7: Mounding Evidence


He [Gary] and Peter have discovered evidence of another pathway used to transport cargo on to Oak Island.  ibid.



An incredible hypothesis based on a fourteenth-century hand-drawn map of Oak island which the late researcher and author Zena Halpern shared with Rick, Marty and the team back in 2016: this map which Zena believed had been made by members of the Knights Templar noted two locations known as the Anchors … might actually be purposely placed boulders or marker points on a master grid that would lead to the Money Pit treasure vault.  The Curse of Oak Island s8e8: High on the Bog


Could Erin be right, that the treasure people have been searching for since 1795 is not buried at the bottom of the Money Pit but instead at the end of a corridor or tunnel that extends over 1,000 feet to the west?  ibid.



Rick and geo-scientist Dr Ian Spooner have discovered a massive flat surface composed of stone and measuring some twenty feet wide by seventy feet long while probing the area.  Dr Spooner suggests that it might be connected in some way to the tar pine kiln dating back to the sixteenth century located on Lot 15.  The Curse of Oak Island s8e9, Rock, Paper, Serpents


‘Where did that [Money Pit] collapse go?’  ibid.  Marty  



Rick and Marty Lagina together with members of the team continue to investigate one of the most perplexing and compelling structures ever uncovered in the 225-year-old treasure mystery: a stone-paved pathway or possibly a ships’ wharf found beneath the brackish water and muck in the south-eastern corner of the triangular-shaped swamp.  The Curse of Oak Island s8e10, Connecting the Lots



A strategic core-drilling operation in the Money Pit area in search of a fabled treasure vault that people had been trying to unearth since 1695.  As part of a drilling grid designed by Craig, the team is currently drilling borehole DE-9.25 which is ten feet from the OC-1 shaft that was constructed one year ago.  The Curse of Oak Island s8e11, Rocky Road  


DE-9.25: They continue to drill through a mysterious wood structure that is more than 185 feet deep.  ibid.



A massive stone pathway in the south-east corner of the triangular-shaped swamp that is also heading into the uplands and possibly towards the Mooney Pit.  The Curse of Oak Island s8e12: Digging Their Heels In



Another layer of stone this time with wood cribbing.  Has Rick discovered another feature in the construction of this stone road?  The Curse of Oak Island s8e13: The Fellowship of the Ringbolt


Timbers from the wall of the Tupper shaft.  If the team can verify the orientation of the structure they may be able to finally pinpoint the location of the Money Pit and the treasure vault.  ibid.   



‘That is very definitely a wharf pin for anchoring ships.’  The Curse of Oak Island s8e14: A Bend in the Road, iron expert   


Is the stone pathway possibly turning in a new direction towards the Money Pit?  ibid.



A new core-drilling programme in the hopes of pinpointing the location of the original treasure shaft.  The Curse of Oak Island s8e15: Cask and You Shall Receive



Over the past two months they’ve discovered two massive stone pathways buried in the swamp: one is believed to have been part of a ship’s dock, and the other looks to be leading into the uplands and possibly toward the original Money Pit.  The Curse of Oak Island s8e16: Leather Bound



Whatever may have been buried here long ago was valuable enough to require massive engineering efforts to keep it hidden.  The Curse of Oak Island s8e17: Staking Their Claim



And along the eastern border of the man-made swamp they continue to unearth the remains of a stone pathway that they believe may have been used to move heavy cargo from an old ship’s wharf and transported to somewhere inland.  The Curse of Oak Island s8e18: Cannon Fodder


Another wooden stake bordering the pathway … may have been used as a survey marker when it was originally built.  ibid.  


Does the stone pathway now branch off into another separate direction?  ibid.


The swamp continued to reveal cues that suggest it may hold the key to solving the 226-year-old Oak Island treasure mystery … now appears to be heading in two different directions.  The Curse of Oak Island s8e19: A Loose Cannonball 



Anthony Graves, a farmer who purchased most of the island in 1857.  Although he was never known to have participated in organised treasure hunts, many locals reported that Graves occasionally purchased goods on the mainland using Spanish silver and gold coins.  The Curse of Oak Island s8e20: Fire in the Hole



After encountering a frustrating setback with their core-drilling operation in the Money Pit area last week, Rick and Marty along with Craig Tester have decided to pursue what could be a number of other treasure deposits located near Smith’s cove that were first identified on the Barringer survey more than 30 years ago.  Commissioned in 1988 by Dan Blankenship and his business partner David Tobias, the survey was a military-grade low-frequency radio-wave scanner that denoted possible tunnels a hundred feet deep in and around Smith’s Cove and the eastern perimeter of the Money Pit area, as well as four distinct non-ferrous deposits.  The Curse of Oak Island s8e21: Off the Railing


The team uncovered what appears to be the remains of an ancient fire pit next to the stone pathway … Could the newly discovered piece of a fire grate bring them closer to finding out?  ibid.  


‘The swamp: What’s at the bottom?  What’s down there? … What’s it hiding?’  ibid.  Rick  



A significant discovery  … ‘We were nine to ten feet down and we brought up part of what looks like a ship’s railing.’  The Curse of Oak Island s8e22: Be There or T-Square, Doug



Powerful evidence that the swamp was once an open harbour or throughway between two islands … an abundance of discoveries indicating a deliberately clandestine operation to bring heavy cargo of some kind to the island.  The Curse of Oak Island s8e23: Old Wharf’s Tale


In the waters just off Lot 26, on the western side of Oak Island, Tony Sampson has just discovered what they believe to be a stone wharf.  ibid.



The final week for Rick and Mary Lagina and the Oak Island team to conduct any major search operations for this year.  The Curse of Oak Island s8e24: Silver Lining


The team have found numerous clues spanning across an area of more than fifty feet wide between boreholes C1 and OC-1, including evidence of wooden tunnels nearly 90 feet deep that all pre-date the discovery of the Money Pit by as much as 150 years.  ibid.  



‘There is every reason to believe down in those holes there is something close by that contains a very large amount of silver.’  The Curse of Oak Island s8e25: The Silver Spooner ***** Dr Ian Spooner


‘The road may be heading to the Money Pit … That is the real ah-ha moment.’  ibid.  Rick



A massive stone road found buried in the triangle-shaped swamp; a piece of ship’s railing dating back to as early as the seventh century; and for the first time in the history of the Oak Island treasure hunt definitive proof of treasure found deep in the Money Pit.  The Curse of Oak Island: Top Ten Season 8 Finds You Never Saw


The Fellowship of the Dig unearthed 2,000 discoveries.  ibid.


10) The Iron Survey Pin

9) Lot 15 hammer

8) The Barrel Hoop

7) Samuel Ball’s Top Pocket Find

6) The Leather Garments

5) The Double-Headed Axe

4) The Rosehead Spike

3) The Ship’s Pin

2) The Lot 32 Wharf Pin

1) The Gold Rush.  ibid.