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★ Oak Island (I)

That afternoon, Steve Guptill and Craig Tester join other members of the Oak Island team at the Money Pit site to begin a new core-drilling operation in search of Shaft 2.  ibid.


In 1804, just as Daniel McGinnis and members of the Onslow Company reached a depth of 90 feet in the Money Pit they discovered a strange olive-coloured stone containing hieroglyph-like symbols carved into it and embedded in a layer of oak logs.  When they removed it, an apparent booby-trap was sprung which caused ocean water to flood into the Money Pit and thwart all subsequent efforts to keep digging … – the stone which was never photographed or properly copied has been missing for more than a century.    ibid.    


Could Gary and Jack have found evidence of another landing site on the western side of the island where a ship may have offloaded cargo prior to the discovery of the Money Pit in 1795?  But if so, who built it, and what were they unloading?  ibid.     


‘Why would so much iron be in this one area?  You know this stuff ain’t been washed up.  It’s got to be a wharf.’  ibid.  Gary    



Smith’s Cove: While excavating the square-shaped log structure, one that was never reported by previous treasure hunters, the team unearth what they believe to be one of five stone box-drains.  The Curse of Oak Island s7e8: Triptych     


Finding one of the suspected corners of Shaft 2 is an exciting development … If they can verify their discovery and then locate a tunnel running off it at a depth of 110 feet, the team can lock in on the location of the fabled Money Pit.  ibid.        



The sonic drill-rig is set over the borehole known as F-14 … The Curse of Oak Island s7e9: An Eye for an Eye  


Billy, Peter and Gary’s potentially important discovery at Smith’s Cove … Could they have discovered a wharf or pier?  It is possible that it could be connected to the 18th century slipway discovered nearby?  ibid.


‘That’s the Holy Grail of Oak Island: where’s the original Money Pit?’  ibid.  Rick   


Dr Ian Spooner believes there was considerable human activity in the area known as the Eye of the Swamp sometime between the 17th and 18th centuries.  ibid.   


A major engineering effort could have taken place at the Oak Island swamp almost 800 years ago.  ibid.  



Having finally received the necessary permits to dig in the swamp, the Oak Island team are eager to fully drain and excavate the area to find what may lie hidden there.  The Curse of Oak Island s7e10: Gary Strikes Again


‘In all likelihood we’re right at the edge of the tunnel.’  ibid.  geologist Terry at Shaft 2    



After obtaining scientific evidence that the Oak Island swamp is not only man-made but could also date back to the time members of the Knights Templar are believed to have visited the island, brother Rick and Marty Lagina have intensified their efforts to excavate the area.  The Curse of Oak Island s7e11: The Eye of the Storm    


Could the wooden stake the team has found be another one of these ancient [surveyor’s] markers? … What exactly was their purpose?  ibid.


Hurricane Dorian continues to make its way up the east coast towards Nova Scotia.  ibid.  


Axe-cut wood found at a depth of 106 feet near the suspected end of the Shaft 2 tunnel.  ibid.



Is it possible that the structure was built two decades before the nearby slipway?  The Curse of Oak Island s7e12: Fortified


‘Something rather massive happened here at least in 1741.’  ibid.  Marty


Could it be that the surviving members of the Duc D’Anville’s mission chose Oak Island?  ibid.


A rigging-axe dating back to the early 18th century or even older, commonly kept on large sailing vessels.  ibid.


A portion of the stoned area … a work surface possibly a dock used for boats or ships and located in the middle of the Oak Island swamp.  Could the team have finally unearthed definitive proof that the swamp was artificially created centuries ago?  ibid.  



The historic discovery of a paved stone walkway in the Oak Island swamp … a man-made structure, one possibly built prior to the discovery of the Money Pit in 1795.  The Curse of Oak Island s7e13: Bromancing the Stones  


Could Rick and Doug have discovered a link between the 18th century French fortress and the vast engineering effort that took place in the swamp centuries ago?  ibid.  


Jack Begley and metal detection expert Gary Drayton are beginning to search near the so-called Eye of the Swamp for any important clues or artefacts … an old iron pic-axe possibly used for tunnelling found near the Eye of the Swamp.  ibid.    


Wood from the Money Pit area dated to at least a century before the discovery of the fabled treasure shaft.  ibid. 


‘1680: that’s Dr Spooner’s big date, 1680, he says with some degree of certainty that something went on in the Eye of the Swamp.’  ibid.  Marty  



A wood sample obtained during a recent drilling operation some 106 feet deep near the Money Pit area has been dated to as early as 1626.  The Curse of Oak Island s7e14: Burnt Offering


H8  25 feet  FG12: the team believe they may have finally found the original Money Pit shaft which has been lost for 100 years.  ibid.


The wooden structure does not appear to be in any way connected to the box-drains that fed the flood-tunnel system.  ibid.  


The paved road, or possible ship’s wharf, appeared to continue further out into the triangle-shaped swamp towards the northern-most point.  It was here that the team discovered a mysterious circular stone feature which they’ve dubbed the Eye of the Swamp.  ibid.


‘A strap or a bracket … Who knows how old it is and how long it’s been in that hole … That’s looks like a hinge.’  ibid.  Gary


The area between Smith’s Cove and the Money Pit site known as the Uplands: it’s there they hope to shut off the flood ocean water to the infamous flood tunnels once and for all.  ibid.


Might the charring on the 18th-century ship’s strap be evidence that a galleon was not just buried in the Oak Island swamp but intentionally burnt in an effort to conceal any trace of it?  ibid.        



Could the wooden stake be connected to the other ancient markers the team have recently found in the swamp?  The Curse of Oak Island s7e15: Surely Templar      


A possible tunnel or shaft: could it be from previous search efforts to intercept the main flood tunnel or could it be a structure used to create the flood system centuries ago?  ibid.     


Could the sudden water flow mean that the team have finally intercepted the main flood tunnel connected to the Money Pit?  ibid.


Shaft 5, 1850: members of the Truro company began sinking a wood-crypt shaft into the Uplands area hoping to locate and shut off the booby trap.  ibid.



A possible tunnel discovered at a depth of approximately sixty feet located in the Uplands … Could it also be part of the same booby trap protecting the original Money Pit?  The Curse of Oak Island s7e16: Water Logged  


‘I’d like to find the flood tunnel.  I’d like to see it.’  ibid.  Marty    


Blue clay discovered under the base of a large stone at the Eye of the Swamp.  ibid.


The Eye of the Swamp … may hold the key to solving the entire Oak Island mystery just as Fred Nolan had predicted.  ibid.



After draining the area one week ago, Rick and members of the team along with Oak Island landowner Tom Nolan discovered a strange circle of boulders which had traces of blue clay on them similar to that reportedly found deep in the Money Pit by searchers in 1804.  Even more intriguing was the fact that the largest of the stones appears to be almost identical to the giant boulders that make up the megalithic formation on the island known as Nolan’s Cross …  The Curse of Oak Island s7e17: To Boulderly Go  


Axe-cut wood, similar to that found as part of the U-shaped structure the team found discovered beneath Smith’s Cove last year.  ibid.  


Tomorrow, all search activities in the area must end in order to allow the removal of the giant steel cofferdam surrounding Smith’s Cove.  ibid.


Have the Oak Island team finally found the Main flood tunnel, the one which searchers have been trying to locate and shut off for two centuries?  ibid.



A number of giant steel caissons each measuring eight feet wide by twenty-six feet long as well as the heavy equipment needed to drive and stack them into the earth down to depths of more than two-hundred feet … The Money Pit area, at the drill-site that the team has dubbed OC1.  The Curse of Oak Island s7e18: The Turning Point


High levels of mercury discovered at the Eye of the Swamp.  ibid.  


‘This area [Eye of the Swamp] is critical because it shows human activity that was significant.’  ibid.  Dr Ian Spooner


‘Five or six experts have looked at this and they’re all quite certain it’s a man-made structure of some sort.’  ibid.  Marty


Could Rick and the team have found another section of the paved stone structure?  ibid.  


‘Somebody came here a long time ago, hid something extremely valuable and then protected it by extraordinary means.’  ibid.  Marty