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★ Oak Island (I)

175-foot chamber located at a depth of approximately fifty feet … Man-made structures really do exist.  ibid.


Seismic scanning has revealed the existence of underground voids in the Money Pit area, voids that appear to surround the borehole known as H8.  ibid.  


The team waits for drilling equipment to arrive on Oak Island.  ibid.    


The team’s decided to dig their first hole at a location known as DE-6.  Here, they hope to find not only a possible system of tunnels some 100 feet deep but also a 30-foot wide chamber at a depth of approximately 170 feet.  It is also in this chamber that the team hopes it will locate the mysterious Chappell vault.  ibid.


‘We’ve encountered what we believe to be a tunnel.’  ibid.



An unusual metal object … ‘crossbow bolt’ … ‘made for piercing chain mail.’  The Curse of Oak Island s6e4: A Legacy Revealed (US)


An object at a depth of some 200 feet deep underground, an object that seems impossible to penetrate.  ibid.  


‘Where Zena’s trail leads I don’t know.  Where her research leads I don’t know.’  ibid.  Rick    


A Roman pilum dating back as far as the the first century BC.  ibid.  



So far the seismic results have guided the team to the remains of a possible tunnel at a depth of 93 feet along with evidence of human activity at approximately 170 feet.  The Curse of Oak Island s6e5: Homecoming   


‘I do believe we’re in a tunnel.’  ibid.



A giant 525-foot-long cofferdam that will fully seal off the Cove from the ocean allowing it to be completely drained and excavated down to a depth of ten feet.  The Curse of Oak Island s6e6: Precious Metal


Seismic sound waves: what may appear to be a potential chamber or void may actually be nothing more than a different type of earth.  ibid.   



In the past two years Gary and the team have found a number of artefacts on Lot 24 including British musket balls and military buttons.  The Curse of Oak Island s6e7: Rock Solid


1909: the ‘90-foot’ stone was on display in a Halifax bookshop.  ibid.


Finding what now appears to be several leaks in what was supposed to be a watertight barrier is a devastating development.  ibid.



After constructing a large cofferdam out of earth and rocks, Dan [Blankenship] was astonished to uncover a 65-foot-long wooden structure shaped like a letter U at a depth of nearly 10 feet.  Unfortunately, before he could fully expose a possible ancient structure, a powerful storm destroyed the cofferdam forcing Dan to abandon his search.  The Curse of Oak Island s6e8: Unearthed



While digging on the north-west side of the cofferdam, Rick, Marty and members of the team uncovered a large wooden beam with the Roman numerals VII carved into it.  A wooden beam they believe is part of the so-called U-shaped structure … Could the U-shaped structure be the remains of an ancient cofferdam?  The Curse of Oak Island s6e9: As Above, So Below


Apple Island: ‘I do believe it is possible that Travis Taylor’s ‘star map theory’ could be correct.  The boulders are here.’  ibid.  Gary


The team have discovered five feet of wood at the same depth as shaft six.  ibid.


The team have discovered a wooden wall buried deep within Smith’s cove.  ibid.  



Their giant excavation at Smith’s Cove is finally paying off … [they] unearthed a U-shape structure … ‘a significant wall’ … [and] further evidence of what appears to be a French drain.  The Curse of Oak Island s6e10: Fingers Made of Stone



The team uncovered what could be a stone box drain, one of five that are believed to feed seawater into the money pit … [and] yet another mysterious wooden structure.  The Curse of Oak Island s6e11: Wharfs & All


The team from Irving Equipment Ltd begin construction of the giant 170-ton crane in the money pit site.  ibid.



Smith Cove is yielding structure after structure after structure, most of it unknown.  The Curse of Oak Island s6e12: Slipway When Wet, Marty


The team seem to have discovered a concrete wall buried some eight feet beneath Smith’s Cove.  ibid.



Unearthing what appears to be an ancient wooden shipping dock or slipway … [and] a concrete wall buried approximately three feet below the ocean floor.  The Curse of Oak Island s6e13: The Paper Chase



The excavation of borehole H8 continues on the Money Pit site.  The Curse of Oak Island s6e14: Voyage to the Bottom of the Cenote


Smith’s Cove: ‘We’ve found all kinds of crazy things: walls and slipways and concrete walls that we didn’t even know existed … an enormous effort to do.’  ibid.  Marty


The cave-in that occurred around the H8 shaft earlier today has suddenly become a much larger sinkhole, a sinkhole that is now growing at an alarming rate.  ibid.



Perhaps the team’s most exciting find has been the discovery of what could be one of the five stone box-drains which were built to feed seawater into the money pit as part of an elaborate booby-trap flooding system.  The Curse of Oak Island s6e15: Dye Harder



Rick, Marty and the team conducted a second dye test in order to find out if the man-made flood tunnels believed to exist at Smith’s cove could still be directly traced to the Money Pit treasure vault …  The Curse of Oak Island s6e16: Detour


A number of possible man-made objects on the ocean floor … [and] what is believed to be a second flood-tunnel system, one that lies just off the island’s southern shore.  ibid.    


The rock formation does point in the direction of the money pit … might have been deliberately placed here as a marker.  ibid.


Could something as simple as a crib-spike or a hinge really be proof that a slipway and other wooden structures at Smith’s Cove were put there not by searchers but by depositors?  ibid.



The remains of what could be a centuries-old slipway, a ramp that would have been used to lower goods both to and from the island from a large sailing ship.  The Curse of Oak Island s6e17: Clue or False?


Including iron cribbing spikes and a mysterious metal hinge estimated to date back to over a hundred years before the discovery of the Oak Island money pit in 1795.  ibid.



The team may have finally located a flood tunnel connected directly to the location of the fabled Oak Island treasure vault.  The Curse of Oak Island s6e18: Heavy Metal


It’s the team’s belief that the discovery of this timber as well as possible leather bookbinding and iron chain are evidence of the giant collapse that occurred in the Money Pit in 1861 and which left a debris field of potential artefacts and treasure scattered across the Shaft 6 tunnel.  ibid.  


Could this stoneware pottery really date back to the early 1700s?  If they can prove it does, then it could be definitive proof of human activity deep underground in the Money Pit area prior to the treasure shaft’s discovery in 1795.  ibid.  


The decorative lead piece found on Lot 21 matched the lead used to make the medieval cross discovered last year at Smith’s Cove – lead which was mined more than 600 years ago in a region of southern France with deep ties to the Knights Templar.  ibid.  



The excavation of the sixty-inch borehole known as GG1 … [that] the team believe could get them within a few feet of the original Money Pit treasure shaft.  The Curse of Oak Island s6e19: Striking Distance


Could these oak timbers found in the spoils of GG1 be evidence that the team has finally found the original Money Pit treasure shaft? … Is it possible that the timbers they uncovered in borehole GG1 are actually the remains of an abandoned nineteenth-century searcher tunnel?  ibid. 


Unionized Nova Scotia crane operators strike: Strike affecting 100 workers began Wednesday morning and could last as long as 21 days.  ibid.  CBC News online 24 October 2018    



Although the Notiavian surviving members of the Knights Templar made their way to north America as early as the 14th century has been long debated by mainstream historians, many Oak Island theorists and researchers have become convinced that numerous stone carvings and recently discovered artefacts like the lead cross found at Smith’s Cove have added further evidence to support this theory.  The Curse of Oak Island s6e20: Short Day & Tall Knights



Over the past six years the Oak Island team have made numerous discoveries in the mysterious triangle-shaped swamp.  The Curse of Oak Island s6e21: Seismic Matters


The team appear to have discovered another shaft buried at Smith’s Cove.  ibid.


The seismic operation at the [triangle-shaped] swamp continues.  ibid.



They’ve less than a week to go before they must shut down operations for the winter.  The Curse of Oak Island s6e22: Lost & Founding


Smith’s Cove: The discovery of wooden boards packed with clay.  ibid.


A [wooden] wall that sits in the area where they are currently searching for evidence of a man-made flood tunnel designed to feed seawater deep into the Money Pit.  ibid.