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Oak Island (I)
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★ Oak Island (I)

Samuel Ball: Walls beneath the ground near the Ball foundations: could these walls be evidence of a secret structure of tunnels buried beneath the property? … The team may be one permit away.  ibid.      


The Oak Island team are more hopeful than ever that they could make a equally incredible and historic find in Borehole OC1.  ibid.  



They’re digging a giant eight-foot wide steel-caissed shaft at OC1, the site at what they believe could be the original Money Pit shaft.  ibid.  The Curse of Oak Island s7e19: Lords of the Ring   


‘A nice little ring: it was on the edge of the swamp where it goes up to the beach road.’  ibid.  Gary


Could finding Heddon’s so-called shield mean that the team is on course to reach the original Money Pit or perhaps the Chappell Vault?  ibid.      



‘This is the most promising hole we’ve ever dug on the island.’  The Curse of Oak Island s7e20: Springing the Trap, Jack    


The 8-foot-wide drilling caisson has now encountered a hard object or structure approximately 103-feet deep underground.  ibid.


Axe-cut wood discovered at a depth where the team were hoping to intercept the Shaft 6 tunnel.  ibid.


Does finding evidence of an oak platform mean that the team have just found part of the Money Pit treasure shaft?  ibid.  


‘Here we go.  Bits and bobs.  Bits and bobs of ships in the swamp.’  ibid.  Marty  


A spike that was part of a booby-trap found approximately 114-feet deep in the Money Pit area.  ibid.


For over 225 years men have come to Oak Island to solve a mystery.  ibid.



Using 18,000 dynamite charges which were set up across Oak Island’s eastern half, a virtual underground map was created down to a depth of 300ft.  The Curse of Oak Island s7e21: A Leaf of Faith


An anomaly matching the 13-feet diameter of the original Money Pit as reported by Daniel McGinnis and his two friends when they discovered it in 1795  could the team have finally pinpointed the original treasure shaft?  ibid.


If this stump [cork oak] is actually from a Portuguese tree, how did it come to be on Oak Island?  ibid.    


The team is about to begin digging at the very same location where Robert Restall senior [1960s] believed the original Money Pit would be found.  ibid.        


A pickaxe found approximately 90-feet deep in what the team believe could be the original Money Pit.  ibid.


‘We start pulling up some very impressive timbers … hand-cut.’  ibid.  Gary



These timbers appear to be carved with Roman numerals just like those found on the U-shaped structure unearthed last year at Smith’s Cove, a structure that was scientifically proven to have been built in 1769 … Could Terry Matheson’s theory be correct that the Roman numerals carved into the hand-hewed timbers actually served as an instruction guide to the original builders of the Money Pit treasure shaft?  The Curse of Oak Island s7e22: Marks X the Spot  


A large metal plate has just been removed from a depth of 160 feet in the RF1 shaft.  ibid.      


It’s long been a mystery how Ball, who came to Oak Island in 1786 as a simple cabbage farmer, ended up as one of the wealthiest land owners in Nova Scotia.  ibid.  


From a secret tunnel connected to the former home of Samuel Ball to promising new evidence that they’ve finally located the original Money Pit.  ibid.   



A void almost 200-feet deep in the Money Pit area: is it possible that the large obstruction was once again pushed out of the way?  The Curse of Oak Island s7e23: Timeline


Gravel from nearby H8: could it be the same gravel that the team used last year to shore up a dangerous sinkhole in the ground beneath the drilling equipment?  ibid.


Does the Fellowship still think there’s something here to find?  ibid.  Marty in the War Room



From credible jaw-dropping discoveries to heart-warming moments … Oak Island’s top 25 moments you never saw.  The Curse of Oak Island: The Top 25 Moments You Never Saw


25) The original personality interviews: Marty and Rick Lagina had never been on television before; no-one knew what they or members of their team even looked like.  ibid.


24) The Spanish Object: an object so mysterious even Gary couldn’t make out what it was … They had discovered many other Spanish objects.  ibid.    


23) Mysteries of the Museum: Island historian Charles Barkhouse thought it [series 1] might be a good opportunity to give them [junior team members] a crash course of some of the artefacts that had been found up till that point.  ibid.   


22) Rick & Dave stuck together: filmed during series one when Rick and Dave were trying to drain a marshy area near the swamp.  ibid.


21) The stone compass: the brother’s efforts to build a megalithic structure.  ibid.


20) Jack and Dave go shopping: Dave Blankenship got more than he bargained for.  ibid.


19) The Rochefoucauld archive: During series 5 Rick, Alex and Peter travelled to France.  ibid. 


18) Going for a dip: a glimpse of what can happen at the end of a day’s work.  ibid.


17) Dan’s reunion [with] Gerald Dory: ‘10x: is that still going?’ …  ibid.


16) An Oak Island hero: Dan Blankenship brought a special visitor to the island … ‘His dad was here in ’65 when they had the accident ...’  ibid.


15) The Restall visit: Lea and her brother had a private chat on the island.  ibid.  


14) Dan’s ancient shoes … ‘found on the western side of the island.’  ibid.


13) Saying goodbye to Fred Nolan … Fifty years working on Oak Island.  ibid.  


12) The thermal drone: in series 4 Craig Tester invited John Frost to fly a drone equipped with thermal cameras over the swamp.  ibid.


11) The rod in the stone: Series 6: strange stone with several holes drilled into it.  ibid.  


10) Ross Valory’s journey [bassist with rock band].  ibid.


9) FDR’s letter … The letter was written by President Roosevelt to Irwin Hamilton.  ibid. 


8) Making a wish: Rick and Marty received a request from a Make a Wish Foundation.  ibid.


7) The bones live again … series 5: they discovered centuries-old bones … human bones … One of the bones belonged to a Middle Eastern female.  ibid.


6) 10-X enhanced: video recorded 1971.  ibid.


5) The mystery of Samuel Ball … had become one of the richest landowners in Nova Scotia.  ibid.


4) The return of Samuel Ball’s family.  ibid.


3) The Dean brothers’ visit.  ibid.


2) Dan’s 95th birthday party.  ibid.


1) Marty’s musical moment.  ibid.



‘The elusive chase for the shiny gold thing begins once again.’  The Curse of Oak Island s8e1: Remote Control, Rick


It’s the start of another year on Oak Island.  But unlike any other in the centuries-old search to find the incredible treasure.  This year’s progress is hampered by the deadly Covid-19 virus which has rapidly spread to every corner of the world.  ibid.


C1: … Professional diver Mike Huntley and his team in the hopes of locating a mysterious gold object they believe could be located somewhere in the shaft.  ibid.


‘What is the swamp anomaly that Doctor Spooner has rendered an opinion about?’  ibid.  Rick      


Could this be further evidence of human activity in the swamp?  If so, who built it?  ibid.



A drilled stone just north-east … of the Money Pit … another near Smith’s Cove … A number of surveyors and treasure hunters including the late Fred Nolan have found similar surface markers across the island believed to be part of an elaborate treasure map.  The Curse of Oak Island s8e2: The Boys are Back Out


These pieces of leather bookbinding support a number of ongoing theories that the Oak Island treasure might not only consist of gold and priceless artefacts but equally priceless historical documents.  ibid.


Although tar may have been made on Oak Island for the purpose of waterproofing ships, it has been speculated that the unique placement of a pine-tar kiln on Lot 15 was most likely for the purpose of weather-proofing some kind of underground tunnel or shaft.  ibid.


‘What first brought the people to look at the Money Pit was a light at night.’  ibid.  team



The Swamp: images from an aerial photograph taken in 1945 may indicate the presence of a mysterious tunnel or searcher shaft.  The Curse of Oak Island s8e3: If the Ox Shoes Fit


‘Some sort of an oxen trail that leads between the paved area inside the swamp to the Money Pit.’  ibid.  Jack