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★ Black Ops

David Stirling returned to his traditional recruiting ground, the clubs of Mayfair.  He formed an organisation called Great Britain 75.  It was a group of military men, many of them ex-SAS.  They planned to take over the running of Britain if the strikes led to the collapse of civil order.  Stirling also formed a secret organisation within the trades unions itself; its job was to fight and undermine the leftwing union leaders.  Much of the money to fund Stirling’s operations came from his friend at the Clermont Club  James Goldsmith.  Like Sterling, Goldsmith believed that politicians no longer had the power to control Britain.  ibid.  



The Neo-Conservatives set out to prove that the Soviet threat was … the majority of terrorisism and revolutionary movements around the world were actually part of a secret network coordinated by Moscow.  to take ever the world.  Adam Curtis: The Power of Nightmares I: Baby It’s Cold Outside, BBC 2004



Instead of delivering dreams, politicians now promise to protect us from nightmares.  They say that they will rescue us from terrible dangers that we cannot see and do not understand.  And the greatest danger of all is international terrorism ... But much of this threat is a fantasy which has been exaggerated and distorted by politicians.  It’s a dark illusion that has spread unquestioned through governments around the world, the security services and the international media.  This is a series of films about how and why that fantasy was created and who it benefits.  Adam Curtis, The Power of Nightmares III: The Shadows in the Cave


The Islamists after their moment of triumph were virtually destroyed within months.  While the Neo-Conservatives took power in Washington.  But then the Neo-Conservatives begun to reconstruct the Islamists.  They created a phantom enemy.  And as this nightmare fantasy began to spread, politicians realised the new power it gave them in a deeply disillusioned age.  ibid.


Now the Neo-Conservatives became all powerful … A small group began to shape America’s response to the attacks: at its heart were Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz, along with the vice-president Dick Cheney, and Richard Perle was a senior adviser to the Pentagon. Last time these men had been in power before was twenty years before under President Reagan.  ibid.


The Neo-Conservatives distorted and exaggerated the Soviet threat.  They created the image of a hidden international web of evil run from Moscow that planned to dominate the world.  When in reality the Soviet Union was on its last legs, collapsing from within.  ibid.


The Islamists after their moment of triumph were virtually destroyed within months.  While the Neo-Conservatives took power in Washington.  But then the Neo-Conservatives begun to reconstruct the Islamists.  They created a phantom enemy.  And as this nightmare fantasy began to spread, politicians realised the new power it gave them  in a deeply disillusioned age.  ibid.


The Neo-Conservatives distorted and exaggerated the Soviet threat.  They created the image of a hidden international web of evil run from Moscow that planned to dominate the world.  When in reality the Soviet Union was on its last legs, collapsing from within.  ibid.



The Neo-Conservatives were beginning to believe that their ideal of freedom was an absolute.  And that this then justified lying and exaggerating in order to enforce that vision.  The end justified the means.  Although they portrayed the Contras as freedom fighters, it was well known that they used murder, assassination and torture.  And also were allegedly using CIA-supplied planes to smuggle cocaine back into the United States.  And to finance the Contras, the Neo-Conservatives were even prepared to deal with Americas enemy – the leaders of the Iranian revolution.  In 1985 those running the Nicaragua operation held a series of secret meetings with Iranian leaders in Europe.  They arranged to sell the Iranians American weapons; in return the Iranians would release American hostages held in Lebanon.  Then the money from these sales would be used by those running Project Democracy to fund the Contras.  The only problem was that this was completely illegal.  And the President knew it.  Adam Curtis: The Trap III: We Will Force You to be Free


Reagan agreed to give the Neo-Conservatives what they wanted … The country would now fight covert wars to push back the hidden Soviet threat around the world.  ibid. 


They began to believe their own fiction … who were going to use force to change the world.  ibid. 



One morning armed police stormed into Afeni Shakur’s apartment and arrested her.  All the other members of her cell were also arrested.  They were charged with what the government said was a giant plan to destroy those elements of society which the defendants called the Power Structure.  It included attacking police stations and planning to bomb five large department stores and the Bronx botanical gardens.  They became known as the Panther 21.  Their trial was held in a state of paranoia about further attacks by the Panthers.  And it also caused a sensation when it was revealed that three of the founding members of the group had been undercover police officers.  Adam Curtis, Can’t Get You Out of My Head II: Shooting and Fucking are the Same Thing, BBC 2021



For 20 years the CIA had been planning assassinations and overthrowing leaders of foreign governments all around the world.  Adam Curtis, Can’t Get You Out of My Head III: Money Changes Everything, BBCiplayer 2021



During the campaign waged by the national political police against the Black Panthers – including assassination, instigation of ghetto riots, and a variety of other means – the FBI estimated the ‘hard core members’ of the targeted organization at only eight hundred ... The repressive agencies of the state proceeded with a campaign of violence and disruption to ensure that the Panthers did not succeed in organizing as a substantial social or political force.  Noam Chomsky, Deterring Democracy



The Navy Seal team members who carried out the assassination of Osama bin Laden on May 2nd 2011 were reporting in real time to President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other officials in the sealed Situation Room.  Following the operation, the New York Daily News commented, ‘Along with the unseen pictures of Osama bin Laden’s corpse and questions about what Pakistan knew, Intelligence Officials’ reasons for dubbing the Al Qaeda boss ‘Geronimo’ remain one of the biggest mysteries of the Black Ops mission.’  Exterminate All the Brutes s1e3: Killing at a Distance or … How I Thoroughly Enjoyed the Outing ***** Sky Documentaries 2021



7/7: Blair initially said that any such enquiry would be a ludicrous diversion in the struggle against terrorism.  7/7: Seeds of Destruction, Vimeo 2:27:25


Accounts of what happened on July 7th are contrasting and varied.  Nothing we’ve been officially told makes any sense.  ibid.


The four British Muslim men allegedly responsible may have themselves been victims of a much larger conspiracy.  ibid.


What is supported by solid evidence is that history has shown that western governments have made a consistent policy of engaging in covert operations including False Flag terrorist attacks.  ibid.


Arbenz was a popular president elected on a platform of reforming the land ownership to help the largely peasant population of Guatemala.  ibid.   


Declassified documents show that Mongoose was not just an operation to kill Castro but involved a series of schemes designed to cause instability in Cuba.  ibid.


‘We must prepare something like a guerrilla network which could then be operated in case of an invasion, so the primary thinking for creating such a unit was we must have the guerrilla unit ready in case of occupation.’  ibid.  Daniele Ganser  


The man actually responsible for the Petiano bombing was Vincenzo Cinciguerra.  He was a member of right-wing terrorist groups … Once his guilt had been established and he was no longer protected by the security services, Cinciguerra became very candid about how Gladio operated.  ibid.


This strategic relationship between NATO, neo-fascist terrorist groups and the CIA culminated in an attack on Bologna train station in August 1990: eighteen kilos of military plastic explosive were detonated in a second-class waiting room.  Over eighty people were killed and hundreds injured.  ibid.


A series of trials ensued in Italy.  It wasn’t until 1995, 15 years after the bombing, that a conclusive verdict was reached.  2 members of a neo-fascist group were convicted of the [Bologna] bombing.  Also convicted for diverting the investigation were 2 Italian intelligence agents who were members of the P2 Masonic lodge.  The grandmaster of that lodge, Licio Gelli, was also convicted for conspiring to divert the investigation.  It became clear that P2 was not just a Masonic Order but a CIA-funded parallel government.  The list of members of the lodge was found in a raid on Licio Gelli’s house in 1981.  Among the 962 names were those of the heads of all 3 Intelligence Services, 48 MPs, industrialists, bankers, media moguls, journalists, civil servants, judges, military officials, and Silvio Berlusconi.  ibid.


The billions of dollars would eventually pay off.  The Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan, their system rotting and bankrupt.  The intelligence alliance had succeeded and had a new proxy force for covert operations.  ibid.


Initial reports have the men taking the 7.48 train to London … The 7.48 train would not have got the four to London in time to catch the tube trains they supposedly bombed.  ibid.


The 7.40 train was cancelled that morning.  ibid.


In the frames from Woodall motorway services Shehzad Tanweer is clearly shown wearing white trousers.  But in the pictures of the four men entering Luton station, Tanweer’s trousers are black.  ibid.


Exactly what happened to the tube trains on the morning of July 7th isn’t at all clear.  The number of explosions, where and when they took place and what caused them are all disputed with official sources often contradicting each other.  ibid.


Throughout the morning the BBC and other major media were quoting officials saying there were far more than just four explosions.  ibid.


It is not exactly clear where in London’s tube network the explosions occurred that morning, and which direction the trains were heading in when the explosions hit them.  ibid.


Train 311 was northbound on the Piccadilly Line, the direction originally given by TFL, but impossible for a suicide bomber travelling from King’s Cross.  ibid.


Exactly where in the carriages the explosions took place is difficult to establish … The explosion being under the train is also indicated by this Sky News interview with another survivor from Aldgate … There are similar accounts from Edgware Road.  ibid.


Efforts to preserve the scene at Edgware Road for forensic examination were hampered by police conducting a controlled explosion.  ibid.


Precisely what caused the explosions on July 7th is a question that has never been properly answered.  Even after the explosion on the bus, officials and the media were saying that power surges had caused blasts or explosions at up to eight tube stations.  They were still talking about six explosions at midday when Tony Blair made his first statement.  ibid.


Witnesses at all three locations described feelings of electrocution and an explosion that sounded like a power surge.  ibid.


The back of the top deck of the bus was completely destroyed and the roof was ripped off.  But pictures taken just after the explosion show passengers on the top deck largely unharmed.  ibid.      


A witness from the top deck of the bus interviewed by the Daily Mail said that she saw police putting up tape to block off the street before the explosion happened.  ibid.