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★ Black Ops

MI6 uses Black Ops throughout the world to try and change the political status quo.  And they have quite a menu of techniques.  ibid.  


‘Any work that’s dangerous, physically dangerous, is not undertaken by MI6 but is undertaken by The Increment.’  ibid.  Richard Tomlinson  


White details of Group 13’s work in Northern Ireland remains classified, some black ops carried out in the province have now been exposed.  ibid.  


Steak-knife gave British Intelligence details of a great many terrorist operations leading to a succession of arrests.  ibid.  


MI6 were publicly exposed: their use of petty criminals and the revelation they had condoned a bank robbery caused them acute embarrassment.  ibid.  re Littlejohns  


Matrix Churchill was accused of selling illegal munition parts to the Iraqis.  ibid.  



They called it Iran/Contra: for many Americans it provided their first peak behind the curtain of the National Security State.  Others were old enough to remember similar scandals.  Counter-Intelligence: Shining a Light on Black Operations s1e2: The Deep State, 2013    


Perhaps the most important investigation into America’s secret government was the Church Committee.  ibid.  


Fearing that the Sandinista model may spread to other countries, former treasury secretary George Shultz called the Sandinistas ‘a cancer right here on our land mass’.  Trained in neighbouring Honduras as well as back home in Florida, the Contras would unleash a reign of terror on the people of Nicaragua.  They focused heavily on economic targets … The Contras had raped, tortured and killed unarmed civilians including children.  ibid.  


‘There’s a correlation between CIA activity and drug production.’  ibid.  Peter Dale Scott 



‘Only the small secrets need to be protected.  The large ones are kept secret by public incredulity.’  Counter-Intelligence: Shining a Light on Black Operations s1e3: The Strategy of Tension, Marshall McLuhan    


Operation Northwoods: In 1962 the joint chiefs of staff drew up and approved what may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the US government.  In the name of anti-communism, they proposed launching a secret and bloody war of terrorism against their own country in order to trick the American public into supporting an ill-conceived war they intended to launch against Cuba.  ibid.


The False Flag Operation takes the concept of black propaganda to a murderous extreme.  Secret agents carry out an act of terrorism or other outrage which is then blamed on the enemy of choice.  ibid.


Sometimes False Flag Operations fail.  Under Operation Susannah in 1954, Israeli military intelligence attempted to carry out a series of False Flag-like bombings in Egypt.  The targets were to be American and British business to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood … The Operation was cut short before the bloodshed could begin: conspirator Philip Natanson was caught attempted to detonate a bomb in a British-owned theatre.  ibid. 


Gladio: The stay-behind networks had been set up to repel a Soviet invasion.  Yet the invasion never came … The myth of Soviet expansionism remained an important component of Cold War propaganda ... In Europe Gladio would provide the ammunition … With no Soviet army to repel, the Fascists increasingly focused on what they regarded as the enemy within.  False Flag terror would be their primary weapon.  ibid.


The programme [Gladio] was closely linked to a Masonic league known as P2 or Propaganda Due.  It was made up of military and intelligence officers, political leaders, industrialists, Mafioso, bankers and even Vatican contacts.  ibid.


Gladio: The Strategy of Tension was a Europe-wide enterprise.    ibid.


On March 16th 1978 Italy’s former prime minister Aldo Moro was kidnapped in a sophisticated military-style operation.  His three bodyguards were killed during the assault.  The attacks were blamed on the Red Brigades, a militant communist group.  Moro had been attempting to create a power-sharing arrangement by which the Italian Community Party (PCI) would be allowed to participate in operations of government with the Christian Democrats.  His compromise was fiercely opposed by the United States.  According to Moro’s widow, he was told at a meeting with Henry Kissinger, ‘You must abandon your policy of bringing all the political forces in your country into direct collaboration … or you will pay dearly for it.’  Moro was murdered shortly after his kidnapping.  ibid.


It remains unknown how many terrorist outrages perpetrated during the Cold War were staged or provocateured by intelligence assets posing as leftists or other political groups.  ibid.


In 1971, at the height of the ‘strategy of tension’ the Berne Club was formed.  It was made up of the intelligence services of the 27 states of what now constitutes the European Union, as well as Norway, Switzerland, and the United States.  It exists to this day.  ibid.


The Tonkin incident never happened.  Yet it allowed for a vast expansion of the American war effort in Vietnam.  ibid.


False flags remain one of the biggest taboos in journalism.  ibid.



‘Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.’  Counter-Intelligence s1e4: Necrophilous, United States Strategic Bombing Survey 1946  


‘Hitherto acceptable norms of human conduct do not apply.  If the United States is to survive, longstanding American concepts of ‘fair play’ must be reconsidered.  It may become necessary that the American people be made acquainted with, understand and support this fundamentally repugnant philosophy.’  ibid.  General Jimmy Doolittle  


Throughout the Cold War the School of the Americas functioned as the primary training group for the teaching of terrorism.  ibid.  


‘But what counter-insurgency really comes down to is the protection of the capitalists back in America, their property and their privileges.’  ibid.  Philip Agee  


Millions of people, mostly peasants, were killed by American proxy forces in Latin America during the Cold War.  ibid.


‘Torture is not designed to acquire intelligence.  It is designed to create fear in others.’  ibid.  Peter Linebaugh, historian


Fallujah: In addition to heavy artillery and 2000-pound bombs, American troops deployed the chemical weapon white phosphorous, which burns through human flesh like acid.  ibid.   



National Defense Authorization Act: Americans could now be subject to indefinite detention and even murder without the benefit of due process.  Counter-Intelligence s1e5: Drone Nation


At one point during his [Obama’s] first term he was attacking people in five separate countries.  ibid.  


The drone operator can kill dozens of people with the flick of a wrist.  ibid.  


A study conducted by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism revealed that only 1.5% of the people killed from drone strikes in Pakistan have been ‘high value targets’.  The remaining 98.5% are made up of civilians and the classification ‘other’.  ibid.     


‘Between May 2009 and June 2011 at least 12 attacks on rescuers were reported by credible news media.’  ibid.  Bureau of Investigative Journalism 



26 days after the first diagnosed case of anthrax, widely reported as a possible 2nd wave of terrorism, October 31st 2001, Robert Kagan appears on C-Span … ‘Are we going to create people who are angry as a result of our bombing?  Yes.’  A Very Heavy Agenda I: A Catalyzing Event, 2015


‘It could well require the use of American military power in multiple places simultaneously.  It is going to resemble the clash of civilizations that everyone has hoped to avoid.’  ibid.  Robert Kagan newspaper article


President Bush eventually called the anthrax mailings ‘terrorism’, which caused the media to speculate on a link to 9/11.  ibid.    


A handful of influential and loyal Neo-Conservatives surrounding the administration took on the task of speculating publicly.  In frequent media appearances, Bush’s Neo-Conservative allies continued to assert connections between 9/11, Iraq and the anthrax mailings.  ibid. 


August 6 2008: The FBI announces that the anthrax letters originated from a US bioweapons lab in Maryland.  ibid. 


PNAC: ‘The elimination of states like Iraq feature prominently in this grand vision’.  ibid.  Rebuilding America’s Defenses 


‘Absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event … like a new Pearl Habor.’  ibid.        


Robert Kagan is chosen by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her Foreign Affairs Policy Board.  ibid.


‘I will devote myself to an American century.’  ibid.  Mitt Romney



Obama promised to usher in a major change from the old ways of the Bush administration: no more cowboy diplomacy, no more pre-emptive war or secret prisons, no more illegal domestic spying without a warrant … Unfortunately, Obama ended up carrying over most of Bush’s policies in regards to fighting the logically problematic war on terror.  Obama even increased the use of illegally dubious methods of stemming terrorists such as targeted drone assassinations and domestic digital surveillance dragnets.  A Very Heavy Agenda II: How We Learned to Stop Worrying & Love the Neo-Cons


George W Bush’s Neo-Con colleagues praised Obama’s foreign policy actions during his first term as president.  ibid.     


Project for the New American Century: The think tank that served as the blueprint for the Bush foreign policy closed and reopened under a new name – the Foreign Policy Initiative.  ibid.


Did the warmakers find the War on Terror not useful any more?  Did we need a new enemy, but really an old enemy?  ibid.


The PNAC Neo-Cons were invited on television to plead for more NATO posturing, stronger sanctions, more aggressive rhetoric and essentially all the ingredients for having a confrontation with Russia either by proxy or directly.  ibid.


Why did there seem to be so little dissenting voices from the new Cold War rhetoric in the American media lanscape if we indeed had a free and independent press?  ibid.